Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 279 The end of the battle

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Then a proud smile emerged from Angel's mouth, but then an expression of uncontrollable surprise appeared on her face, because at this time, Layla also appeared in front of him, and then Layla directly raised her right hand He stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed Angel's throat.

The defensive magic originally set up by Angel was completely destroyed in just an instant in front of Leila. "Guardian of the Holy Heaven!" Angel suddenly broke off a finger cot on his hand, and then twenty-four Magic shields with different attributes were suddenly generated.

In an instant, the most brilliant light ignited in the sky. Although the twenty-four defensive shields blocked Leila's attack, Layla's right hand had no intention of stopping at this time. It just passed through those magic shields little by little, and it was getting closer and closer to Angel's throat. Close, and under Layla's pressing pressure, the protective shields couldn't help but be broken. In the end, there was only a snap sound, and one of the finger cots on Angel's left hand was broken off by her again.

Then twenty-four more identical defensive magics were formed. However, although these twenty-four defensive magics were formed, they were still broken through by Layla. After a while, Layla suddenly showed a very ironic smile. , in fact, no matter what kind of smile a skeleton shows, it looks a little inexplicably scary.

At this time, Leila suddenly retreated, and then returned to Mengnan's back again.

Angel's face became unusually serious at this time. The two finger cots he used just now are actually holy object-level existences. Although they can only be used once, the magic protection formed by them can be said to be one of the best in the magic world. In addition to the most powerful defensive magics, there are very strong defensive types of magic.

Especially when dealing with physical opponents, it is even more effective. But the guy in front of me actually broke through two magics so easily, and then retreated directly. I don't know what it was thinking.

In an instant, fine beads of sweat were already oozing out from Angel's forehead. At this time, she no longer knew how to end it. In fact, Angel would definitely not be willing to admit defeat like this, but if she continued to fight, it would be useless. How to defeat the opponent? I'm afraid Angel doesn't have much defensive means now.

Leila glanced at Angel again at this time, but she didn't make any more moves. She just waved her hand gently and took Mengnan back to the other world.

Seeing Leila leaving, Angel flew directly to Li's side, put a hand on Li's shoulder, and said in a flirtatious tone, "Xiao Lili, this pet of yours is quite fierce, isn't it? "

Li rolled his eyes at this moment: "That's not my pet, and there's no my name written on his head!"

"You are really arrogant!" Angel snorted and went directly to check the results of the little demon lord.

At this time, the four guys who were blessed by the Titan had fallen to the breath and claws of the little demon lord. Then the little demon lord began to slaughter the highlanders around him. Of course, because those who were far away retreated back in a wise manner, they were not attacked at all.

Looking at the situation, Yi Jiafu understood that the situation was over, but a proud smile appeared on his face. He shouted directly and led the team to cut off the rear, and then led the remaining highlanders to retreat underground, leaving here. How could Shi let go of such an opportunity? He rushed down and quickly refined all the highlanders who were further back. Those highlanders ran so fast that they naturally didn't notice this scene at all.

The little demon lord, who had not yet satisfied his appetite, strongly refused Angel's order to return to the abyss. Angel had just been inexplicably defeated by Layla, and her temper at this time was naturally not very good. If it were normal, she would probably use the jewelry on her body to create a magic spell like exile from another world and throw it at her, but this time she was very accurate.

She quickly threw a ball of light with the effect of the Finger of Death. The Finger of Death is a magic with an instant death effect. This magic has a 10% chance of obliterating the opponent. Even if it does not obliterate the opponent, it will The opponent caused great damage, and a mocking smile appeared on the little demon lord's face. He obviously wanted to say that his magic resistance was very high and he would not be afraid of such magic.

But then another ray of light with a finger of death flew out of Angel's hand.

At this time, the little demon lord's face was full of confusion. In fact, he couldn't believe how Angel could use two death fingers and one finger in succession...

At this time, the Highlander King, who fought bloody battles, retreated underground. At this time, he was covered in blood, and there was a terrifying wound on his back with bones visible. It looked like he was at the end of his strength.

Now there are only more than 30 highlanders who have fled back to the underground city with Yijia Server. When they went to war before, they brought a total of 1,500 people with them!

He couldn't help but tremble at this time. Not because of pain, not because of regret and anger, not because of fear and despair, he was now feeling extremely excited that he would be able to take complete revenge.

No matter how strong these guys are, they can't be stronger than God! The great Titan can definitely destroy the other party in an instant. At that time, the women and children in the tribe can continue to breed more highlanders. As for the believers that the Titan needs, it is even easier to rob those humans. Ah, just capture more humans and be refined by Master Titan. The women can mate with you, and the men can be used as food.

But he was still a little scared, and the other party obviously didn't return the favor at all.

With the power of his hand, the other party was actually able to summon such a demon. The terrifying little demon lord actually seriously injured himself with one blow, and then died instantly at the hands of that terrifying witch.

But the other party is definitely no match for Lord Titan! ..

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