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Li felt that his power was being crazily drawn away, as if a water pump was frantically pumping out his own blood, Li's eyes immediately turned red, and Tai Tan didn't let him go at this time. Meaning, just keep suppressing myself.

Li suddenly remembered that the system had said that the so-called contract was only based on the fact that neither party was strong enough.

If Shan Lunli and Tai Tan were indeed unable to break through this limit, what if the strength of the two combined? In other words, this ray of light was not actually set up by Titan, but it was said that this ray of light was used to imprison Titan from the very beginning.

No matter what the origin of this light is now, Li only knows that if he doesn't make any moves, then he will die here!

Sharingan flickered again in Li's eyes, and then let out a loud roar, Susakuman suddenly collapsed, and then Li had already appeared in front of Tai Tan's face, punching hard, at this time Li Maybe it wasn't as big as Tai Tan's head, but Li's attack at this time caused great pain to Tai Tan.

Anyone whose face is attacked will feel great pain, not even a titan can avoid it. The titan was directly bombarded by such a punch and fell to the ground, and there was a roar immediately. In fact, if such a huge body is knocked down, the huge kinetic energy will also cause great damage to itself.

It's just that Tai Tan's body is too strong. Even under such an attack, he just shook his head slightly, and then stood up again. At this time, his eyes were all bloodshot, and his mouth kept saying There were bursts of white air, it seemed that this guy was really fired, at this time he roared and rushed towards Li again, and this time, Li didn't have any intention of dodging.

In fact, Li no longer had Susanoo at this time, and facing the attack of the titan was really small and terrifying, but Li's exposed aura at this time made it impossible for anyone to underestimate him.

He held his left hand empty, as if he was holding a sword in his hand. He raised his hand suddenly, swung it, and then slowly brushed his right hand through the air, as if there really was such a sword in the air at this time. Like a sword.

Ju He Zhan·Xue Zhen.

In fact, there are two types of Juhe Zhan, although they are both drawing swords and slashing, one is to die with one slash, and all the energy and energy are concentrated in this blow, either the enemy dies or we die, Or use it as a starting move.

The other is to retract the sword into the scabbard after each blow, and then draw the sword again... This method can make it impossible for the opponent to find his own flaws. It can be said that if a master If you use this method against someone who is weaker than you, then the opponent has almost no chance of winning, unless the opponent can force him to be unable to return the sword.

As for the drawing of the sword that Li showed at this time, it was actually the untold secret of Ju He Zhan.

Xue Zhen means that after drawing the sword this time, there is no need to withdraw the sword or use the next move, you just need to touch the blood on the sword with your other hand...

Tai Tan looked at Li at this time, and ran two steps forward. At this time, he opened his mouth wide, as if he didn't believe everything in front of him. The person in front of him didn't use that huge shell, but just like this, using A sword that didn't seem to exist swiped, and I...

How is it possible... I am a Titan...

God, how could God be like this? He lowered his head and looked at his chest. In fact, he was almost cut in half at this time, and with the cut in half, he already felt that the power in his body had begun to collapse without limit In the process, he already felt that he couldn't hold on for much longer. After two violent gasps, Tai Tan finally couldn't hold on any longer. Suddenly, he turned into groups of rays of light and scattered around, but these rays of light didn't Being able to escape the circle of light around them, as long as they got a little closer, they would be directly absorbed by those lights, and then huge images began to fill Li's mind.

It was a dark world...

Twelve huge groups of light are floating in mid-air, they surround a certain point, equidistant and equal in length, one of the light groups said, "Now the meeting of executors begins."

Although this light group can't tell that it is a man or a woman, it can be felt from the voice that it is actually a very beautiful woman.

"Understood, what is today's topic?"

"What else can it be! Of course, where will we go after twelve, the energy pool has been exhausted. Do you have any way to keep our consciousness alive? You must know that we rely entirely on the power of the energy pool to survive. "

"I propose to activate the God's plan I mentioned earlier!" A light group that did not speak suddenly began to flicker.

"Rejected! Didn't I say that? The God's plan that you said relies on faith will only lead to the killing of twelve of us in the end, and only one person will be left in the end."

"So what, now our twelve executors can't even survive!"

The person who started talking along with his roar stopped talking, and all twelve people fell into silence. After a long while, the female voice who started talking first said, "I choose to quit, if you really If we decide like this, then we may be enemies when we meet again."

One of the light groups said slowly, "CEO, have you thought about it? If you really choose the traditional path, then we are really immortal enemies!"

"Of course! I still know this self-knowledge, and the fate of the eleven of you has been decided from now on."

The female voice suddenly disappeared into the darkness with a bit of confidence, while the remaining light clusters began to shine continuously, as if they were exchanging some kind of information. ..

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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