Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 287 The Runaway Slave

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"I see that none of the three of us are of any use." Li sighed slightly at this time.

The other two people also gritted their teeth. Now everyone knows that this is a good thing, but no one seems to want to buy it. Then everyone means to share the money. Li glanced at the two people and said, "I think it's better to do this. Let's divide this starlight gold into three parts. Anyway, This is big enough, and besides, this thing can only be used as materials, so it doesn’t matter even if it is divided. If someone finds a buyer, how about informing the other two?"

Hearing what Li said, the other two people could only nod. The three of them were all cunning people. When Li said this, the other two people only wanted to use this thing, but they would definitely not use it too much. , I could only call it that, and then everyone discussed the ownership of the stolen goods in a few words.

Then everyone found a few more good things, some works of art were taken away by Caesar, and a large number of minerals were collected by David. After excluding the things previously distributed and the current things, everyone finally started again. After distributing various things, Li took away three thousand Highland slaves, that is, all the Highland slaves have now returned, and Caesar took away many treasures. Although these treasures are not as good as the Starlight Gold, they are The kind of goods that are in short supply, basically if you want to sell them, a lot of people will buy them, and David collected all the minerals.

Now the three of them were quite satisfied, at least everyone got what they wanted.

In this way, after cleaning up the large Highlander city, everyone escorted the long team of Highlanders and set off. At this time, David also began to mobilize the manpower of the Rhine Chamber of Commerce and began to secretly take over the territory of the Highlanders.

But of course things did not end so happily. These highland people were violent and very stubborn.

It can be said that the hatred between the people from this side and the highlanders is as deep as the sea. Along the way, people from this side were constantly beating and scolding the highlanders and the highlanders rose up to resist. While walking through the dark night forest the next day, the conflict between humans and highlanders finally broke out completely.

First, a guard knocked down an old Highlander who relied on his age to stay away, and beat him hard with a whip. It was at this time that a dozen highlanders who were originally senior warriors suddenly rushed forward and quickly knocked the guard to the ground.

Several nearby guards saw this scene and rushed forward with their swords. After quickly cutting down several highlanders, they did not expect that more highlanders rushed up, grabbed the swords, and killed all the guards. Then more than a hundred highlanders broke away from the group and fled directly into the depths of the forest.

After Li, who was walking at the front of the team, found out about this, his expression immediately darkened.

In fact, he has a refining technique, so he didn't have to worry about this kind of thing originally, but the battle with the Titan made his strength remain at a low point. If he used the refining technique, he would still feel uncomfortable, but he didn't expect this. That's what happened.

Then Li, Yakir, and Yinber immediately led a dozen people to pursue them directly. Soon they intercepted this group of highlanders in the forest.

Naturally, these highlanders were no match for them, but they were immediately brought to the ground by these guys. How could they be able to resist the weakening magic that Li cast? If it weren't for the fact that there were not too few people under Li's command, he would have cast it long ago. paralysis, and then directly had people carry them all the way back. Li's paralysis technique meant that these highlanders were basically unable to move for several days.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than a hundred fleeing Highlanders were brought back. Li, Yakir and Kesa secretly discussed for a while, and Kesa immediately stood up. After he gave the order, his warriors immediately captured eight Highland children.

Then a dozen highlanders started crying immediately. It seemed that they were relatives of these children.

"Okay, now I'll let you see! What will happen if you try to resist your master and try to escape! Aren't you very dangerous? After being hit by the weakness spell, you can still kill me. So many 0 men! Don’t worry, I will never kill you, nor will I kill those who run away or want to run away, nor those who kill people! However, these children! Pay for it with your life! Eight of my people died, and eight of you will die too. This is fair! You are the ones who killed these children!"

As he finished speaking, the warriors who were guarding the Highlanders' children raised their knives and dropped the three heads directly on the ground. "Stop!" At this time, Li shouted and ran over panting.

At this time, he quickly stopped the warriors who wanted to continue attacking, and then started to argue fiercely with Caesar. Less than a moment later, Li returned to the queue of the highlanders and said loudly: "Okay, let the lives of these remaining children be kept! However, if any of you still want to do it, For this kind of thing, first think about how many people you want to kill! Although I am your master, but I am escorting you to China now, I can’t control too much what Caesar will do to you!"

At this time, although there were still a small number of highlanders whose eyes were full of hatred, most of the highlanders had a look of helplessness on their faces. In fact, such a method has caused most of them to lose the intention of escaping.

In this way, any highlander who wants to escape will turn into someone who wants to kill these children. Not to mention that they will definitely be captured by then, the parents and relatives of these children will not let him go easily.

Of course, it was people like Li, Caesar, and David who really harmed the Highlanders, but under the current circumstances, it was

Most people will direct their hatred to a greater or lesser extent towards the immediate cause: the fleeing Highlanders.

Even if some of them have a long-term vision, their words are underestimated. ..

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