Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 296 Conspiracy

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Then Layla in black began to think about Bradman's situation in Acatlia at this time. Although he is now deep into the enemy camp, with his strength, there is probably no one in the entire Acatlia. Who can hurt him?

An army of 100,000 people can't stop such a strong man.

"But fortunately, there are not many people in this world who can really be said to have gone public and experienced harm. The people who can really be said to be powerful are only those three or five people, and basically among them They all look like they have never interacted with each other until death. If this war is won, I really want to persuade Bradman and I to live in seclusion in a place without people..."

Leila in black whispered to herself softly, and then she closed her mouth again, because at this time, the sound of footsteps slowly sounded.

"Miss, your soup is ready. Please drink it quickly. I put a lot of Ruinxin Powder in mine today!" A maid walked in slowly. This person was her personal maid. But he is also someone who can definitely put his mind at ease.

At this time, Layla in black responded softly. Because she was a personal maid, she picked up the bowl of soup without caring, raised her head and drank it directly. Ruinxin Powder is highly poisonous, at least at this time. There are very few creatures in the world that can resist this kind of poison, but Leila in black has to rely on this kind of thing to practice.

She practices magic of destruction and chaos, not dark magic. This is also easily misunderstood. There is no destructive magic in this world, such as Gildas's splitting magic...

Destruction magic has no special use. In short, it is powerful to destroy everything.

Of course, it is not just destruction. Destruction also has art. There are many means for destruction, such as strong explosions, puppet control, poison, and so on.

In terms of strength, Layla in black is already close to level 20. There really is no one in this world who can defeat her easily, but there is something that begins to collapse from within, such as in the TV series poison.

boom! At this time, in the eyes of Leila in black, it seemed that the whole world was broken!

In an instant, it seemed that an extremely hot flame began to burn crazily in her body. At this time, she could even faintly see the fire burning crazily inside her body through her body!

She fell to the ground suddenly, and the severe pain made her curl up into a ball. At this time, she could only resist the crazy heart-burning pain!

She vaguely saw the extremely panic expression on the face of the personal maid, as well as the look in her eyes. Was it poisonous? But what kind of poison can poison me, a powerful magician of destruction and chaos?

"Why..." Leila in black tried her best to say a word, but at this time, along with her voice, only balls of flames spurted out. At this time, the flames shot out from her body and directly burned her coat.

Then a mass of darkness completely covered her vision, and the huge heat had burned away her optic nerve, " eyes!!!"

And it was at this time that a pleasant voice rang out: "Your Highness, Princess of the God of Destruction and Chaos, I am the Apostle of Despair, Saga, and I am honored to witness your beauty."

Another deep voice sounded: "I, the Apostle Mu who is in charge of sorrow, am honored to experience your magic power as deep as the abyss."

Finally, there was a hoarse voice: "I, the solemn Apostle Aludiba, am honored to have the opportunity to be close to you, the incomparably noble and pure bloodline of the Supreme God of Destruction and Chaos."

Hearing the voices of these three people, Leila in black felt her heart skip a beat.

"Dear Princess, the three of us really have no intention of offending you. Please go back with us. What you just drank was the Apostle's Tears prepared by Lord Shaka himself. So you should give up. Of course, if you weren’t so powerful, we wouldn’t have used such a strategy at all.”

At this time, Leila's eyes in black were still dark, but in the darkness, she could still feel the existence of three white holy lights. This holy light made her feel extremely familiar.

There has never been peace between the supreme gods, even if they have always said that they symbolize peace

She stopped struggling and stood up reluctantly. Even with the pain of burning her heart, she still stood up with great pride in front of these three people.

At this time, the heat revealed around him has burned her white robe to ashes. At this time, from her extremely perfect body, you can still see a flame burning crazily inside!

Yes, the powerful magical effects of destruction and chaos allow her to resist and even absorb most poisons, but there is one thing that is absolutely impossible to absorb, and that is the power of order.

What the other party just drank for her was the purest power of order!

Three tall knights strode into the small courtyard, and then surrounded her tightly in the middle.

Leila in black had already forgotten her physical pain at this time. Of course she was speechless now. But she really wanted to ask the guys in front of her why they came here.

At this time, she could feel two extremely hot eyes constantly moving on her body.

Leila in black slowly closed her eyes. These guys are actually descendants of the God of Destiny and Order. They just came to humans forcibly to appear in this world.

on the body.

But it seems that they are very low-level. Although they all seem to have seventeen or eight levels of power, two of them seem to be not extremely strong because of their own strength, so now they have been assimilated into the body. There is such an unbearable thing as lust.

"You'd better not think about other things. I remember you just got out of the bath, right? You probably didn't wear your powerful props on your body, right? So... you'd better wear this demon-sealing ring obediently. , and then we will extinguish the power of order in the body." ..

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