Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 298 Threat

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Li rushed into the bedroom almost in an instant, but the scene in front of him at this time stunned him, because in front of him, an extremely beautiful body was lying prone on his bed. The original bed had been so compressed that it burst apart, and it didn't look like a bed at all.

That person was naturally Leila in black. At this moment, she was lying motionless on the ground. At this moment, Li could only stare blankly at the fragrant scene in front of him.

But soon a white flame burst out from under Leila in black. The flame was so fierce that it swallowed Leila in black into the sea of ​​fire in just a blink of an eye.

Li was stunned involuntarily, and then he quickly grabbed it and filled it up, but then he almost threw it to the ground. The terrifying flames were unbearable even for Li. This was the most primitive thing. The power of the law, Li endured the severe pain, and a powerful spiritual power directly wrapped Leila in black, isolating her directly.

This... Li took a breath of cold air. Now he could see a small, dazzling flame burning in the belly of Leila in black. At this time, the heat of the holy flame had penetrated her body. Her body began to radiate crazily, and a small layer of faint flames actually formed on her skin!

Is Zeref an idiot? Li almost cursed angrily. He just asked Zeref to hurt him, but he didn't ask him to directly beat him to such a serious injury. In this case, it is estimated that the next plan will not be implemented. Li Fan Rolling his eyes, do you really want to do it yourself next?

Is it better to revive him now?

Seeing the holy flame in Leila's body burning hotter and hotter. Li took a deep breath, and then a huge amount of spiritual power directly penetrated Leila's body in black, and then directly enveloped the flame formed by the power of order. The first feeling was naturally severe pain. No one would not feel severe pain. After all, this was the flame of the power of law. Even Yi Yili almost screamed out with his power.

He could only endure the severe pain and began to carefully cut off the connection between the flames and the flames spreading inside Leila's body. After losing the support of this fundamental energy, the spreading flames in Leila's body began to extinguish one by one.

Then Li began to squeeze the initial flame and directly moved it out of Leila's body.

As soon as it left Leila's body in black, the flame dimmed extremely quickly and turned into a ball of liquid only the size of a little finger.

Li looked at the small ball of liquid and couldn't help but sigh, then picked up a small box from the table. This was originally used to hold a magic ring. On top of the magic ring, Li sealed a With a finger of death, the quality of this box is naturally good.

Moreover, although the power of the law is powerful, it must be in the body of a person who has the power of the law that is hostile to it. If it is swallowed by someone who has learned the power of the same type of law, it will be extremely terrifying. Not only does it not hurt, it also has a lot of benefits. At least those below level 16 can be directly promoted to a level!

At this time, Li gently picked up Leila in black. Li was gentle enough at this time, but even such a gentle movement made Leila in black, who was unconscious at the moment, frown slightly in pain.

Li began to slowly explore her injuries, and then even though he was the initiator, anger appeared on his face involuntarily. "Zerf, I'll fuck your ancestor!" He couldn't help but start to roar in a low voice at this time.

Now the inside of Black-clothed Leila's body was almost scorched by the power of the law! Now most of the magic veins in Black Layla's body have suffered near-fatal damage. For a magician, if he is not lucky, he can basically be said to be useless.

But at this time, when I was exploring the body of Leila in black, I had already felt that her body was actually different from ordinary people. At least the injuries in front of me could be reversed.

Just the consumption of a large amount of materials is probably not something that normal people can handle.

It was at this time that Leila in black woke up leisurely. Although she still seemed to want to sleep, she also understood that this was not the time to sleep quietly.

In fact, she was completely hazy under the burning power of the law. At that time, she didn't know what she had done, but she just remembered that she had carried out space teleportation. She didn't even have time to locate her position. She only remembered that she went to a relatively familiar place. She quickly began to use magic to repair her eyes. In fact, after the power of law left her body, her body had already begun to repair itself. In just a few minutes, she had at least recovered part of her mobility. At this time, she slowly opened her eyes.

What surprised her was that a fat face appeared in front of her.

" turns out to be him! I didn't expect that the person I thought I could trust the most was actually him..." When she was thinking this, she was about to struggle to sit up, but in an instant she felt a huge pain. Come on, this excruciating pain made her eyes go dark. At this time, Li could only help her immediately.

Originally, he wanted to play the role of saving Leila in black, but he didn't expect that the whole plan would go so smoothly, except that it seemed that Leila in black was seriously injured.

Li originally wanted to create a situation where Leila in Black was killed and Bradman went into a state of madness. Of course, Leila in Black had such a powerful combat power that he must use some other method to use it for himself. of.

Leila in black then calmed down. As a person with the bloodline of the Supreme God, she has many abilities that are beyond the imagination of others, such as the ability to recover quickly.

She took a deep breath at this time, and black flames appeared all over her body again. She smiled slightly at Li, and just when she was about to say something, her face changed. ..

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