Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 300 Battle

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Li didn't recognize the person in front of him, that is, Saga, but he could tell at a glance that the guy in front of him was obviously injured, and his current strength seemed to be not as good as the younger brothers behind him. It can be said that if Li wanted to at this time, he could easily kill everyone here. But after all, these guys were Zeref's people, so they were also his own people. Li was unwilling to do anything like this, and just looked at him coldly.

At this time, Layla in black also slowly stood up while supporting the wall. At this time, strands of blood spilled from the corners of her mouth. It seemed that the attack just now caused a certain degree of damage to her.

But at this time, she once again regained her previous iceberg-like coldness, and she just stared at Saga like this. However, at this time, Saga was afraid to look directly into her eyes.

But then, he became angry, and what he saw in front of him was just a seriously injured guy! However, now this guy actually made me so slightly afraid! It would be fine if it was at its peak. The power of the first generation bloodline of the Supreme God, even if Saga, Aludiba, and Mu worked together, it would be difficult to say that they would win.

But what about now? After drinking the power of law, even if it is not burned to ashes, it is at least a waste!

"The ninth-level apostle, the lowest level, only has a little blood in him. No matter how hard you try, it seems that it is not easy to pretend to be a big shot now!" Leila in black said in a cold voice at this time. Full of extreme disdain. Rang Li was also startled by this disdainful voice. How proud she is. What about such a proud woman...

Saga was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't help but feel a little weak about his own body. After coming to a human body, his combat effectiveness dropped by an unknown amount! But he forgot that speaking now, Leila in black was definitely suppressed more.

After being rescued from the black flames by Aludiba and Mu, Saga had lost 80% to 90% of his strength.

However, Leila in black was burned by the power of the law for so long. It was rare that she did not die immediately. The three of them understood that even if Leila escaped, she would never be able to escape very far. Then the three of them discussed it. , then each brought a team of people, divided into three directions and began to search.

Saga still had injuries caused by Layla, so naturally he found Layla quickly. The reason why he proposed to take action in batches at that time was because he wanted to take revenge for being seriously injured at this time!

As for how to repay... naturally there is no need to say more.

However, when this time came, Saga was shocked to find that Leila would fall down at any time, but he still had an inexplicable fear of her in his heart!

He couldn't help but calm down and began to think about how he wanted to play with the two people in front of him. When he saw Li, he immediately judged him as just an ordinary low-level magician. He had no interest in killing such a fat man, but when he thought about playing with Layla for a while, he could have an audience, and he felt inexplicably I feel very interested.

Li looked at Saga's expression and couldn't help but roll his eyes. It seemed that this guy didn't give himself a chance to act and just regarded himself as an ordinary person. He didn't even think about how an ordinary low-level magician could directly use the rules. The power is extracted from Leila's body.

Then a lewd smile appeared on Saga's face. "My dear Princess Layla, although I am only the lowest thirteenth-level apostle under the Supreme God of Destiny and Order, and you have the noblest bloodline of the Supreme God of Destruction and Order. But you see, you are now here At that time, we must fully experience the wonderful experiences that only those sad humans can experience in such a humble human body!"

"Is there any point in doing this?" Black-clothed Leila asked calmly without being angry at this time.

"Meaning? The so-called meaning is that it can make me happy! Yes, it is pleasure! What a wonderful word this is. I have to admit that these sad humans at least have some talent in language."

"Really? So this is the whole meaning of your existence, then I know." Then Leila in black closed her eyes, as if she was ignoring the other party at all.

Saga couldn't help but feel a little dry in his mouth at this time. In fact, at this time, he also thought that Leila had accepted her fate. She walked forward excitedly. He wanted to watch the princess in front of him whine under him, and then just like this It went on, and even at the end the princess was so obsessed with it that she yelled not to listen!

The sound of heavy breathing instantly filled the entire room, and Saga slowly stood in front of Leila in black.

At this time, Leila in black slowly opened her eyes and looked at Saga quietly. Saga slowly raised her hand, trying to lift Leila in black's chin. His hands were shaking constantly, which was a sign of extreme excitement. .

"This... seems to be Mr. Saga, right? Can... um... wait a moment." The voice that suddenly sounded was obviously not at the right time, but at this time Saga let out a sigh of relief. In fact, What he felt just now was not only excitement, but also huge pressure. He didn't know how long he could hold on, but this voice seemed to save him. He quickly turned around and saw the man who had just been there. The fat man whom he ignored. ,

At this time, everyone in the field looked at Li. In fact, everyone here did not take Li seriously. In their eyes, Li was nothing more than a low-level magician. They just wanted to kill him.

It seemed like a few minutes, but at this moment Li raised his hand and said: "The scroll I have here was taken from Miss Leila. It is said that it can teleport everyone present here directly to Destroy the treasures of the great general Babylon!" ..

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