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But at this time, Leila in black was completely silent. Li gently put her on the ground and stared blankly at Leila in black, who had fallen into a deep sleep. In fact, his mood was very heavy at this time. .

Li gently closed his eyes. Should he save her now? In fact, the whole plan has been completed. Yes, everyone has betrayed Bradman, his beloved Heiyi Lei. La is about to die, but why does Li feel a little unwilling?

Why? Li sighed slightly and gently touched Leila's face in black, "You actually thought I fell in love with you, so you are really...lucky..."

Li took a deep breath and mobilized all the magic in his body. The only way now is to pour a large amount of magic into Leila's body, but there is no doubt that if it weren't for the magic power of his own attributes, If it enters the body, it will directly cause great damage to the body, so Li has to adjust his magic power to an attribute acceptable to Leila in black.

The light on Li's body flashed several times in succession, and finally turned into a black and reddish color. Then Li directly pressed his hand on the chest of Leila in black, and a large amount of magic poured into Heilongjiang. In Yi Leila's body, after a moment, Black Yi Leila regained some activity.

However, this consumes a lot of money for Li. Now Li even feels as if he has released no less than seven or eight level 10 magic. In fact, there is no magic in his body at this time. If there is a Saga like this at this time, When opponents catch up, they may no longer be opponents.

After a while, Leila in black stretched out slowly. When she opened her eyes, she immediately saw Li's concerned face, "To be honest, I haven't had such a good sleep for a long time. But speaking of , Ogaste, you are really strong, I didn’t expect you to be able to forcibly convert your magic power into the power of destruction!”

Then the two people started to move forward in the forest again, but this time the speed of separation involuntarily accelerated a lot. He didn't know how long the destructive energy condensed by almost all his strength could sustain Leila in black.

"Ogaste, how could you... be willing to give up so many things for me?" Leila in black sighed slowly.

"Ah?" Li was stunned for a moment, "How should I say this? I'd better not tell you anymore, right?"

Leila in black couldn't help but smile at this time: "Please, even if I am a princess, I still have a little bit of vanity, tell me now!"

Li was really depressed at this time. He couldn't really stop talking to her. He thought for a while and said it according to the plots of some romances he had seen before, " was the first time I met her. Maybe I've already fallen in love with you. At that time, we were still outside the imperial capital, in a small city. At that time, you and Bradman went upstairs together. In fact, at that time, in my heart... you were extremely perfect. People are also people who are absolutely unattainable to me. All this time, I could only keep this idea in my heart. It wasn't until the apostle appeared today... that I finally realized how important this idea was."

Leila in black directly put her hands around Li's neck. At this time, even she couldn't help but sigh, "Even if it is a very important thing, you don't have to give up everything for me. You followed me to that place As for the world, even with my care, as an ordinary human being, you can still only rely on yourself to gain power and status. Besides, our place may not necessarily make you like it, and you also Know that the power I believe in is chaos and destruction."

Li sighed slightly, "Leila, I'm still young now. In the final analysis, I still want to pursue my ideals, and I also have the courage to fight against the odds. But I'm afraid, I'm afraid that in a few years, I will I don’t have this kind of heart anymore. No matter what I lose this time, I will never regret it! After all, I’m afraid that if I don’t do something now, I won’t do it in the rest of my life!”

As Li said this, his eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, the big moon was hanging high in the sky. It turned out that everyone had walked out of the forest.

Layla in black closed her eyes slightly, then pointed directly forward, "Lord Papillon's aura is not far ahead, just walk over there."

Li was also refreshed at this time, and he was now very interested in the mysterious demon general Papillon.

"Haha, we're finally here!" Li shouted at this time. In fact, he was a little happy now. He didn't dare to use magic to fly in the forest just now, for fear of being noticed by someone, so he walked all the way. He was really tired when he came here.

However, at this moment, Layla in black gave a bitter smile, and then kissed Li behind the ear, "Ogaste, I didn't expect that in the end, I still lost. I was the one who hurt you."

At this time, a magic circle was set up on the top of the hill, and a group of purple hair was suspended above the magic circle. This group of purple hair was exuding inexplicable pressure.

But at this time, behind the magic circle were thousands of neatly arranged knights! That Aludiba and Saga are standing among them!

However, what attracted Li's attention the most was a middle-aged knight standing very casually in the queue. At this time, it seemed that he was only wearing an inconspicuous full-body armor, but Li could smell a heavy blood on his body. breath.

Li sighed slightly, "Leila, didn't you say... that we would meet Lord Papillon, the great general of destruction, here? His men wouldn't be these knights, right?"

Leila in black did not speak at this time, just silently

looked at the ball of hair.

At this time, Saga took a step forward directly. This time he said in a very serious voice: "Dear Princess Leila, now that you have escaped here, you have probably given up, right?"...

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