Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 307 Revenge

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Zeref raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I will spare his life for the time being. Remember, if I spare your life today, I won't let you go so easily when we meet again next time!"

Li gritted his teeth, but then he noticed that a strong aura suddenly surged from Zeref's body at this time, "But I just said I would spare your life, but I didn't say I wouldn't do anything to you! Six sense deprivation , Tianwu Baolun!"

In an instant, he felt that the whole world was leaving him. This was the reason why all his inspiration gradually disappeared. He wanted to struggle, but all his strength had disappeared. How could he survive such an attack? Almost instantly, all six senses were completely taken away.

Now for Li, he can't see, hear or smell, his tongue is completely numb, and even his intuition is gradually disappearing. At this time, he can only hear a voice, "Don't mess up yet. Move, I will find a solution later."

This voice was the system. When he heard this voice, Li also breathed a sigh of relief. This time he was really stumped. After all, this was originally his own plan, but he didn't expect it to be used by Zeref, and Zeref has been designing himself from the earliest days.

But Li had to sneer at this time. After all, even if Zeref used Ogast's connection to trick him, what would happen? Could it be that he could cheat on himself for the rest of his life? You know, although there is no 90% hope against Zefuli, there is still no problem at 60 to 70%.

After that, let the system cut off the causal connection between you and Ogast, and then it’s time to kill Zeref by yourself. At that time, no one can stop you from killing Zeref!

At this time, Bradman was standing quietly on a hill in Acatlia. At this time, he was looking at the city of Acatlia in the distance. Behind him, 7,300 knights were resting inside.

After dealing with 40,000 pursuers for dozens of days in the Principality of Acatlia, he was already familiar with the terrain within dozens of miles of Acatlia City. In this long battle, he repelled strong soldiers from all walks of life more than 30 times under guerrilla conditions, and killed more than 13,000 enemies. At least more than 2,000 of the cavalry he led fell forever.

Bradman couldn't help but let out a long sigh at this time. If the Archduke of Arcadia hadn't been too cautious and left his most elite 20,000 knights in the royal capital to defend him, maybe he could only retreat to the fortress now. .

Since the war, Bradman has to admire Marshal Olsh's ruthless tactics. Now, except for a few large cities with extremely tight defenses, the other small towns and villages in the Principality of Acatlia are already in flames of war. China was reduced to ruins.

In order to provide supplies, these so-called Southern Alliance armies all wantonly took away the food rations of ordinary people, and then drove large numbers of refugees into the big cities of Acatlia, hoping to use this to consume the defenders. What can I get if this continues? No, or what can the entire alliance gain? Now that I have restrained the opponent's army, the opponent has no mobile troops to destroy the scattered armies of the alliance. However, if this continues, the entire Acatlia will be reduced to ruins.

When he was struggling, his body suddenly swayed and he almost fell off the horse. At this time, his eyes were red, as if he was extremely angry. What he could see in his eyes at this time was slowly walking into a magic circle. Among them was Layla in black, and Li lying on the ground. In addition, there were three people he was extremely familiar with!

Saga, Saga, Arudiba...

These three people are all Zeref's cronies. Yes, they are three of the twelve shields of Zeref, whom he admires most. He gritted his teeth and tried to hold back, but in less than a moment, Bra Deman had fallen off his horse and spat out a mouthful of crimson blood.

What happened? The magic that Layla in black learned is actually incompatible with the magic that Zeref learned. That's why Bradman never dared to let Zeref see Layla in black. Besides, Black Yi Leila has always been in the Grand Duke's Mansion, so she is absolutely foolproof!

Even those people who want to search the Grand Duke's Mansion don't have the courage! Not to mention anything else, she is absolutely assured of her strength. Even if Shaka takes action, no one can keep Leila in black if she wants to leave. Besides, even if there is a possibility, she There is also a last resort for emergency escape, destroying General Papillon! No matter how strong Shaka is, he is no match for Papillon!

"Lord Bradman! What's wrong with you!" A knight suddenly noticed Bradman's strange behavior and ran over immediately. At this time, his face was full of nervousness. You must know that he was now in the enemy's camp. In the rear, if something happens to the general, it will be a big trouble.

Bradman thought carefully for a while and slowly raised his head. At this time, the place where his eyes were pointing was his hometown of Badria City. Slowly he finally made up his mind, and at this moment, the city gates of Acatlia suddenly opened wide, and groups of warriors ran out. Under their protection, groups of knights formed outside the city. Form a square formation and then set up camps at important intersections.

Bradman took a deep breath. From the very beginning, Marshal Olsh's strange strategy, the Principality of Acatlia's timely sending of the Acatlian Knights, and the sudden appearance of the Twelve Shields, As well as what happened to Layla in Black at this time, Bradman has felt that there seems to be an invisible connection behind these things, and now all the conspiracies point directly to Layla in Black!

However, the person behind these conspiracies... has already been revealed.

Bradman nodded slowly to the guard behind him, and the guard seemed to have understood what Bradman meant. It was not that he didn't know military affairs. He already knew that the real purpose of this war was Bradman. ..

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