Now Ning Hao doesn't need a scorpion.

Among Konoha, his current status is not enough, if he insists on bringing the scorpion back to Konoha, a single regiment leader can restrict the scorpion from entering Konoha.

After all, it is the traitor of the Sand Ninja Village, even if it is not a treacherous ninja, the scorpion still has an identity, and it is the grandson of the Chiyo Elder of the Sand Ninja Village.

So it will take a while to bring the scorpion back to Konoha.

What's more, it's true that the scorpion is not needed now, so it's better to send the scorpion to the Akatsuki organization to occupy a position, plus the Uchiha Obito, it must be able to solve some things well.

"You don't need me to do anything now, aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

The scorpion had been released by Ning Hao from the Shenwei space, and the body pierced by the roots had also been repaired, and he followed Ning Hao's side.

"It's useless!"

Ning Hao walked in front of the scorpion: "Everyone has a very special aura, and I can feel this qi = aura, I can't find you at any time." "

"Of course, my current strength will not be able to cover the entire ninja world, but once I step into a certain range, I can feel it; when my strength becomes stronger, I may not be able to find your existence in the entire ninja world...... "Ning Hao said and turned around and looked at the scorpion: "And it won't take too long!"

"Cut ......" The scorpion also pursed his lips disdainfully, but he didn't doubt what Ning Hao said.

When he fought with Ning Hao before, he chose to retreat, and even returned to the base. But Ning Hao still found the base he was in, and even used deep time and space ninjutsu to enter his base.

This was a fact, so the scorpion didn't doubt what Ning Hao said.

"Since it's okay, I'll go first. The scorpion said lightly, now there is nothing to do with Ning Hao, he can't follow Ning Hao to Konoha, right?

"Well, see you next time. "

Ning Hao didn't care, and continued to move forward, waving his hand without turning his head.

"See you next time...... Scorpion said and stopped, watching Ning Hao continue to move forward, he couldn't understand what was going on with Ning Hao, grabbed him, and let him go like this?

Didn't do anything? just said a promise, or did he just say a word, and Ning Hao believed it?

Is it not deeply involved in the world? Or is it in the chest, and there is no fear that he will run away?

The scorpion's heart wavered, and he could only take one step at a time.

Just like Ning Hao himself said, a new ninja war may break out at any time, maybe Ning Hao will die in battle?

No one can guarantee that nothing will happen, can they?

Just wait a few years and then look at it, now Ning Hao's strength is so strong, if it is really ridiculously strong in a few years, the scorpion has nothing to refute.


looked at Ning Hao's distant back, and then left with an instantaneous technique.


As soon as the scorpion left, he felt that someone was chasing after Ning Hao, and there were quite a few people.

The scorpion suddenly hidden, wanting to see who it was.

"Is it the Shadow Division!, or is it the Pursuit Force?Iwa Ninja's Pursuit Force?" The scorpion watched as a team of ten people followed Ning Hao's clues all the way, and soon they were about to catch up with Ning Hao.

As Chiyo's grandson, the Scorpion is the dark part of the Way of Nature and the pursuit troops, plus these masks that are not right to chase and kill, and the symbol of Iwa Ninja Village is again, it is obvious that it is because of the death of Teramoto Cheng, so he is chasing and killing Ning Hao.

"Keep up. The scorpion made a decision in his heart and followed directly behind the chasing troops. These people are all good materials for making puppets, and they lost more than a dozen puppets in the battle with Ning Hao before, and now they just make up for it.

Because the scorpion has been transformed into a puppet, in terms of concealment, as long as he doesn't get too close and doesn't make any mistakes, even if it's the pursuit of the Iwa Shinobi, it will be difficult to discover his existence.

"There's a second person here!"

At the place where Ning Hao released the scorpion, Iwa Shinobi's pursuit force stopped and saw the traces left by the scorpion.

Originally, there were only traces of Ning Hao alone, but now there are traces of one more person, and it is obvious that Ning Hao has had contact with people.

"Konoha people?"

"It seems to be a person again, it should just be a message or something......"

"In short, be careful, don't be calculated by Konoha's people, maybe Ning Hao is just a bait. "

Yan Ren's pursuit was not right and continued to move forward, and after following for a while, he found that it was indeed Ning Hao's trace after that, and it seemed that he had become a person again.

"Let's do it, enter the land of fire before we say goodbye. "

Ten people suddenly accelerated and chased after Ning Hao.

"With Ning Hao's perception, it's impossible not to find out. "

After thinking about it for a while, the scorpion knew that Ning Hao must also know that someone was following, Ning Hao had said before that he had a strong sense of perception, and he also had a special sense of perception, what could he feel about the breath...... So the scorpion also followed directly.


Yan Ren's pursuit did not allow the troops to chase with all their might, and soon caught up with Ning Hao, and the ten people also shot directly.

More than a dozen kunai shot out from all directions on the ground and attacked Ning Hao, and the iron wires were woven into a net, trapping Ning Hao in the middle.

Ning Hao dodged the attacking kunai and shuriken.

But even with the attack, these shurikens and the discounts that he didn't carry had been compiled into a net, blocking his way!

With the pull of the four rock ninjas' hands, the iron wires closed, binding Ning Hao, and the four rock ninjas used their strength, and these iron wires even directly cut through Ning Hao's body, cutting Ning Hao's body open.

"Water Escape, Water Wave!"


The combination of water mines, rushing towards the bound Ning Hao, the power of the water escape is not too great, but after the water escape carrier thunder light hits Ning Hao, it can greatly paralyze his body.

Four of them moved closer to Ning Hao, and then stabbed at him with a wave of their short knives!


The short knives in the hands of the four rock ninjas directly pierced Ning Hao's body, and everything seemed surprisingly smooth.

But...... Isn't it too smooth?

The scorpion hiding in the distance also frowned slightly, he also felt that Ning Hao was real?


A piercing voice remembered, and the chasing ninja of Iwa Shinobi looked sideways and looked at the direction where the voice came!

And the scorpion was very familiar with this voice, and he also looked at it, and suddenly kept retreating;

"Sure enough...... How could this guy die so easily!"

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