"Ning Hao!"

Behind Ning Hao and Sunset Hong, a faint voice remembered, very cold, and very familiar.

The two of them turned their heads and looked at each other, they could recognize them at a glance with silver hair, a short knife on their backs, and a mask covering half of their faces.


"Long time no see!"

Ning Hao and Sunset also said hello to Kakashi, but the indifferent Kakashi just nodded and said to Ning Hao, "You actually became a shinobi one step ahead of me!"

Although he said that, Kakashi also knew that Ning Hao's strength far surpassed him.

Ning Hao shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "So you have to come on." "

"Alright, let's find a place to sit down and have a bite to eat, let's get together, you seem to get together rarely!"

Bo Feng Shuimen proposed that everyone sit down and talk for a while, and everyone did not object. It's the middle of the year, and the sun in the sky is already hot, making people feel lazy all the time.

In addition, the recent heavy tasks are also rare to take a break, everyone walked into a cold drink shop, sat down to chat, and time passed quickly.

After resting for two days, Ning Hao and Bo Feng Shuimen also took people out on a mission one after another.

Soon, the situation in the ninja world was almost on the verge of breaking out, and the major ninja villages had begun to incorporate the surrounding small countries so that they could better launch attacks on other ninja villages.

And these small countries also understand that at such a time, they can only choose one big country to rely on, otherwise it is very likely that they will not be eliminated in the war.

A few months later, Danzou traveled to the Land of Rain to negotiate an alliance with the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, Sanshoyu Hanzo.

The Land of Rain can be said to be the place where the three major ninja villages must be contested, and whoever can take it down can not only have a strong ally, but also use it to attack or defend.

After all, Rain Ninja Village can be said to be the most powerful ninja village under the five ninja villages, and Sanshoyu Hanzo is also a long-established figure.

But he can be regarded as old, and he doesn't have the ambition and feelings of the Second Ninja World War, and the original Rain Ninja Village has fought with Sand Ninja, Konoha, and Rock Ninja, and he has carried it hard, which is also very powerful.

It's just that after that, the rain ninja village is starting to go down the road, and the loss is too great, plus Konoha, Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja have limited the development of the rain ninja village, and now the strength of the rain ninja village is not too strong, and Sanshoyu Hanzo can only choose a big country to form an alliance to ensure that it survives the battle that is about to be brought.

"Ning Hao, Hokage-sama has something to discuss with you in the past!"

The Ning family, a dark part appeared next to Ning Hao, compared to before, the dark part that is now following Ape Fei Ri Slash's side is already quite polite to him.

"I see. Ning Hao nodded and said to Sunset, "Let's go, Red!"

"It's good if you go alone. The dark part suddenly spoke.

Sunset Red was slightly stunned, with a hint of doubt on her face. And Ning Hao nodded, and said to Sunset: "Wait for me at home!"

"Hmm!" Sunset Red nodded, looking at Ning Hao with some concern: "Be careful!"

"Don't worry!"

As he spoke, Ning Hao directly appeared in the Hokage's office using the teleportation technique.

This time, it was the dark department who personally invited him over, and the ape flying sun slash and the other dark departments must know about it, so he also appeared directly in the ape flying sun slash's office.

"Is there anything the Hokage looking for me?" Ning Hao appeared, looking at Ape Fei Ri with a puzzled face, since he was asked to come over alone, there must be something important, right?

Ape Feiri looked at Ning Hao, and said seriously: "There is a task that you need to deal with, it may be a little dangerous, and try to keep it as confidential as possible, and you can't reveal your identity!"

"Assassination?" Ning Hao heard it, and probably guessed what the mission was.

Ape Fei Ri Slash also nodded without hesitation, and said: "Yes, this mission is to assassinate the leader of the Grass Ninja Village, the difficulty should be relatively large, how? Can you be competent? What resources are needed, you can tell me! This mission may conflict with the Iwa Ninja, so you have to be careful!"

"That's right!" Ape Feiri thought of something, and said: "Your Mu Dun, Writing Wheel Eye, and flying ability, try not to use it, and the rest is free!"

The ability to escape and fly, only Ning Hao can use it in the ninja world today, and the writing wheel eye is also the symbol of the Uchiha clan, these three are too obvious, and you can know at a glance that it is the person of Konoha.

In addition, it doesn't matter if Ning Hao uses other ninjutsu, even if it is a very obvious ninjutsu.

After all, ninjutsu can also be learned or studied by others!

And after the assassination was successful, needless to say, you could guess that it was Konoha's people who did it.

But guessing is the thing, there is nothing to prove it!

The alliance between the Grass Ninja Village and the Iwa Ninja Village is a bit dangerous for the Fire Country, after all, between the Earth Country and the Fire Country is the Grass Country, and once the Grass Country and the Iwa Shinobi reach an alliance, it will be easy for the Iwa Shinobi to attack the Fire Country.

However, the leader of the country of grass insisted on going his own way, and it was useless for Konoha to negotiate, and even the negotiation team was killed.

Ape Fei Ri was also a little angry about this matter, and after getting the news, he found Ning Hao. Originally, I wanted to find Bo Feng Shuimen, but Ning Hao was in Konoha and could also use space-time ninjutsu, so it should be relatively simple.

"I know, leave it to me!" This task should not be difficult for Ning Hao, at least to infiltrate the Grass Ninja Village, it is still very simple for him.

Ape Fei Ri said, "Then I'll leave it to you, do you need any help?"

"No need, just take a photo and a general map of Kusanobi Village. Ning Hao said.

"These have been prepared for a long time, don't you need the others?" Ape Fei Ri Slash took out a few photos and maps and handed them to Ning Hao.

"No, I'll go first. "

Ning Hao took the photo map, and then directly used Kamui to transfer outside Konoha and disappeared into the office of the third generation.

This matter needs to be kept secret, Ning Hao didn't even go back to say goodbye to Sunset, but when he left, Sunset Red should have known that he would go on a mission.

Leaving Konoha, Ning Hao did not go directly to the country of grass, but went to the country of rivers first......

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