Ning Hao didn't pay any more attention to the affairs of Yunin Village, since there were scorpions, and Xiao Nan and Nagato were fine in the original book, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Secretly returning to Konoha, Ning Hao has also added a strong stroke to his ninja career: super S-level mission!

After all, it is very difficult to assassinate the leader of a ninja village, and to change to a larger ninja village is to assassinate the 'shadow' of a ninja village, and its difficulty and importance can be imagined.

"You've worked hard during this time, let's go back and rest first!"

In less than ten days, Ning Hao completed this task, I have to say that this is already a very fast task, but the specific process, and there is no news yet.

It's also because the grass ninja village itself is not big, there are not many intelligence personnel, and the entire grass country is blocked, not to mention the grass ninja village.

Now in the country of Kusano, the person who assassinated the leader of the Kusanobi Village is being pursued with all its might.

"Then I'll go first. "

Ning Hao nodded, and returned to Ning's house directly, and Xi Rihong was relieved to see him come back and not be injured.

A few days later, Ning Hao and Sunset Red continued their mission, and the death of the leader of the Grass Ninja Village did not pay attention to the many people in Konoha who came. Only some of the ninjas, or elders, will pay attention.

After all, to their extent, they are also concerned about the situation in the ninja world, and the alliance between the Grass Ninja Village and the Iwa Ninja is a huge threat to Konoha, so the assassination of the leader of the Grass Ninja Village this time should be done by the people on their Konoha side.

As for who did it, the crowd has not yet been told.


Land of Rain!

With a cold sweat, Danzo left the Land of Rain.

Originally, he went to discuss the alliance with Sanshoyu Hanzo, but Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't agree at first, but Tuanzang told the Sanshoyu Hanzo about the organization, and felt that if the entire organization continued to develop, it would definitely threaten the status of the Rain Ninja Village, and as a condition for the alliance, he might help get rid of this organization, and Konoha would not restrict the development of the Rain Ninja Village in the future......

Of course, if you say so, who will pay attention to specific things in the future?

The top priority is naturally to reach an alliance with the Rain Ninja Village first, which is right!

At this point, Sanshoyu Hanzo also knows that now from Chengruo, even if he writes the contract of alliance, he can regret it at any time!

To put it bluntly, it's just a piece of paper. But I heard that Tuan Zang was willing to help get rid of the Xiao organization, and Konoha itself was an adult village, and it was also a good choice to form an alliance with Konoha , so Sanshoyu Hanzo dragged on for a while and won more benefits, so he also agreed.

After that, Hanzo and the Akatsuki organization discussed, and now the situation in the ninja world has changed greatly, he wants to borrow the power of the Akatsuki organization to put forward a peaceful negotiation proposal to the three major countries of fire, wind, and earth, and the two sides will temporarily put aside their grievances and unite the forces of both sides, so that they can get more bargaining chips in the negotiations.

And the Xiao organization also believed that Yahiko also went to the appointment.

In the end, Tuan Zang and Sanshoyu Hanzo launched an ambush, and seeing that victory was just around the corner, they didn't expect that the last person with the eye of reincarnation would psychically create a humanoid monster, open his mouth and roar, and instantly fall a large number of people!

Most of the people brought by Tuan Zang also lost, but fortunately he was far away, if he was closer, he might have died.

So he was also shocked into a cold sweat and retreated directly, and the mountain education Hanzo also suffered a huge loss, and he didn't figure out what was going on, so he could only retreat first.

Tuanzang lost a lot of his subordinates, and in order to avoid any dissenting intentions from him in the mountain education Hanzo, he also evacuated the country of rain with people and returned to Konoha. Anyway, I have already reached an alliance with Yu Ninja Village, and this time when I ambushed the Xiao Organization, Sanshoyu Hanzo suffered a lot of losses, and it was too late to regret it after forming an alliance.

After retreating, Sanshoyu didn't feel that Nagato and Xiaonan were chasing after him, and after half a day, he also sent someone back to check it out, and found that the two had fled.

Seeing this, Sanshoyu Hanzo also guessed that Nagato and Xiaonan, who have reincarnation eyes, may also be the end of the strong crossbow.

"Chase, chase, I must eradicate the Xiao organization!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo gave the order, and the people of the Rain Ninja Village immediately took action, looking for the Nagato and Akatsuki organizations and other members of the Akatsuki organization in the land of water, and they must be torn off and eradicated.

"Xiao Nan...... You have to worry about me, you can go! or you will die! I can't do it anymore!"

In a forest in the south of the Land of Rain, Xiao Nan was sweat-stained, with a lot of stains on his face, looking very embarrassed, and carrying Nagato, who had become flesh and bones, on his back!

And Nagato no longer had the strength to struggle, and with a pale face, he could only lie on Xiao Nan's body, his back was pierced by an iron rod, and his feet were blown up by the detonation charm......

Fortunately, it is also because of the relationship between the use of the Outer Dao Golem that Nagato has become flesh and blood, otherwise Xiao Nan really wouldn't be able to take Nagato so far.

"Xiao Nan......" Nagato, who had any strength in his body, lay behind Xiao Nan and read again.

But Xiao Nan didn't speak, there was no expression on his cold face, he held Nagato's back with one hand, and held the hands of the elders with the other, moving forward quickly.

"Don't speak, save some strength!"

Xiao Nan, who was moving forward quickly, also spoke, his tone was very light, but he was very firm!

This means that she won't give up on Nagato.


And behind Xiao Nan and the others, Yu Shinobi's people were already approaching.

After all, Xiao Nandai and Nagato are not fast, and they don't have time to clean up the traces left behind, so it is still easy for Yunin Village to find the traces of their progress.

Nagato didn't speak, she knew Xiao Nan's character, although it looked cold, but her heart was very firm, and once she decided something, she wouldn't change.

If Xiao Nan escapes by himself, it shouldn't be difficult.

Because Xiao Nan's paper escape can fly, knowing that because of him, the speed of flight will not be too fast, and it is too eye-catching, it is better to move forward in the dense forest.

So Nagato only blames himself at the moment, if he was killed by the detonation charm at that time, he would not have affected Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan escaped by himself, it was definitely not difficult......

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