"Let's put this matter aside for now, you develop your organization first, and wait until you have enough manpower!"

"When will you be able to directly control the entire Rain Ninja Village after killing the Sansho Fish Hanzo, that is, it will be a manual time......"

Ning Hao put forward his opinion, Xiao Nan and Nagato, who was controlling the squinting eyes of the Heavenly God Dao in the distance, also thought about it for a while, and finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, then let's develop the Xiao organization first1!"

It shouldn't take too long for Xiao's organization to reorganize, Nagato can now use the six doppelgangers, and his strength has greatly improved, and it should develop quickly. And now the situation in the ninja world has become severe, and it is very simple to take advantage of this opportunity to develop and surpass the moment when the Xiao organization was at its peak ~ peak.

And what Ning Hao said is also right, after the Xiao organization develops, there will be enough power to directly control the rain ninja village, so that it can be based on the rain ninja village and slowly grow, at least let the rain ninja village and the rain country not be affected by the ninja war.

Moreover, Sanshoyu Hanzo is already old, and if it drags on for a year, the strength of Sanshoyu Hanzo will drop by a few points.

"Help you, it's not unconditional!"

Seeing that Xiao Nan and Tenjin Dao Yahiko agreed with the suggestion he put forward, Ning Hao also said, "After you take control of the Rain Ninja Village, maintain an alliance with Konoha!"

This is a little request from Ning Hao!

If he didn't ask for anything and helped Xiao Nan for free, even he felt a little incredible, wondering if there was something else.

What's more, it's Xiaonan and them!

After all, Ning Hao and Xiao Nan are not familiar with each other, at best, it is because Xiao Nan and the three of them are disciples of Zilaiye, this relationship has no effect at all, and they are not even a teacher disciple, why should Ning Hao help like that?

"Okay!" Xiao Nan and Tenjin Dao Yahiko nodded, this matter is very simple, but they also have a request: "If we take control of the Xiao Organization at that time, you can't tell this matter!"

"Deal, if I can, I may become the Hokage in the future, and then we can work together. Ning Hao said with a smile on his face.

When he said this, he just gave Xiao Nan and them an illusion. The reason why he will help is also because he will think about it himself!

"In that case, we'll contact you again when it's time to do it. "

Said and Konan and Tenjindo Yahiko left.

"Yes, be careful!"

Ning Hao also nodded, waved goodbye, and went out to play with Sunset Red.

This mission has been completed, and the person named Ning Hao before is the person arranged by Xiao Nan.

"Sanshoyu Hanzo is the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, right? It should be very powerful, right? Wouldn't it be dangerous for you to do this?"

On the trail, Ning Hao and Sunset Hong took off the kunai, just like a couple walking on a quiet path, especially Sunset Red walked backwards in front of Ning Hao, looking at him worriedly.

"It's okay, Sanshoyu Hanzo isn't a big deal to me. Looking at Sunset Hong's worried look, Ning Hao said confidently.

"That'...... Who are they?It seems that they are rebellious!" Sunset Red looked at Ning Hao cautiously with a pair of crimson eyes, he was very curious, and he was worried that asking this question would make Ning Hao unhappy.

"They......" Ning Hao smiled slightly and said: "Speaking of which, the two of them, plus the other person who didn't come, are actually disciples of the Three Ninja Jilaiye, but they are from the Rain Ninja Village, and they will definitely become very powerful people in the future!"

"It turned out to be a disciple of Jiraiya-sama. Sunset Red nodded in surprise, and then asked with great interest, "Ning Hao, do you want to become a Hokage in the future?"

"Yes!" Ning Hao nodded and said, "The fifth generation Hokage, I will fight for it! At the latest, it may also be the sixth generation, I can't run!"

In Ning Hao's opinion, the four generations of Hokage are out of play, and it may basically be Bo Feng Shuimen.

And the five generations of Hokage he should also be possible, after the death of the original book in the wave Feng Shuimen, Sarutobi made a strong comeback, and once again took charge of Konoha for many years, and was looking for Jiraiya to come back to inherit the position of the five generations of Hokage, just because he didn't find it.

Now that he has Ning Hao, when he is older, he will probably be more than fifty years old, and when he is older, he will be able to become the fifth generation Hokage.

The premise is that he must achieve good results in this battle, just like Bo Feng Shuimen!

With such achievements and fame, no matter how bad it is, he can become a sixth-generation Hokage, right?

"Why isn't it the fourth generation Hokage?" "When Sunset Hong heard that Ning Hao was going to become the Hokage, he was also very interested, after all, it was the Hokage!

And she didn't doubt Ning Hao's words, after all, Ning Hao was powerful, and he was also a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, so it was completely possible to become the Hokage. It's just a little curious why it's not the fourth generation of Hokage, but the fifth or sixth generation, after all, there are only three generations of Hokage now, and the next generation should be four generations of Hokage.

Ning Hao smiled slightly and explained: "The third generation Hokage is old now, and the fourth generation Hokage should be replaced in two years, and I will only be fifteen years old when I die, so I will be out of action for the fourth generation Hokage!"

"Hmm. When Sunset Hong heard Ning Hao's words, it seemed that something was really going on: "Who will the four generations of Hokage be?"

"Bo Feng Shuimen!" Ning Hao said casually.

"Is it him?" said Sunset, "I thought it was about Jiraiya-sama or Orochimaru-sama!"


After playing outside for a few days, it's almost time to calculate, and Ning Hao and Sunset Red are also back to Konoha.

Approaching the year of the wood, just like Ning Hao thought, Ape Fei Ri Slash announced the cancellation of the middle ninja exam, and many people can see something from it!

The war may be about to start, so the middle ninja exam has been canceled.

And time has slowly entered the forty-sixth year of Konoha!

This year, Ning Hao was twelve years old, and Xi Rihong was thirteen years old.

And on the first day of Konoha Forty-six, one first-level wish power has been reached every year.

[Existing Level 1 Wish Power: 3, Level 2 Wish Power Fragments: 5, Level 3 Wish Power Fragments.] 】

In addition, after a while, the cooldown time of [Other Gods] is almost complete......

(Stuck in the background as a dog...... Depressed~)

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