"Don't get in the way, when the time comes, the Sand Ninja Village will be taken care of, where is needed, I'll just go over and help." "

Ning Hao said lightly, for him, every battlefield is like a place to brush up on prestige, although there is no such thing as prestige in the system.

But on the battlefield, information is the fastest spreading, so as long as he reaches a battlefield, Ning Hao has the ability to leave a 'deep' memory for all enemies!

"Do you think that you can complete the mission in three or two days during the battle? Even if the mission is still a month!"

Ape Feiri looked at Ning Hao with an indifferent look, and he was also depressed, feeling that this war was in Ning Hao's eyes, and it felt like it was as simple as a mission?

You must know that there are too many things involved in the war, and all kinds of war resources began to be prepared years before the outbreak broke out, and this is a battle that lasts for several years, and it is definitely not something that can be done in a moment and a half, and the resources required are too much.

"I didn't say that it would be over soon, and when the battle stabilized, I would rush over where I was needed, and it wouldn't be long anyway. "

Ning Hao still looked relaxed, of course he would have a long time to fight, but the real tease and charge, in fact, was not so many times, after missing it, it basically fell into stability, and then there were assassinations and raids.

In this way, he can also rush to other battlefields.

In the past half a year, Ning Hao has also studied the technique of the Flying Thunder God, and at the border of several major ninja villages, he has carved the technique, and when the time comes, he can directly use the divine power and transfer to the past.

"Go, go!" Ape Fei Ri Slash waved his hand helplessly.

During this time, he already had an understanding of Ning Hao's strength, and generally the ninja elite were not the opponents of this little guy, so there was basically no need to worry about safety, not to mention that this little guy could also use space-time ninjutsu, and it was very easy to escape.

also officially has space-time ninjutsu, Ning Hao can say that kind of thing, and go back and forth between several major ninja villages, and only he and Bo Feng Shuimen can do it.

But this is also a good thing, Bo Feng Shuimen and Ning Hao will definitely be famous in the ninja world on this battlefield!

This is the instinct of the ape flying sun, and it is also a thing to be happy about, Ning Hao and Bo Feng Shuimen have completely grown up, and the Konoha will become more and more powerful for the future.

"Then we'll go first!"

Ning Hao said with a big hand on Sunset Red's shoulder, and said lightly: "Don't resist!" Then his body slowly twisted, sucking Sunset Red into the Shenwei space, and the two disappeared together in front of the Ape Flying Sun Slash.

"It's really cheap, Sunset is really red, that kid!" Seeing Ning Hao and Hill Hong disappear in front of him, Ape Fei Ri shook his head with a smile on his face.


"Where is this? It's beautiful, it's just a little dark!"

Sunway Space.

This is the first time that Sunset Red has come here, and the previous tasks are too easy, there is no need for Shenwei to hurry, there is no danger, and Ning Hao did not put Sunset Red into the Shenwei space.

"Shenwei space, the space carried by my writing wheel, the kaleidoscope writing wheel!" Ning Hao was not in a hurry, he sat down on a chair, Jilai and Bo Feng Shuimen had just set off, and there was no need to rush over to the Sand Ninja battlefield in such a hurry.

"Hmph, I already knew that you had awakened the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye. Sunset Red snorted, looking like I had seen through you a long time ago, but she was still more interested in the Shenwei space.

Because Ning Hao has Mu Dun's care, the entire ground is a lawn, with a large sea of flowers and trees, which looks very beautiful, and the only drawback may be that it is a little dim.

Ning Hao sat on the chair, because he was the only one who entered and exited the Shenwei space before, so there was only one chair.

Ning Hao patted his tui, and Xi Rihong was also sitting on Ning Hao's tui, Ning Hao took the first floor and put her in his arms: "If you encounter any danger, I will tighten you in the Shenwei space, and when the time comes, I will remind you, just don't resist." "


Sunset Hong nodded, this time she went to the battlefield, she had never experienced a large-scale battle, and when she heard Ning Hao's advice, she also nodded very seriously.

"Alright, let's go!"

After walking around the Shenwei space, Ning Hao also left directly with Sunset Red.

In the country of the river, the base of the scorpion is hiding on the ground, and Ning Hao left a spell here, so he transferred it directly here.

A whirlpool was set off in the air, and Ning Hao and Sunset's bodies rotated slightly, and then stood on the ground.

"This is here?" Sunset Red looked around, and found that it was a forest, and there was no way to tell where it was.

"Well, I've already arrived in the country of the river!" Ning Hao said, and at the same time felt the scorpion's qi, but didn't feel it, proving that the scorpion was not at the base.

"Then didn't we go too far and run to the back of Sand Ninja Village?"

The Sand Ninja Village has crossed the River Country and entered the Fire Country, and there has been a conflict with the Konoha Ninja forces in the defense line, but now Ning Hao and Sunset Red have appeared in the River Country, and it can also be said that they have walked behind the Sand Ninja Village.

It's the rhythm of the sneak attack!

And definitely a great opportunity!

Ning Hao also officially hit this idea, and said with some expectation, "Let's go, see if you can outflank the sand ninja!"

After a while, Ning Hao, who was originally moving forward with Sunset Red, suddenly stopped, and said with some regret: "It seems that it is not good, the other party is on guard." "

In his perception, Ning Hao found that even in the rear of the Sand Ninja Village, there were many people who were on the defensive side, and the closer they were to the Sand Ninja's station, the more severe this defense became.

And there must be a sentient ninja among them, who carries sunset red, and there is a high probability that he will be discovered.

"What should I do then?" Sunset Hong knew that Ning Hao had sentience, and looked at him with some doubts.

Now that they have all walked behind the Sand Ninja Village, they want to make peace with the people on the border of the Fire Country, rush out of the River Country, break through the Sand Ninja's defense line, and enter the Fire Country.

Ning Hao looked at Sunset Red and said, "Why don't you go back to the Shenwei Space first, and I'll go and sneak attack, and then return to the Fire Country?"

"Okay~ But you have to be careful!"

Sunset Red thought about it, and it seemed that there was only one way to do it!

(Four more sent, ask for a wave of subscription~)

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