However, because of this incident, the Uchiha clan also changed their perception of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that was originally out of reach......

Since Ning Hao was able to awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye at the age of twelve, it proves that the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is actually not out of reach.

In fact, in these years, the Uchiha clan has also been studying the kaleidoscope writing wheels, and will even contact two people with different talents from an early age, cultivate the relationship between the two, and finally ...... When one of the gifted people enters the Three Hook Jade, and really masters the Three Hook Jade Writing Wheel Eye, he will be asked to kill another person with poor talent......

Even so, the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye never appeared, and the training of this mode slowly decreased.

The entire Uchiha clan became enthusiastic because of Ning Hao's awakening of the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel, and they all thought that they might be able to awaken the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

The whole phenomenon is actually not good.

At least Sarutobi and Danzou don't want to see it......

"The Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye really exists...... That's fast!"

Uchiha Shisui was also slightly surprised when he heard Ning Hao awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but he didn't seem too surprised. Because he had fought with Ning Hao, and more than once.

He had already understood Ning Hao's level of evil, so he didn't feel too surprised, but let him be sure that there was such a level of existence as Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, and he would also work in this direction.

"Stop the water, the patriarch is looking for you. "

The Uchiha was then called away by Uchiha Fugaku.

Needless to say, it must be because of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye thing.

Uchiha Shisui is a rare genius of the Uchiha clan, and after seeing that the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye does not exist and legend, a genius like Uchiha Shisui naturally has to focus on cultivating.


In addition to the major ninja villages, as well as the major families, there are still many people who are paying attention to Ning Hao.

For example, Shine Beauty.

Hearing Ning Hao's news, Zhao Meiming was also surprised, she didn't expect Ning Hao's strength to be so strong, and he was able to repel hundreds of sand ninjas by himself, and he also made sand ninja suffer a lot.

As for Bo Feng Shui Men and others...... Automatically ignored by her.

"It's disgusting to hear that this guy is always accompanied by a little girl!"

For Ning Hao, Zhao Meiming has changed her mind from her original hate, she feels that she can't escape Ning Hao's control, so she simply follows Sun Qi's nature, but as Ning Hao becomes more and more excellent, seeing and hearing the news of Ning Hao and Sunset, Zhao Meiming is a little ...... Jealous.

In addition to Zhao Meiming, there is also Ren who is paying attention to Ning Hao;

Xiao organizes Xiaonan and Nagato!

And...... Madara Uchiha hiding in the shadows.

Madara Uchiha is not dead at the moment, he will use the person who fell into the [Infinite Moon Reading] last time, plus the cells between the cultivated hand pillars, to create Bai Jue, and go to find out the news of Ning Hao......

At this moment, the entire ninja world can be described as surging.

Because of Ning Hao's news, the Misty Ninja also began to attack the Fire Country.

But Orochimaru had already arrived with someone, after all, the land of water was surrounded by the sea, and it was very simple to know every move in advance.

And this time Orochimaru led the wrong one, most of them were people from the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

It's very simple, because of the position of the four generations of Hokage, the two major families also want to fight, so they must contribute to the battlefield this time, and Orochimaru, as one of the three ninjas, only he can suppress Uchiha and Hinata.

If it weren't for Orochimaru leading these two families, others would really not be able to command these two giants.

Because of Ning Hao's relationship, the people of the Uchiha clan will then send a lot of people to the front line of the Water Country, these people are stronger than the people before them, and they are young, and they belong to the generation of geniuses.

Among them is the Uchiha Susui.

The appearance of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is also a big stimulus for the Uchiha clan. actually sent such an elite genius to the front line, looking at it because he wanted to survive the fittest, really cultivate a few talents, and see if he could awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Of course, the people who were sent over afterwards were all young elites, all geniuses.

But within the Uchiha clan, there must still be people, but their age has restricted their growth, and it is almost impossible to awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, so it is impossible for them to come out.

In this regard, Orochimaru laughed in his heart, in his eyes, this is a joke, where is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye so good to awaken?

In addition to the Misty Ninja Village, Iwa Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi also seem to have the meaning of making a move like Konoha .

It's just that these two great ninja villages had grievances during the last ninja world war, so Yun Shinobi and Iwa Shinobi were preparing to go to war, and the chances of making a move against Konoha would not be too great.

But because of Ning Hao's relationship, and because the sand ninja and the mist ninja have both taken action, they may also intervene.

In short, Konoha is not in a good situation right now.

The front line of the village of Sand Ninja.

In two days, everyone's attitude towards Ning Hao has completely changed, with a kind of respect!

The strong deserve to be respected!

Even if Ning Hao is still young, he doesn't look small!

"Ning Hao! you ...... Have you really awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

With enough courage, Uchiha took the soil to find Ning Hao, he never even knew that Ning Hao still had a writing wheel, when he learned that Ning Hao had awakened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, he was completely stunned.

But this matter was said by the four generations of Kazekage, and the news of the war spread the fastest, and the existence of a person like Uchiha Obito who was not strong, often got the news relatively late, and he also heard it from everyone's conversation.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, it's really a shame that he hasn't even awakened to the Sharingan now.

Finally, when Ning Hao was alone, he found Ning Hao and was about to ask how to awaken the Sharingan.

And the corners of Ning Hao's mouth rose slightly, nodded, and also admitted: "Yes!"

"That'...... Can you tell me how I can awaken the Sharingan?"

Uchiha Obito looked at Ning Hao expectantly, hoping to gain a little experience from him, after all, this is the person who has awakened the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

As the tail of the crane, Uchiha Obito also doesn't want to awaken the writing wheel eye all the time, and he is already thirteen years old, and he hasn't even awakened the writing wheel eye yet......

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