"Lustful Immortal, Tsunade Mother-in-law, Dad, Mother, Hinata, Senior Brother Nagato, Senior Brother Yahiko, Uncle Fugaku, and me, the above people will be ready tomorrow at noon, and gather at the door of the council chamber!"

All of them who were named said yes.

Nagato and Yahiko are because they have a feud with Konoha, and although Shimura Danzo has been captured, the other high-ranking officials of Konoha are still in Konoha.

Tsunade and Jiraiya, and Watergate Jiu Shinna had long said that they would go to Konoha together.

There are two reasons to take Hinata back, one is because she has been away from home for a long time and should go back to see it.

The second is to let her tell her father Hinata Hinata the purpose of their action, so that he can restrain the clan members of the Hyuga clan, and all of them will gather in the clan tomorrow and forbid going out.

The purpose of bringing Uchiha Fugaku was to let him bring back Uchiha Sasuke, although the current Naruto does not plan to give him a deep friendship, but he can also be used as the main combat force in the future, and Uchiha Mikoto misses him too.

As for the big snake pill, he had several experimental bases in Konoha before, and most of the experimental data in them still existed, which was the purpose of his return this time.

Then Naruto looked at the others and said to them, "As for the rest of you, you will still be in charge of the current work, and you will meet again in five days, when the specific people in each department will be selected." If you have been there and have no opinion on the current arrangement, then this meeting is over and can be dissolved!

When everyone heard this, they all shook their heads, indicating that they had no opinion, and then they all got up and walked towards the outside of the council chamber.

This morning's call for a meeting is actually to let Naruto choose the people he needs.

After leaving the council chamber, everyone went to their jobs, and Jiraiya took Tsunade to the temporary residence of Fuzi Hotaru's apprentice.

This morning, Fuzi Hotaru will leave Hope City and return to Fuzi Village, and she plans to send her a trip.

As soon as they arrived downstairs, Jiraiya and Tsunade saw Fuzi Hotaru and Fuzi Liuyi standing at the door, saying goodbye.

Then Jiraiya stepped forward and said to her, "Hotaru, are you ready to go?"

After hearing this, Fuzi Ying said to him, "That's right, go early and return early, by the way, help me take care of Duyi"

Zi Lai nodded after hearing this, and promised her that he would take good care of her disciple.

Then Fuzi Hotaru nodded towards Tsunade, turned around and touched Fuzi Liuyi's head, and then left Hope City under the reluctant gaze of her disciple.

After she left, Zilai also turned to look at Fuzi Duyi and said, "Duyi, you can go to Hope City to take a look, if there is anything, you can find me" Fuzi Duyi

heard this and asked him, "Thank you, Lord Zilaiye, then, where is Nagato now?" I want to go find him!

Jiraiya asked her to wait a moment after hearing this, then took out the contact toad and asked Nagato.

After learning that Nagato and Yahiko went to Kangland together to help, Jiraiya pointed Fuko Yuyi in the direction and asked her to go by herself, while he took Tsunade around Hope City.


On the other hand, Naruto left the conference hall and returned home with Hinata, who he would send Hinata home later and let her stay at home for two days.

After returning home, Naruto went to the storage room and took out the gifts that Watergate and Kushina had prepared for him to bring to Hinata's father.

He then cast the Flying Thunder God and left Hope City with Hinata.

Reappearing, Naruto and Hinata had already arrived at Hinata's house.

After he took Hinata, he left behind a kunai with the mark of the Flying Thunder God.

After they left, Hinata Hiashi set up a secret room and put the flying thunder god Kumu in it, and this is the secret room that Naruto and they came to.

There is a hanging rope on the wall of the secret room, and it is marked next to it that this is the mechanism for opening the secret room.

Then Naruto walked over and pulled down the rope.

This rope is connected to a few bells outside, and Hinata Hinata usually has people there to watch over him, and if the bell rings, report to him.

The guards outside saw that the bell that had been collected for so long had finally rung, so they quickly ran to Asahi Hinata to report the situation.

After a while, Hinata Hiashi came to the secret room, and after letting the guards retreat, he opened the secret room.

As soon as the secret room was opened, Naruto and Hinata inside walked out, and the two saw Hinata Hinata outside, and quickly saluted him and greeted him,


"Uncle Hinata" Hinata

waved his hand, and then said "Don't be so restrained, come out"

Naruto came out only to find that the place where you are is the living room.

After coming out, Naruto turned to Hinata and said, "You haven't seen Aunt Hinata and Hanabi for a long time, you go see them

first, I'll talk to Uncle Hinata" Hinata nodded when he heard this, and Asahi Hinata saluted and said "Father-sama, I'll go down first"

After Hinata nodded, Hinata left the drawing room.

Hinata then beckoned Naruto to sit down, then asked him, "Why didn't Jiraiya-sama come back with you?" "

fairy, they'll be back tomorrow, I'm bringing Hinata back today to speak to Uncle Hinata first so you can get ready," Naruto replied.

After Hinata Hiashi made a gesture of invitation, Naruto continued, "Tomorrow at noon, we will officially return to Konoha to start the action, Uncle Hiashi will gather all the clansmen tonight, restrain them, and don't go out all day tomorrow, because Konoha will be chaotic then."

Hinata nodded after hearing this and said, "Don't worry, I will gather all the clansmen in the evening and let them all gather at the training ground

tomorrow" Naruto nodded, and then said, "Well, in that case, then I will go back first, come back tomorrow, Hinata will let her stay at home, and she will not have to participate in tomorrow's affairs." After

saying goodbye to Hinata Hiashi, Naruto left Hinata's house and returned to Hope City.


After Naruto left, Hinata Hinata arrived at their residence, while Hinata Hinata was pulling Hinata to inquire about life during this time, while Hinata Hanabi was on the side, holding her head and looking at her sister.

Seeing Hinata Hinata come in, Hinata and Hanabi immediately stood up and saluted him, and at this time Hinata Hinata found that Hinata seemed to have grown a lot taller.

Then he walked over and sat down, and asked the Hinata sisters to sit down as well.

Then he turned to Hinata and asked, "How was your cultivation during this time?"

Hinata heard this and said seriously, "If I return to my father's words, my cultivation is very good, my strength has increased a lot, and Jiraiya-sensei also let me sign a contract with Myoki Mountain.

Hyuga Hiashi heard the name and asked, "Mount Myoki, one of the three holy places?" "

That's right, it's this Myoki Mountain, and Jiraiya-sensei has already asked me to start practicing Immortal Mode," Hinata replied.

This was told by Naruto before returning, so that Hinata would show some strength as much as possible when she returned, so that her family could rest assured.

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