And the leader of the

mountain thief saw that Naruto had pinched the ninja knife, so he dropped the half of the ninja knife in his hand, quickly retreated, and his hands were sealed, ???-wei-shen-hai-noon-in, he used the art of the Hao fireball.

Seeing that the other party used ninjutsu, and it was fire ninjutsu, Naruto did not resist harder, although he wanted to try to see if he could resist ninjutsu now, but even if he could resist, his clothes could not carry that, so Naruto chose to dodge.

After dodging the fireball, Naruto didn't give him another chance to use other ninjutsu, and quickly dodged and slashed at the back of his neck, of course Naruto controlled the force and just cut him to the ground.

The leader of the bandit who was cut to the ground was holding the back of his neck with one hand and struggling to get up with the other, Naruto stepped forward and kicked it, kicking it to the ground and putting one hand on the head of the bandit leader.

Soul Search - The technique used to read the memories of others is recorded in the most magical scriptures.

As Naruto cast a soul search, the leader of the mountain thief also fainted, and after a while Naruto opened his eyes and snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, damn Shimura Danzo, no wonder this group of mountain thieves is so close to Konoha, even if they are hung on the taskbar, they are not surrounded and suppressed, depending on the situation, this matter is clear to the ape flying sun" It turns out that this mountain thief leader is a

reserve ninja of the root, codenamed Blue Bird. Because Tuanzang came here to be a bandit, the original bandit leader was not him, he arrived here a year ago, and he became the new leader after killing the previous bandit leader and subduing a group of thieves.

Usually, they do not act often, and every time they wait for information from Tuanzang, and most of the things they have stolen are given to Tuanzang as funds for root development. Moreover, in Qingniao's memory, it seems that Tuan Zang has other channels to get funds, but he doesn't know.

After reading the memory, the picture of Tuan Zang was reproduced in the sealed space, and the Nine Lamas were asked to make it into small balls of light. Naruto then punched Blue Bird in the chest, ending his life.

After sensing that there were no more living bandits in the cottage, Naruto used the transformation technique to change into another form, came to the cell, and released the people who were detained inside.

I saw a rich-looking man step forward and bow to Naruto and said, "Benefactor, thank you for saving us, I am from the Matsushita clan in the capital of fire,,,

" Without waiting for him to finish, Naruto interrupted coldly, "No, now you can leave" Hearing him

say what family he came from, Naruto of course knew what he wanted to do, nothing more than to take away the looted materials.

The man who wanted to say something saw Naruto's indifferent expression, and then saw the blood stains on Naruto's clothes, coupled with the screams he heard just now, of course he understood what was happening, so he gritted his teeth and ran down the mountain with a group of people.

Seeing everyone leave, Naruto snorted disdainfully, "It's good to save you, I still want to take things away," and then turned and walked towards the room where the thief piled up the supplies.

The door was locked, and Naruto didn't think of taking the key just now, so he could only violently open the lock, and then kicked at the chain. At that time, due to excessive force, the entire door was reduced to pieces.

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Naruto walked in, the room was not very large, but it was full of supplies, and there was some metal in the front, which should be the materials robbed today.

Stepped forward and picked up a piece of metal, looked left and right and didn't see any doorway, and then tried to input Reiki, he was pleased to find that this metal could withstand his Reiki, and then he increased the output of Reiki, and the metal still didn't change anything. Moreover, this metal actually increased the strength of Aura to a certain extent.

"This should be Chakra conduction metal, this is a real bonus" This made Naruto very excited.

This time I came out and originally planned to go to the Land of Iron, but now with this large pile of Chakra conduction metal, the Land of Iron can not go.

Chakra conduction metal is a special method extracted from the Stone of Gerel, a specialty of the Land of Iron, and weapons made from Chakra conduction metal can greatly increase the power of ninjutsu.

Originally, I planned to go to the Land of Iron to conduct metal for Chakra, but now that there is such a lot, it can really be said that it is a bonus.

In addition to the Chakra conduction metal, there were some large boxes in the room, and they were opened one by one, except for a box of detonation charms, which were all gold coins, jewelry, antiques and other things. Behind is a row of shelves on which only a small box is placed.

Walked over and opened the small box, there was a fist-sized black stone inside, picked it up and looked left and right to find that there was nothing special, tried to attach the aura to it again, Naruto found that his aura was quickly sucked away by this stone, so he hurriedly cut off the aura.

Absorbing Naruto's aura, the stone still did not change, the depressed Naruto turned on perception, Genshin attached to the stone hoping to see the internal structure of the stone clearly, it was this action that made Naruto have a surprise discovery, as soon as Genshin perception was attached to the stone, Naruto saw that the stone was exuding spatial fluctuations.

Unlike the spatial nodes Naruto saw when he cultivated the Flying Thunder God, the spatial fluctuations of this stone were more like devouring, or containment.

At this time, Naruto remembered the "Alien Thing Attose" he had read, which was the book in which he devoured the memory of the remnant soul, which recorded the strange items of that world.

After observing Naruto again and again, he finally determined, and said excitedly: "I can't imagine that there will be space stones

in the ninja world, not only can you create a halberd, but space equipment can also start" Although the ninja world now has no way to refine space equipment, but Naruto has, he has a large book of refining secrets in his mind, this Naruto did not learn, firstly, because now his aura does not have the characteristics of fire attributes, and secondly, because he does not want to learn too much, Just cultivating what he is learning now makes his daily time already very tight.

As for that refining cheat, Naruto had already found a good owner for it.

Through this period of cultivation and use, the Flying Thunder God Naruto has been able to produce a sub-seal with one hand. And they can move with people or things wrapped in their own aura.

After checking all the supplies in the room, Naruto manipulated the aura to wrap all the items, and then cast the Flying Thunder God to see that the room was instantly emptied.

As soon as the picture turned, Naruto came to the entrance of the cave, separated the shadow doppelganger, and asked the doppelgangers to move all the materials into the cave, and he himself walked to the shadow doppelganger who had been spying on the entrance and exit of the dark part with a crystal ball, "How is it?" What did you find? "

Uchiha has only been to the root once, and nothing else has been found specially," the shadow doppelganger said without looking back, continuing to stare at the crystal ball.

"Well, keep an eye on it, contact the Nine Lamas as soon as there is a situation," Naruto ordered.

"Uh-huh, no problem," the shadow doppelganger replied.

Soon the supplies were transferred to the cave, Naruto took a backpack, just casually loaded some gold coins, took a little detonation charm, everything else did not move, it was troublesome to bring too many things, and it was useless, even if it was useful to get it himself, just come back and get it yourself.

Naruto returned to the cottage again with gold coins on his back, and he did not lift the several shadow doppelgangers that were separated at that time, and when he returned to the valley, he asked them to carry the bodies of all the mountain thieves to the hall, including the two mountain thieves who were killed at the beginning.

After sensing that there was no omission, he walked to the gate, took out the detonation charm, threw it inward, and then detonated. I saw the flames burst into the sky, and the building on the top of the mountain turned into ruins, and Naruto, after detonating the detonation charm, flew towards the bottom of the mountain.

Carrying a bag of gold coins on his back and walking at a cheerful pace, Naruto walked towards the next target point.

Before going to Yu no Kuni, Naruto came to his nearest town of Muin, which was very prosperous because it was located at the transportation hub leading to all parts of Konoha.

Here you can see special items from various countries

, beef and sake from Thunder Country, tuna and flowers from the Land of Wind, rock restaurants in Tsuchi no Kuni, and seafood restaurants in Mizu no Kuni.

But these you Naruto didn't look much, but walked straight towards the bank, the priority was to exchange gold coins for silver tickets, although it was cool to carry a pack of gold coins, but gold coins were too troublesome to use.

When he came to the bank to get the number plate, Naruto came to the counter, and the staff inside showed a mocking expression when he saw that the person who came was a child.

Seeing the waiter's attitude, Naruto didn't say much, just dropped his backpack on the counter.

After the waiter unzipped his backpack and saw that it contained a bunch of gold coins, his attitude immediately changed, and Naruto didn't say much, just asked her to make a passbook, deposit the gold coins in, and get 200,000 taels of silver tickets for herself.

Driven by the gold coins, all the formalities were quickly completed, and he took the passbook and saw that there were still more than five million taels of deposits in it, and immediately after the 200,000 taels of silver tickets, Naruto turned and left.

In fact, these 200,000 taels are not much, the inflation in the ninja world is very serious, Uncle Ichiraku there a bowl of ordinary ramen noodles normally charges 60 taels, add some ingredients, the charge is basically about 100 taels.

Naruto took the silver ticket and came to the street to eat all the snacks he could eat, then found a hotel to live in, and as soon as he entered the room, Naruto came to the sealed space. The two people in the space and the fox are still continuing their landlord business. At night they all practiced separately, and as soon as they had nothing to do during the day, they started.

Through this period of cultivation, the Nine Lama's body size expanded again, the fur looked smoother, and the color turned crimson, looking like a burning flame from afar.

After saying hello to Watergate Jiu Xinnai, Naruto said to the Nine Lamas

, "Nine Lamas, you condense the map", and then the spiritual energy gathered in front of the Nine Lamas, and a map with routes drawn and marked with various points appeared.

"Nine Lamas, take the country of Bateh off the map," Naruto continued.

"Okay, the Land of Iron really doesn't need to go anymore" In the sealed space, they all knew that Naruto had obtained a batch of Chakra conduction metal, and then the point marked on the map marked the Land of Iron disappeared, and the planned route was also disrupted.

At this time, your people turned to the water gate and said, "Dad, you are replanning the route, and the location of the other bandits does not need to be marked for the time being" When the water gate

heard this, he stepped forward and drew on the map with his finger, and a line reappeared on the map as his finger moved.

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