At this point, all the balls of light except Naruto and the memory ball of light that fused with the remnant soul were all read by Jiraiya, and after talking about business, the master and the two talked about home.

"Teacher, have you been alone for so many years? Haven't you ever thought about getting married or something? "That's what Watergate asked.

"Think of what is the use, Jiraiya-sensei's style, how can there be a woman who likes him, if it weren't for this, Tsunade-sama wouldn't be..." Although the sound was small, it was also heard by Watergate and Jirai.

Senju Tsunade, Jiraiya's contemporary, and Orochimaru, the three of them are disciples of Ape Flying Sun, and it can be said that they grew up together since childhood. Hearing Jiu Shinnai mention Tsunade, Jiraiya also fell into memories.

I still remember the first time they met their self when they were children, "My name is Jiraiya, love letters or something will be given to me later" It was the first time they met, when Tsunade was just a flat-chested little loli.

Unlike Orochimaru, Jiraiya was just a crane tail when he was a child, so Tsunade usually laughed at Jiraiya. Jiraiya will also shoot back, "shut up, the chest is flat like a washboard". Every time Jiraiya said this sentence, he was inevitably beaten by Tsunade, so Jiraiya also called Tsunade a flat-chested loli, and Tsunade called Jiraiya a boy.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, until when Ape Fei Ri slashed to guide the three people in psychic, Zilai, who had not signed a contract, also formed the seal required for psychic, perhaps guided by fate, and by mistake Zilai also came to Miaomu Mountain.

In this way, he also signed a summoning contract with Miaomu Mountain, followed the cultivation of the two immortals of Miaomu Mountain, and also met Wen Tai in his childhood.

After three years of cultivation in Myoki Mountain, Jiraiya also returned to Konoha, and his own strength also caught up with Tsunade and Orochimaru, and Tsunade at this time was no longer the flat-chested loli he used to be, and his figure was also well developed.

After returning to Konoha, the three began to go on a mission together, and while performing some dangerous missions, Tsunade, who was almost in distress many times, was saved by Jiraiya, and Jiraiya did not know when he liked Tsunade, but he did not express his thoughts to Tsunade.

After the end of the three battles, Jiraiya also met Yahiko, Nagato and Konan, saw that the three were pitiful and took them as disciples, and stayed in the Yu Shinobu Village to guide the three in cultivation.

Tsunade, who returned to Konoha, proposed to the three generations to form a medical class so that Konoha's ninjas would die less on the battlefield.

And this was naturally opposed by Konoha's three major advisors, on the grounds that "cultivating a medical ninja is not an easy task, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it has great financial requirements, and our Konoha's financial resources must be placed in more important places." "

And developing medical ninjutsu also requires time and cost investment... So, no."

After the proposal was rejected, the soulless Tsunade met Kato, and Kato learned that Tsunade's proposal to form a medical class had been rejected, so he expressed his support for Tsunade, which naturally made Tsunade overjoyed.

After coming and going, the two developed into a couple, and this far away in the Yunin Village did not know.

Three years later, after seeing that the three of Yahiko had the ability to protect themselves, Jiraiya returned to Konoha with thoughts of Tsunade, and after returning to Konoha, after learning that Tsunade and Kato had become a couple, after guiding Watergate to cultivate for a few days, the soulless Jiraiya also left Konoha again.

Then Zilai also began his healing journey, originally Zilai only liked voyeurism, since then he has gradually liked to drink, it is worth mentioning that although Zilai often goes to nightclubs to drink, but he did not do anything out of the ordinary.

After his thoughts ended, Jiraiya sighed softly and said, "Tsunade," I haven't been looking for Tsunade for so many years, and I just bury that thought in my heart on weekdays.

Seeing that Zilai was also a little disappointed, Watergate stepped forward and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Teacher Zilaiye, Jiu Xinnai, she didn't mean this", and Jiu Xinnai

also knew that he was wrong, and stood next to him and put on a look of admitting his mistake.

Seeing this, Jiraiya also said, "Ma, Ma, it's okay, what Jiu Shinna said is also the truth," and

then Jiraiya stood up and continued, "Then come here today, I'll go out first and let Naruto sign the contract."

Then Jiraiya returned to consciousness, and his hand was lowered from Naruto's stomach

"Naruto, your father told me everything, I decided to help you" "Hehe, lecherous fairy, I knew you would agree to help me" Naruto said happily.

At this time, Jiraiya also reacted, it seems that Naruto has been calling himself a lecherous fairy since the first meeting, so he spoke

, "Naruto, I am a toad fairy, not a lecherous fairy" "I know, Konoha Dahaojie, the spirit boy of Myoki Mountain, the toad fairy, but you are a lecherous fairy" Naruto replied with a grin.

Hearing the front Zilaiya smiled proudly, after hearing the last sentence, Zilaiya's face fell down, and then he didn't bother to correct it. Instead, he untied the scroll behind his back.

Opening the scroll there were four names written on it, the first two could not be seen clearly, the third was Mad Ghost Jiraiya, and the fourth was Wave Feng Shuimen.

Seeing this, Naruto didn't say much, bit his finger, wrote his name, and pressed the handprint, and after Naruto pressed the handprint, he also told him the seal of psychic, hai-jun-you-shen-wei.

Naruto's hands quickly sealed the seal, and after the last seal was completed, his right hand quickly pressed on the ground, mobilizing the spiritual energy in his body, and he saw that the place where Naruto's right hand was holding quickly extended some runes to the surroundings, and quickly formed a summoning array.

With a bang, a huge figure appeared where Naruto was standing. This is a toad squatting on the ground, with a green skin, two large knives on his back, and two front paws crossed in front of him, which is Toad Hiroshi, one of the three toads of Myoki Mountain, and Naruto is standing on top of his head at this time.

As soon as he was converted out, Toad Hiroshi saw Jiraiya standing in front of him, "Jiraiya, did you call me out for something?" Now it's not like there's a fight

" "It's not me who called you out, it's my newly accepted disciple" Zi Lai also replied.

At this time, Toad Hiroshi felt that there was a person standing above his head, and Naruto also jumped down from Toad Hiroshi at this time, waving his hand to greet Toad Hiroshi "Hello, Toad Hiroshi, I am Naruto Uzumaki, please advise more

" "Oh oh, then if there is something I need to do in the future, you can find me" Toad Hiroshi said.

"Hiroshi, you go back and tell Boss Fukasaku that I have taken in a new disciple, and I will take him back to Miaomu Mountain in a few days," Jiraiya stepped forward and said.

After Toad Hiroshi nodded that it was okay, Naruto dismissed the psychic and Toad Hiroshi disappeared in place.

After Toad Hiroshi returned to Konoha, he also looked at Naruto and said, "Okay." The talent is very good, the first time you use the summoning technique, you can summon Hiroshi" Hearing

Jiraiya praise himself, Naruto scratched his head embarrassedly.

Later, Zilai also summoned Toad Yin from his body, and since Watergate placed the key on Toad Yin's scroll, he let him use the possession contract and attach it to himself.

Unlike ordinary toads, toads are like a rolled up scroll.

After Toad Yin appeared, Jiraiya also said to him, "Go, Toad Yin, give Naruto the key, and then go back to Myoki Mountain" and then Jirai also made Naruto open his mouth.

In Naruto's slightly doubtful gaze, Toad Yin quickly shrunk, and then jumped towards Naruto's open mouth, although Toad Yin had shrunk, but it was not small enough to jump directly into Naruto's mouth.

After entering Naruto's mouth, Toad Yin crawled hard inside, and Naruto also covered his throat and shed tears.

Finally, Toad Yin smoothly climbed into Naruto's throat, and Naruto also choked and coughed dryly.

"Naruto, now you can go to the sealing space and uncover the sealing talisman." Jiraiya said, looking at Naruto who was still retching.

After Naruto listened, he ignored the strange appearance in his throat, held back the dry gagging, his consciousness sank, and soon Naruto came to the sealed space.

At this time, the Nine Lamas had been waiting for a long time, stood up and waited for Naruto to arrive in the big iron gate.

Without saying hello to the Watergate Jiu Shinnai who was standing next to him, Naruto went straight to the iron gate, floated, and came to the lock cylinder attached to the sealing charm.

Raising his hand, Naruto tore it with his hand, as the sealing talisman fell, the lock cylinder was quickly retracted, Naruto pushed hard, and the big iron gate that had sealed the Nine Lamas for a long time disappeared, and the Nine Lamas let out an excited roar.

After the roar was over, the Nine Lamas quickly came to Naruto and raised his right paw.

Seeing that the Nine Lamas stretched out his claws to himself, Naruto smiled, and also raised his right hand, as one hand and one claw touched together, and then Naruto's consciousness body quickly returned to the body, the Nine Lama's aura and Naruto's aura were connected together, because Naruto's aura was not as much as the Nine Lamas, so it can be said that the Nine Lama's aura kept flowing towards Naruto.

As the aura of the Nine Lamas continued to input into Naruto's cyclone, and then spread throughout the body, Naruto's body underwent some changes, the entire body turned golden, the pupils of the eyes became crosses, and eye shadow appeared around the eyes, a cloak formed by the aura on the body surface, from the position of his heart, a black circle appeared, and then some special patterns started from that circle and spread throughout the body. Four black spherical objects appeared behind him. But it soon disappeared.

As early as after Naruto devoured that remnant soul, he absorbed the Asuras, and after absorbing it, Naruto turned on the immortal body. This also caused Naruto and the Nine Lamas to now use the Fairy Fox mode.

The immortal body is actually a spirit body, and the main function of the aura opened by Naruto is to increase the speed of cultivation, and there is only a small bonus to the attack.

And Zi Laiye's immortal mode is actually to absorb spiritual energy to briefly turn his physique into an aggressive spirit body, so when Zilai also turns on the immortal mode, his attack power will also increase several times.

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