Taking the ball, Hinata turned his head sideways and smiled sweetly at Naruto and said, "Hee-hee, thank you."

Naruto said with a serious look when he heard this, "No thanks, this is what I should do!" Seeing

his appearance, Hinata couldn't help but laugh, and Naruto, who pretended to be serious, also laughed.

"By the way, Hinata, do you want to learn something?" Naruto asked.

For the time being, Naruto didn't plan to go out for the past two years, and if he stayed in Hope City all the time, he would waste his time without finding something to do.

When Hinata heard this, he quickly asked, "Can I go and learn other things?" "

Actually, Hinata has wanted to learn her medical skills since she knew Tsunade.

"Of course, learning more things is good for yourself in the future, do you have anything you want to learn?" Naruto asked with a smile.

Hinata quickly nodded when he heard this, and said, "I thought the same way, in fact, I always wanted to learn medical techniques with my master, but I didn't know if it would work

," "Of course, I'll take you over now," Naruto said.

As soon as the words fell, Naruto and Hinata disappeared in place, and then appeared at the door of the hospital.

Without thinking about it, Tsunade must be training newcomers at the moment, and pulled Hinata towards the inside.

Soon the two came to the training room, knocked on the door, and after the sound of "entering" came from inside, Naruto pushed the door open and walked in.

Seeing that it was Naruto who came, Tsunade said angrily, "Why are you idle today?" Come and stroll?

Naruto coughed awkwardly when he heard this and said, "Ahem, that Tsunade mother-in-law, today Hinata is looking for you

" followed Naruto and pushed Hinata behind him to the front, Hinata also raised his head at this time and called sweetly "Master Mother ~"

Seeing Hinata, Tsunade's mood changed, that speed, Naruto was shocked when he saw it.

Tsunade took two steps forward, rubbed Hinata's head, and asked with a smile, "Hinata, what are you looking for me for?"

"Master, can I follow you to learn medical techniques?" Hinata asked expectantly.

When Tsunade heard this, he rubbed her head again and said, "What should I do, as long as you want to learn, I will definitely teach."

"Really? Hee-hee, thank you. Hinata grabbed Tsunade's arm and said with a grin.

Seeing this, Tsunade pulled Hinata to turn around and walk inside, "Go, Master will take you to see how your talent is first, and then plan a course for you." ,,,

the two chatted as they walked, leaving Naruto with a dull look at the door.

Shaking his head with a smile, Naruto closed the door, turned to the chair in the hallway and sat down.

Chiki and Iwajuku were still practicing when they went out in the morning, so Naruto didn't see them either, and at this moment his consciousness sank to the sealed space.

As he cultivated and his spiritual power improved, the scope of the sealing space became larger and larger, and the inside became more and more real.

At this moment, the tailed beasts are all staying in their respective territories, doing what they like to do.

Over time, the Nine Lamas were also able to change the environment in the sealed space just like Naruto.

For example, now, the sun is shining and the breeze is blowing in the Nine Lamas, while the rain is drizzling in Jifu, and the grass is becoming greener and wider in Muwang.

Sun Wukong is driving and wandering through towering trees, where the rhinoceros is shrouded in fog, as for the cat palace of cats, Naruto did not probe, but even if he did not probe, he could know what he was doing now.

Coming to the Nine Lamas, Naruto didn't say much, jumped top of the Nine Lamas' heads, and slowly lay down.

For this Nine Lama, he had long been accustomed to it, so he just trembled his ears and continued to fake sleep without making any other moves, closing his eyes.

In addition to staying with Hinata, when lying on the head of the Nine Lamas should be Naruto's most relaxed time, at this time he didn't think about anything, his mind was completely empty, and he slowly fell into a deep sleep.

On the other side of ,,,

, Zi Lai also came to the Welcome Building after finishing today's work.

His friends should be leaving Hope City today, too.

As for whether to try to put them in Hope City, this self has never thought about it, and his friends basically love freedom and are determined to go all over Renjie.

After sending all the guests away, Jiraiya came to the Ministry of Defense to find Uchiha Fugaku.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku was looking at the distribution of the patrol team of Hope City now, as well as the time to change defenses, etc.

Knocked on the door of Uchiha Fugaku's office, and after waiting for the inside to respond, Jiraiya pushed open the door and walked in.

"Fugaku, what are you studying?" Zi Lai also spoke.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku knew that the person who came was Jiraiya, and quickly turned around and said with a sneer, "Lord City Lord, I'm sorry, why are you here?"

Zi Lai also waved his hand and said, "Don't be so restrained, just discuss something with you."

Uchiha Fugaku made an inviting gesture towards Jiraiya, and then the two came to the rest area on the side and sat down.

Pouring a cup of tea for Jiraiya, Uchiha Fugaku spoke, "Lord City Lord, what do you need to order?"

"It's almost about defense, Hope City has developed to the point that it is impossible to completely hide now, coupled with the movement caused by my wedding, other countries may send people

to probe intelligence in the future," "Especially the several great ninja villages, now Hope City is not yet the best time to start a war, so I want you to help, put back the memories of those who came to probe the intelligence, and delay it as much as possible." Jiraiya replied.

After listening to it, Uchiha Fugaku nodded and said, "I understand, don't worry, Lord City Lord, this is easy to do."

"Then, this is bothering you, hard work, by the way, did the weasel summon back?" Is he okay outside? Jiraiya asked.

Hearing that Itachi was also mentioned, Uchiha Fugaku sighed and said, "Yes, yes, but there are few words, just tell Mikoto that he is fine outside and ask some about Sasuke."

"The intelligence department has collected a lot of information about him in the ninja world, and since he left Hope City, he has been spreading the ideas of our Hope City everywhere, and although he has experienced several sieges, they are all dangerous."

"And I have to admit that this kid is very good now, and he has handled everything thoroughly, and so far he has not encountered a real crisis."

Zi Lai also laughed and said, "That's fine, tell him to pay attention to safety outside, there are still some crises lurking in the ninja world, let him protect himself." "

The crisis that Jiraiya said is in addition to the Otsuki Ichishi, in addition to the top powerhouses of other ninja villages, there are six immortals, evil gods, gods of death, and other undetermined factors.

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