Ending the topic about the Uchiha

clan, Jiraiya was also ready to talk to Uchiha Shisui about the ninja world, so he spoke, "Shisui, do you have any thoughts about the ninja world?"

"Although there is no large-scale war in the current ninja world, it seems peaceful on the surface, but this is all built in the third ninja world war a few years ago, all villages are still in a state of recuperation, once the recuperation is over, in order to plunder the land, resources, a new war will soon break out." After thinking for a while, Uchiha said seriously.

After hearing this, Zi Lai also nodded and said, "This is just one of the reasons for the war in the ninja world, and because everyone has different ideas and concepts, the ninja world is very small, the area is only so large, but it is very large, there are too many forces in it, there are so many ninja villages, and the will inherited by each ninja village is different, just because the will is different, so everyone's philosophy is different, which is also the factor that the ninja world is not peaceful" "In addition, because the current ninja world has

no forces that can suppress everything, This also led to some ninjas doing things unscrupulously and massacring civilians, which in turn proliferated the contradictions between ninjas and civilians,"

Uchiha quickly nodded after hearing this, "What does Jiraiya-sama mean?" "

I intend to establish an organization that aims to achieve peace in the ninja world, and I would like to invite you to join," Jiraiya said seriously as he looked at Shisui's remaining left eye.

This was decided after their discussion, Watergate has not been resurrected, even if he has other things after the resurrection, Jiu Shinna will not say, just her temperament and personality is not the material to be the leader, as for Naruto because he is too young to be convincing, so the position of the leader can only be taken by himself, because he is not only powerful, but also has a high prestige in the ninja world.

In the case of strong strength and high prestige, it is convenient to recruit some ninjas with the same philosophy in the future, and it is more convenient for the people recruited to listen to the command, if an organization, the strength of the leader is not as good as the strong under him, then this organization will soon exist in name only.

After listening to Jiraiya's invitation, Uchiha Shisui lowered his head and thought seriously for a moment, then looked up at Jiraiya firmly and said, "Thank you Jiraiya-sama for your attention, I am willing to join the organization

" "Hahaha, sure enough, as Naruto said, you are a ninja who really hopes for peace in the ninja world" Jiraiya said with a smile.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui glanced at Naruto next to him, and then asked, "Jiraiya-sama, I don't know where the organization was established?" How many helpers have been recruited now? Hearing

this, Jiraiya pointed at himself and Naruto.

And Shuishui also understood, and then said in confusion: "Lord Zilaiye means that there are only three people in the organization plus me now?"

And Jiraiya shook his head and said, "There are two more people, and a fox, I will introduce you to know in the future, as for the base camp of the organization, it is our next task"

Shisui did not ask about other things after listening, he believed that under the leadership of Lord Jiraiya, the banner of the organization would be planted in the entire ninja world in the future, and the ninja world would be truly peaceful.

After talking about business, Naruto was finally able to interject, so the three of them sat like this and talked for a morning.

After another two days of recuperation in this hotel, by this time Uchiha had returned to normal, but the right eye frame became empty, seeing this, Naruto bought him a black eye patch, the monocular kind.

After breakfast and packing their luggage, they set off towards Tanokuni.

At this time, their location was not too far from Tanokuni, and it would take about a week to rush without rushing.

And they don't have the specific location of the location of the big snake pill experimental base, and after arriving in Tianzhiguo, they can only use a stupid way to open perception and walk over little by little, but fortunately, the location of Tianzhiguo is not very large, so this workload is not very large.

On the way to hurry, Naruto asked Jirai to also give the All Souls Immortal Technique to Uchiha to stop the water, and the rest of the exercises were not given, because it was not the time yet.

Naruto and Jiraiya were not idle when they were rushing, they were doing Reiki splitting as they walked, and they practiced their respective exercises at night.

At this time, he already had a lot of theoretical knowledge about refining in his mind, and he could start trying refining as soon as the organizational base camp was established.

On the second day of their departure, Naruto heard the Nine Lamas calling him in his mind, "Naruto, I want to go out, I haven't been in the sun for a long time"

and this Naruto naturally would not refuse, and then promised the Nine Lama, after the tailed beast left the human pillar force, the human pillar force would die. Both this Naruth and the Nine Lamas knew, so if they hadn't found a way to do so without hurting Naruto, the Nine Lamas wouldn't have come out.

After Naruto agreed, a golden aura flowed from the original place where the seal was located in the lower abdomen, although it was said to be aura, but it was sticky like water, and I saw that the aura quickly condensed on the ground into the appearance of a fox, and then the nine lamas in the sealing space lay down.

The fox composed of aura in the outside slowly turned into the appearance of the Nine Lamas (not the one covered in pimple meat), but the body size was very small, about thirty centimeters long, but there were still nine tails floating behind the butt, and as the last bit of aura fused into it, the small Nine Lamas squatting on the ground opened his eyes.

This is the way the Nine Lamas came up with it, he can attach his consciousness to his aura, he first integrates his consciousness into the aura and penetrates it from Naruto's body, and then condenses what he wants in the outside world, and the body is also sleeping in Naruto's body.

He came up with it not only because he hadn't seen the outside for a long time, but most importantly because of the two fools in the sealing space, although the two were now soul bodies and couldn't do anything shameful, but the show of affection like no one on the side had long made the Nine Lamas unable to stand it.

The Nine Lamas also came out and saw it with Uchiha Shuishui, and in the past few days, he would go to the sealing space and the water gate almost every night to chat and discuss the implementation standards of the plan, so he slowly became familiar with the Nine Lamas.

Uchiha has never seen the Nine Lama, so when the Nine Lamas opened his eyes, he said to him "Brother Shuishui, this is my partner, Nine Lama"

Hearing Naruto's introduction, Uchiha stopped the water and reacted, this should be the nine tails in Naruto's body, but how does it look different from the nine tails described in the rumors he heard, say good behemoth, say good tail move, the ground shakes? No wonder he has such a question, it's really that the Q version of the nine-tailed long is too cute at this moment.

But he didn't ask much, although he was an honest man, but this did not prevent him from being smart. This was followed by a smile and a greeting to the Nine Lamas.

Although the Nine Lamas did not have a good impression of the Uchiha clan, he knew that Uchiha stopped the water and was recruited by Naruto and Jiraiya, so he also responded.

Then the three of them continued on the road, and as for the Nine Lamas, he did not go by himself, but stood on Naruto's head, looked left and right, and chatted with the three from time to time, which also added a little joy to the boring life.

A week later, the three men and one fox arrived at the border of Tanokuni, and when they arrived they stopped, it was already evening.

So they decided to rest here for one night, and after a week of rushing, except for the Nine Lamas, who was still in good spirits, all three inevitably felt tired.

After Zilaiya summoned Toad Zhong and took out the supplies needed for camping, the three of them began to set up tents and set up stoves, and after a while, the camp became presentable, and after lighting a fire and eating something casually, the three of them sat down around the bonfire.

On the first day of departure, Naruto told Uchiha that he had to do the goal - Orochimaru.

At that time, Yu Zhibo didn't ask much, he had never seen the big snake pill, and he basically didn't know anything about the situation of the big snake pill.

Sitting down at this moment, Uchiha looked at Jiraiya and asked, "Jiraiya-sama, can you tell me about the information of the Great Snake Pill?"

And Jiraiya was reminiscing while talking to them about the big snake pill.

The big snake pill, one of the personal disciples of the ape flying sun, was rated by the ape flying sun chop as "a talented teenager, a genius who only appeared in decades" since he was a child

, but because he saw the death of his parents and companions one by one, the good-natured big snake pill felt the fragility of life, and because he loved research, he began to study the art of immortality and the art of resurrecting the dead.

In order to collect various ninjutsu, he opened the intercolumnar cell transplantation experiment that Konoha has long been banned, he kidnapped sixty babies in the village Shimo, Nakanobu, Dark and the villages around Konoha, he extracted genetic genes from the corpses of the original Hokage, and then injected the genetic genes into the bodies of sixty babies for human experiments, but the rejection was very strong, and they died one after another... Just when Orochimaru was preparing to dispose of the corpse, because other experiments were exposed, Orochimaru finally left Konoha,,,,,

with Jiraiya's narration, the image of Orochimaru was slowly sketched in Uchiha's mind, and finally he couldn't help but sigh "It's a genius and a madman."

And Naruto next to him had long known about the Great Snake Pill, so he didn't make a sound, just sat quietly, and the aura split was being carried out in his hand.

After recounting the information of the big snake pill, the three saw that it was late, so they got into the tent and lay down in their sleeping bags.

Uchiha stopped the water a few days ago and used the All Souls Immortal Technique to recover all the injuries on his body, so now it is useless for him to use the Ten Thousand Souls Immortal Technique, and Naruto and Jiraiya did not plan to practice tonight, although cultivation can replace sleep, but because the cultivation time is still short, the two of them are not very used to it.

So all three went to sleep,,,

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