So Naruto was worried that the two eyes would be repulsed when they converged on one body.

When Nagato heard this, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, the eye fit is very high, plus the yin and yang qi cultivated by the Liuhe Yin Yang Technique, this eye has been completely fused with me."

"Moreover, the original reincarnation eye has also been greatly improved, and now it completely belongs to me."

After speaking, Nagato closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, three gouge jades appeared in Samsara's eyes.

At the same time, his forehead also split, revealing the eyes that originally belonged to the big barrel wood inside.

That eye also changed at this time, and several black lines in the original eye intersected to form a meter character.

At this moment, the rice character is surrounded by a black circle in the middle.

Raising his hand and touching his forehead, Nagato spoke, "This eye is actually also a reincarnation eye, but it is a mutant, and after completely fusing with it, I have a lot more things in my mind." "

The pupil technique of the Datumu family can be roughly divided into three types, reincarnation eye, reincarnation eye, and clean eye, but these three pupil techniques have a certain chance of abnormalities,"

"Most of this abnormality is in the direction of weakness, but there are very few cases that will make the mutated pupil technique stronger."

"This eye belongs to the mutation, and it is also the result of the mutation in a stronger direction

," "After fusing with it, the three eyes have been further improved under the complementary effect," "

It's a pity that my current physique and aura can't keep up, and I can't use all their abilities to the extreme."

Naruto waved his hand after hearing this and said, "Haha, what is this, take your time, as long as the person is fine, the strength can not be improved in a day or two."

Nagato continued to speak after hearing this, "It's just that I can use some of the other abilities of the Reincarnation Eye, such as Tenkaku Shocking Star, Wheel Tomb, Susanoo,"

Hearing Susano's doubts "Oh? After a while, Nagato asked, "Senior brother, can you show me what you Susanoo looks like?"

Nagato nodded after hearing this, then spread his hands and pointed to the office.

Seeing this, Naruto understood his appearance, and then cast the Flying Thunder God to lead him to the desert.

After this, Nagato flashed into the distance, then closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, a large amount of spiritual energy erupted from his body, dragging him into the air.

In this process, Reiki is constantly composed of various parts of Susano.

Soon, a giant Susa fifty meters tall appeared in front of Naruto.

This is a black and white Susa statue, I don't know if it is because of the change in Nagato's two mentalities of good and evil, or because of the exercises.

The huge Susa was clad in armor, with a short spear hanging from his waist and a mirror suspended from the back of his head.

The mirror is like the color of Susano, black and white.

After pulling out the short spear at his waist and holding it in his hand, Nagato manipulated Susanoo to throw it into the distance.

Under the blessing of huge force, the short spear fell to the distant hill with a black dotted line.

With a boom, the sand dune exploded, and for a moment yellow sand flew all over the sky, obscuring Naruto's vision.

At the sound of the explosion, another short spear appeared at Nagato's waist.

At this point, Nagato manipulated the mirror at the back of his head to fly in front of him, and then Susanoo pointed at it.

For a while, the light on the mirror was shining, and a strong attack was condensing.

After a few breaths, a white ray shot out of the mirror, which fell on another sand dune in the distance.

In just an instant, an explosion stronger than the damage accomplished by throwing a short spear came from that side.

Seeing this, Nagato manipulated Susanoo to make a seal, and the mirror emitted a black and white pillar of light.

Unlike the previous two times, this time the pillar of light did not explode, but blocked the place where the explosion was occurring in the distance, and the yellow sand flying around also seemed to freeze in the air.

Seeing this, the curious Naruto turned on his perception and probed the past.

After Naruto looked closely, he found that the space there was not fixed, because the speed of those yellow sand flying was difficult to put down, so it looked as if it was frozen.

At this time, Nagato lifted Susanoo and fell to the ground and came to Naruto.

The white pillar of light disappeared, and at the same time the explosion began again.

Seeing the sky full of yellow sand flying towards this side, Naruto took a sharp breath, and then mobilized the aura to gather in his mouth.

When Naruto opened his mouth, a strong hurricane erupted from his mouth, blowing the yellow sand flying towards this side to other places.


When the explosion was over, the yellow sand fell to the ground, and Naruto returned to Hope City with Nagato.

Sitting down again, Naruto asked, "Senior brother, what are the two abilities of your Susano?"

When Nagato heard this, he said with a smile, "Actually, it's nothing, the short spear is called the Tennuma Spear, it is a consumable for sustainable recovery, as you can see, it will explode when it is thrown, and at the same time as the explosion, Susanoo will immediately condense a stick here," "

As for the mirror in the back of the head, it is called the Yin-Yang Mirror, which has both attack and defense capabilities."

"The attack is what you see, the attack of the yin attribute will cause a very violent explosion, as for the yang attribute, the latter kind slows down the movement speed of things in the previous space many times, of course, the closer the strength and I can cause, the shorter the slowdown will be."

"The defensive ability is also very simple, as long as an energy attack hits me when I am in the Susa state, the Yin-Yang Mirror will automatically fly to the position of the attack and block the energy attack."

"Haha, these abilities are good, and when your strength is raised, thank you abilities will also improve," Naruto said with a laugh.

Nagato's strength can be improved, and Naruto is very happy, after all, he is one of the top combat forces in Hope City.

Looking at it this way, Nagato should have gained the most this time, and it is also the most improved in strength.

After chatting with Nagato for a while, Naruto got up to leave, and after leaving the Law Enforcement Department, Naruto wandered around Hope City for a while, and then went to Hinata's house.

At this time, Hinata, Ninji, and Hanabi had already told Hinata Hinata about this harvest.

After knowing that Hinata's white eyes had completed the first step of evolution, Hinata Hinata was naturally extremely happy.

In addition, Ninji's caged bird was also lifted, which couldn't help but make Hinata Hinata very happy.

In this case, even a few elders did not dare to say anything about the caged bird that was lifted.

After all, this is also an existence that can awaken the reincarnation eye.

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