With the infusion of Naruto's aura, the originally transparent crystal slowly began to turn purple, and after making sure that the crystal could fully withstand the aura, Naruto stopped moving.

Placing the crystal in the box and covering it, Naruto asked, "I wonder how about the production of this crystal?" "

The output is okay, about 10,000 pieces of this crystal can be produced every year, plus there are very few places where this crystal can be used at present, so there are already a lot of piles in the treasury now," Asama replied truthfully.

There was no hiding about this Asama Santaifu, in his opinion, the value of this crystal was not as good as those special metals.

After hearing this, Naruto asked again, "Then I don't know how much this crystal is priced by you?"

"Well, the price of this smallest crystal is fifty thousand taels, the larger one is one hundred thousand taels, and the largest one is two hundred thousand taels,"

"Of course, if you want it in Hope City, according to what I just said, it will be calculated as eighty percent." Asama said.

Naruto nodded with a smile when he heard this, and said, "Well, then in the past two days, I will ask Lord Santaifu to work hard, sort out those metals and this crystal, and see how much can be sold to Hope City, we want them all." Hearing

this, the third wife asked with a slight shock, "All want?"

Naruto replied calmly, "Yes, yes, give me an amount after the third wife is counted, and then I will give you the money," "

No problem, I will take someone to count later, and promise to give Minister Naruto a number in these two days." Asama replied.

After talking about this, Naruto said what they currently need to develop in the Land of Snow.

"Little Snow Princess, after you have full control of the Snow Country, we need you to stop some unnecessary research and development and focus on communication equipment," Naruto said, leaning against the wind and flower.

There is currently a communication device in the ninja world - walkie-talkies, but this equipment is not very useful, not only is it susceptible to interference, but the communication distance is still very short.

Although there are other methods of communication, none of them are universal.

For example, the secret art of the Yamanaka family, with the assistance of special instruments, can expand the scope of communication to the entire ninja world, but the shortcomings of this secret art are also obvious, not only requires talent, but that kind of communication is only one-sided

, and then there is the contact toad of Mount Myoki, but this does not solve the problem.

Although as the descendants of Myoki Mountain, Jiraiya, Watergate, Naruto, Hinata, can all summon contact toads to come out to help with the communication.

However, contact toads are always limited in number and cannot be used universally.

"Communication equipment? What kind of features are needed? Feng Hua Xiaoxue asked suspiciously.

Naruto heard his fingers tap on the table, and then said, "For now, there are not too many functions, you just need to be able to communicate with each other, whether it is voice or text, but the distance must be far, preferably across the entire ninja world." Hearing

this, Kazeka Xiaoxue showed a embarrassed expression, and then said, "This is very difficult, it may take a long time," Kazeka Xiaoxue said

the difficulty Naruto naturally knew what it was, it was nothing more than the manpower and material resources spent on it.

"I believe in the scientific and technological prowess of the Snow Country, and of course, we hope that the city can bear half the cost of your research and development," Naruto said with a slight compliment.

The expression on Fenghua Xiaoxue's face relaxed a lot after hearing this, and after thinking about it, he nodded and said, "That's good, then we will go all out to develop communication equipment,"

and in the next time, several people talked about some details, and after talking, Fenghua Xiaoxue handed over the hexagonal crystal that started the geothermal generator to the water gate, and then let people take them to the location where the geothermal generator start switch was located.

While leaving, Watergate took a contact toad and handed it to Feng Hua Xiaoxue, telling her to send him a message when she could activate the geothermal generator.


Three days passed quickly, and today was the day of the succession ceremony of Feng Hua Xiaoxue.

The entire snow capital seemed extremely lively, and all the bureaucrats in the snow capital in the past three days took action to spread the news.

Not only the snow capital, but also the nearby cities, villages, this bureaucracy sent people one by one.

Many residents of the Snow Country feel very strange to the wind and snow, but they know her father, Feng Hua Zaoxue.

Kazehana Saoyuki is one of the few daimyos in the ninja world who truly does things for his subjects.

Therefore, the civilians of the Snow Country also love him and support him.

When they learned that the real cause of death of the daimyo they supported was not illness, but because of the chaos, they all wept with grief.

After learning that the judge had been defeated by Little Snow and imprisoned, these people applauded.

Coupled with the knowledge that this little snow princess is the daimyo woman they love, after taking over as the daimyo of the Snow Country, they rushed towards the snow capital.

This also makes the usually somewhat deserted snow capital extremely lively on this day.

Although the weather is very gloomy and cold, the crowds on the streets today all have excited smiles on their faces.

They were discussing Her Royal Highness the princess who had never met before.

The location of the succession ceremony is designed on a square in the center of the snow capital, and the daimyofu is next to it.

There is a high platform built here, and the usual daimyo succession ceremony was completed here.

At this time, in the daimyo's mansion, Kazehua Koyuki changed the exclusive clothes of the daimyo with the help of the maid, and her hair was also pulled up and coiled behind her head.

Because she is still young, her face still looks a little immature, and Feng Hua Xiaoxue also asked people to paint her a light makeup to make herself look more mature.

Just as he was ready, Asama's voice sounded outside the door, "Your Highness, the time is up, it's time to go out for the succession ceremony," "

Okay, then get ready to go," Kazehua Koyuki replied.

When the two maids next to them heard this, they hurriedly went to open the door, and Feng Hua Xiaoxue also walked out from inside.

Surrounded by a group of people, the wind and snow slowly walked towards the high platform.

This is the procedure that must be followed by the succession ceremony, and the reason why she walks slowly is so that subjects who have never seen her remember her appearance.

Looking at the residents of the Snow Country on both sides of the road, the wind and snow couldn't help but show a smile of Kazuki.

At this time, the originally noisy crowd also consciously quieted down, and they all began to look at their king.

Being watched by everyone's gaze, the future daimyo-sama couldn't help but feel some nervousness in his heart.

But when she thought of her and her father's words, and thought of her dreams, she quickly banished her nervousness and continued to smile and walk towards the high platform.

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