The cover of the notebook is engraved with the words "Post-War Notes".

Opening the notebook, Watergate said in a loud voice: "There are some problems in this war recorded on it, some of which you summed up by yourself and I added to it, and some of which I saw from the perspective of a bystander,"

"In the future, this little notebook will be put in the library of our revolutionary army, if you are interested, you can go and see it in peacetime,"

the library of the revolutionary army, located in the very center of the station, is a three-story small building.

The first layer is filled with some miscellaneous notes, as well as cultivation experience.

The second layer is placed some ordinary exercises, martial arts, techniques, and so on.

The third layer is a slightly higher grade exercise, martial arts.

As for the top-notch ones, the library is not currently included.

The library was usually not guarded, because at the request of Watergate, Jiu Xinnai arranged a large number of formations for it.

The first floor is not forbidden to enter at will, but the second and third floors can only be climbed by those who hold special tokens.

"The first point is that it is too hasty to launch an attack, and it attacks without mastering a lot of intelligence, and if you encounter an opponent whose strength far exceeds your own, then the consequences are self-evident

," "The second point, there are still problems in the current distribution of squads, and they have not played their respective areas of expertise to the extreme," "

The third point, the cooperation is too rusty, resulting in loopholes between attack and defense

," "Fourth, the mentality has not changed for a while, limiting its own strength,"

"Fifth, everyone is too fearless, this mentality is too dangerous for squad-type warfare,"

the sixth point, the seventh point, ,,, Watergate listed eleven problems found one by one.

The first two of them are about captain-level members, and for now they still have many deficiencies in command.

As for the latter ones, these are the problems of ordinary members, especially the fifth point.

When watching the battle from the sidelines, Watergate obviously found that everyone in the revolutionary army was not afraid of death, which was a good mentality, but it was also very bad.

If it is a collective charge type of war, then this mentality can greatly increase morale.

But at present, the revolutionary army is based on a ten-man squad in this war, and if it is too fierce and fearless, then the battle mode of the entire squad may be deviated.

The reason why there were no casualties this time is also because the army and ninja of the Snow Country are weak.

If it is changed to the country of thunder, the country of soil, these big countries, this revolutionary army will inevitably have a whole squad killed.

Of course, Watergate is not saying that this mentality is bad, but he feels that he has to decide the mode of attack according to the situation of the war.

After listing, Watergate said again: "The above are the problems of this battle, as for some details, I did not write in detail, those have to be understood by yourself on the battlefield," "

I hope you remember these eleven mistakes firmly, understand?"

"Please rest assured that the military commander will step up corrections later!" Led by Junichiro, all members of the revolutionary army answered in unison.

Seeing this, the water gate raised his hand, and everyone in front of him stopped talking and stood upright.

After Watergate, he lowered his hand and said with a smile, "Very good, I hope everyone has always maintained this momentum,"

"Then let's talk about the reward

," "Everyone has trained hard for so long, plus everyone has performed well in this war, so our city lord has decided to give you some rewards

," "Captain, Junichiro, reward a high-level martial art, come to me later to get the token, you can choose it yourself in the third layer of the library,"

"Squadron leader and squad leader, one storage ring each

," "In addition, all members who participated in the battle this time will each be awarded two gold coins, five squad leaders, ten squadron leaders, and twenty group leaders,"

Speaking of this, the water gate stopped speaking, and took out a container from the storage ring, which contained the product of the fusion of Spiritual Qi and Wood Spirit Qi, and after deliberating, they decided to name this special Aura "Source Qi".

After handing the source gas container to Kakashi on the side, the water gate said, "In addition, this is source qi, you have already used it when you were in the Snow Country, it can not only restore injuries, but also enhance strength, broaden meridians, etc., source qi is also for everyone, you can absorb it immediately after you go in."

When the large team in front heard this, they quickly said, "Thank you, Commander Jun!"

As for the other brigade next to them, their eyes revealed longing and envy at the moment.

Hearing these rewards, they were all thinking about how good it would be if it was them who went out this time.

Watergate also saw their expressions in front of him, raised his hand to signal the silence of Junichiro's group, and then looked at the other captain, Yusuke.

Watergate had already informed him that their brigade was going out of the city to carry out the task of suppressing bandits.

According to Watergate's orders, he also informed the members of his brigade of the news

, "Yusuke, although your brigade did not participate in this battle this time, you will also set out for the mission soon, so Lord City Lord decided to send you your reward in advance, hoping to improve your strength a little so that the mission can be carried out more smoothly and safely," Watergate said to him.

Yusuke was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then gratefully made a military note towards Jiraiya and Watergate, and then said in a loud voice, "Thank you, Lord City Lord, Lord Jun!" The

team members behind him also turned around at this time, and Langsheng thanked Jiraiya and Watergate.

After they quieted down, Watergate continued, "The reward was given to you in advance, so do you understand the task to be carried out well?" Also, remember, don't die, and activate Ku Wu immediately in case of unsolvable dangerous situations!

The Yusuke brigade below heard this and replied, "Yes!"

"Okay, then come up one by one to collect your rewards, the members of the second brigade are ready, and we will leave for the mission before noon,"

"As for the rest of Yusuke, you can arrange it after receiving the reward." Watergate said to everyone again.

After Yusuke answered, Watergate pulled a large pile of things from the storage ring and piled them aside, and then handed over the task of distributing rewards to Kakashi and Kai.

Naruto, Jiraiya, and Watergate also came to the side at this time.

Exhaling a turbid breath, Watergate smiled and said, "Whew, it's finally over," and

then looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, how are you preparing over there?" "

Almost ready, ready to go," Naruto replied.

Hearing this, Zi Lai also stepped forward a few steps, raised his hand and rubbed his hair and said, "I won't send you guys later, be careful outside." "

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