In one room, Watergate also detected the existence of Shangnin.

Detecting these water gates, he sighed, and then said in his heart, "Is it another den of mountain thieves established by a noble?" But fortunately, there are no children in this den,"

Watergate said that the child is the descendant of the thief, and he also encountered this kind of long-established thief den when he was on a mission.

At that time, he encountered situations where there were children in dens.

Those children were born to bandits and captive women.

Watergate, who carried out the task of eradicating the bandits for the first time, did not know how to deal with this situation for a while.

Just as he hesitated, those children showed a fierce look in their eyes, and they stabbed him with daggers in their hands.

Only then did Watergate learn that those children had been assimilated by the bandits and were indoctrinated by the bandits' twisted minds from an early age.

In desperation, Watergate had to choose to strike and kill all those children.

Fortunately, there are no children here, otherwise, among the people who are on a mission for the first time, there will definitely be people who can't bear to start.

And the result of that intolerance may be that the throat is slit in a completely defenseless situation.

After probing the situation, Watergate flashed to the side and waited.

After a while, the figures of Guo Yan and others appeared in the perception of Watergate.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, Guo Yan raised his hand, asked the team members behind him to stop, and then said, "Oshima, did you find anything?" Hearing

this, the perceptual cultivator Oshima stepped forward and said, "Captain, there are a total of six mountain thieves standing guard from this road, and the rest are in the cottage," "

At this time, the other mountain thieves in the cottage seem to be doing training."

"Okay, you lead the way, clear the sentry along the way, and try not to reveal your whereabouts when you reach the cottage," Guo Yan said, patting him on the shoulder.

Oshima replied yes, and then quickly ran towards the mountain, and the others behind him quickly followed.

When he was about to reach the mountainside, Oshima stopped, and then turned to the national death and said, "Captain, there is the first guard post ahead, and there are two mountain thieves standing guard here."

Hearing this, Guo Yan nodded, and then said, "Okay, you guys wait here, I'll deal with it,"

said Guo Yan, drew his ninja knife, and then lurked towards the woods on the right side of the road.

Soon, the national martyr saw the sentinel said by Oshima, and at this time, the two mountain thieves were smoking and chatting with each other.

Slowing down and reducing the sounds he made, Oshima quietly circled behind them.

Kicking the ground with both feet, Kokusai dodged towards one of them, put it down before he could react, and slashed his throat and aorta.

At this time, another thief also saw the national death and the companion who had spewed blood from his neck.

Just about to shout, he was covered by the national mourn, and then he also cut the throat with a knife.

In this way, the two mountain thieves lay on the ground and covered the wound on their necks with their hands, their bodies convulsed, and they made painful gasps of "harsh, huh, harsh".

After a while, the two mountain thieves kicked their feet and fell silent.

And Oshima, who has been watching the national death with perception, also brought the team members here quickly at this time to clean up the site.

After cleaning up, Kuni Yan asked Oshima, "Where is the next outpost?"

"Captain, the upper sentry posts are two secret posts, both in different places,,,, Oshima informed the two secret sentries of the location of the national martyrdom.

"Well, the one on the tree is given to me, the other one is given to you, and the others are waiting here." After saying that, Guo Yan walked towards the top.

Seeing this, Oshima hurriedly followed, and just as he was about to enter the reconnaissance range of the two secret posts, the national martyr made a gesture.

Then the two separated, went in different directions, and dived upwards.

The speed of the national death was very fast, and it didn't take long to go around under the thief on the tree without being discovered.

Looking at the thief on the branch, Kokusai took out a spear from the storage ring, held it in his hand, and waited for the Oshima side.

The location of the two secret sentries can see each other, so the national death is not in a hurry to kill this thief first.

On the other side, Oshima also dived next to another mountain thief.

Suddenly, he pounced on the thief, kicked it to the ground, and then quickly covered the thief's mouth, stabbed the ninja knife in his hand hard, and the blade directly cut off the thief's cervical vertebrae, throat, and pierced the ground.

The thief on the tree saw the situation over there at this time, and as soon as he raised his hand to send a signal, the national martyr below threw the spear in his hand towards him.

The spear infused with spiritual energy penetrated the branches of the thief's battle with a sound of breaking the air, penetrating the entire thief from the bottom up.

The thief didn't even have time to cry out in pain, so he fell from the tree.

The national martyr jumped up, caught the corpse of the thief, pulled out his spear, and shook off the minced meat and blood on it.

Then the national death carried the body, returned the same way, and soon came to the team members waiting below.

At this time, Oshima also came down from above, also carrying a corpse in his hand.

The two corpses were quickly cleaned up, and then the national death officer asked the location of the remaining two posts.

After hearing this, Oshima squatted on the ground and drew a sketch of the cottage, and the location of the two bandits was the gate of the cottage.

There is a large open space in front of the cottage, so it is almost impossible to approach it silently.

After hearing this, Guo Yan thought with his hands folded, and then lowered his hand and took out a bunch of arrows like a spear from the storage ring.

This kind of arrow was exactly the assembled arrow created by Jiraiya's two apprentices, only this time they carried a larger one than the one used by Junichiro's previous team, and it had already been assembled.

This arrow was also named the Castle Breaking Arrow by Hikoichi and Shingo.

The national martyr gave each of them two arrows to break the city, and then said: "After we get there, Oshima and I will first deal with the mountain thieves standing guard, and after the mountain thieves inside come out, you will start again, strive to kill more at the gate, don't enter the cottage rashly, and go!"

Saying that, Guo Yan took the lead and ran towards the top of the mountain, and the others behind him also hurriedly followed.

Soon they came to the top of the mountain, and further ahead was the open space at the gate of the bandits' cottage.

The national martyr also slowed down at this time and nodded towards the big island on the side.

Later, the two placed a detonation charm at the arrow position of the city-breaking arrow.

Then he quickly stepped forward, ran out of the woods, and came to the clearing.

After seeing the location of the two thieves, Guo Yan threw the city-breaking arrow in his hand towards that side.

The big island on the side didn't need to say more at this time, and the arrow of the broken city escaped and flew towards the thief at the gate of the cottage.

The two mountain thieves were also startled when they saw someone rushing up.

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