As for whether they will leak it, this national martyrdom does not know, but before departure, he also explained it to Watergate, even if the news leaked out, it doesn't matter.

This time, Hope City's action is very large, involving not only a certain place, but the entire ninja world.

At this time, it is basically impossible to completely hide what you are doing.

Eleven team members were assigned to the task of returning the women to their villages.

Since they have done good deeds, they must do it to the end, although this thief's den has been wiped out, but who knows what they will encounter on the way back.

The farthest of these people from here, with the strength of ordinary people's feet, it only takes two days, and after sending them back, it only takes half a day for these team members to return here with all their strength.

After returning with their orders, they assembled at the foot of the mountain, and then the team members walked down the mountain with the people assigned to them.

When everyone left, they bowed to the national death and others to thank them.

After everyone left, Guo Yan took the rest of the people to the room where the bandits hid their belongings.

After the violent breakdown, all the things were received into the storage ring, as for the classification and nothing is done now, after the things are returned to Hope City, the logistics department will be responsible for sorting, recording and placing them.

After all the belongings were packed and what could be used, the detonation charm was left in many places.

The corpse of the thief was also piled up, and a detonation charm was thrown on the corpse.

At this time, it had been a long time since escorting the departing team members, and Guo Yan led the remaining team members to the open space outside.

Then he placed a few detonation charms on the arrows of the broken city, and then threw one towards the cottage.

At this time, there are detonation charms everywhere in the cottage, so there is no need for special aiming at all.

The arrows flew inside at great speed, and then crashed into the houses, causing an explosion.

Then, there was a booming sound from inside.

The detonation charms placed inside were detonated one after another.

Kokusan also took his team quickly into the woods to prevent injuries from the debris that exploded away.

After the explosion stopped, watching the fire go out and make sure that it would not cause a fire, Guo Yan led his team down the mountain.

At the bottom of the mountain, I found a suitable place to start setting up camp, and waited until the rest of the team members returned before setting off.


The other teams also encountered a little nest on the way forward, and with careful exploration and mutual cooperation, they easily cleared these dens one by one.

The team led by Yusuke also encountered the ninja from the daimyo of Kusanagi, and did not care much about the shadow doppelganger of this den Watergate, watching Yusuke and them do it themselves the whole time.

Not surprisingly, Yusuke also managed to take the den, taking all his belongings with them.

It is worth mentioning that another squad encountered Zaibu Kazuhaku when setting off towards the Land of Earth.

As for the message of Hope City, no matter how much he heard it, he heard it from Naruto.

The revolutionary army was wearing uniform clothing at this time, and the clothing was marked with the mark of Hope City.

No longer take the initiative to step forward and greet them.

After not cutting down the contact toad that Naruto gave him, the squad did not suspect his identity.

Asked for some information, and then left with Shiro no more.

Came to a clearing, and then without cutting out the contact toad, began to summon Naruto.

Naruto, who was guarding the mining team in the Land of Bears, received the summons of Zaibu and directly cast the Flying Thunder God to come to Zaibu and Shiro.

"Lord Minister, long time no see," Zai greeted Naruto.

Naruto smiled and nodded, and then said, "Well, I haven't seen you for a long time, by the way, is there something wrong with contacting me at this time?" He

nodded his head, and then took out two strangely shaped ninja knives from the storage ring.

One of them resembles a needle, and there is a ring of steel wire behind the handle, and this ninja knife is a long knife stitch.

The other is a ninja knife and a hammer connected by a rope, which is called Scalping.

"Your Honor, during this time, I have only collected stitches and circumcisions, and there is no way to do anything else for the time being," Zai said with a little embarrassment as he lowered his head.

Thunder Tooth, is the fastest blade with lightning, this knife has a special effect of both attack and defense, and can create and absorb lightning to release more powerful power.

The current owner of this knife is called Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth, and the current location is the country of Kawa, and where has he been if he doesn't cut it, he is sure that he can't kill Black Hoe Thunder Tooth now, so he didn't act rashly.

As for the explosive knife droplets, this knife can channel countless detonation charms, and its lethality is very powerful. Throw explosive scrolls of explosive knife droplets around enemies, causing a wide-area explosion that cannot be escaped.

One side is a normal blade, and the other blade comes with an initiation charm, which is closed in the blade and usually slashes with the blade, and when there are many enemies or explosive attacks, it attacks with the accompanying detonation charm blade, even if the enemy blocks the explosion that follows.

As for its location, no more beheading has not been found

, seven ninja knives, the muscles are in the hands of the ghost mackerel, the owner of the decapitation knife is no longer beheaded, the flounder is still in the village of Mist Yin at this time, and now he has not beheaded and collected two, and the remaining two Naruto do not plan to care for the time being.

waved his hand, then took the ninja knife, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's already good to be able to collect two, as for the remaining two, don't worry about it for the time being

," "Your task of collecting ninja knives is also over first," "

Thank you, Lord Minister, then I don't know what else I need to do next?" He said without gratitude.

Naruto thought for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "Well, I'll take

you and Shiro back to Hope City and enter the information of the two of you, as for the mission, now there is an organization called the Dark Guard in Hope City," "There are only two members at present, you and Shiro will join the Dark Guard and carry out the mission with them,"

and then Naruto took them back to Hope City.

At this time, Jiraiya was in the office, Naruto knocked on the door, and after Jiraiya responded inside, Naruto pushed open the door and walked in with Zaibu and Shiro.

"Huh, why did you come back so soon?" Jiraiya asked towards Naruto.

When Naruto heard this, he replied, "Bring Kazuhiro back and enter the information,"

Jiraiya nodded, and then took out two forms from the drawer and asked them to fill them out.

After the two of them finished filling out, Naruto opened his mouth and said, "Let the two of them join the Dark Guard, it just so happens that they will all kill silently, and only in the Dark Guard can they show their talents."

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