Seeing this, Hinata couldn't help but look up at Tsunade and said with a little worry, "Master, there won't be anything wrong with Naruto, right?"

Tsunade heard this, raised his hand and rubbed her head, then said with a smile, "Don't worry, the two of them will have a sense of proportion," and

as the two were talking, Naruto and Jiraiya also attacked each other at almost the same time.

Jiraiya's force was too great, Naruto fought hard with him, and then used the force to retreat, probably knowing how strong Jiraiya was at this time.

Then Naruto decided not to fight him directly, the first three styles of the barren halberd, stabbed, smashed, cut, kept changing, and one after another halberds continued to attack Jiraiya.

After fusing with the Golem, Naruto will get a lot of improvement when using these three styles.

And Jiraiya also kept dancing the Bone Crushing Hammer at this time to block Naruto's attack.

Seeing that Jiraiya's defense could not be broken by simply using the blood moon, Naruto also added a slap to the wind god leg from time to time.

This set of leg methods Naruto has cultivated to the realm of perfection.

Breaking the mountain, breaking the flow, breaking the air, and constantly kicking towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya also looked a little flustered at this time, grabbed the gap of Naruto's attack, increased his strength, and smashed on the blood moon, forcing Naruto back a few steps.

Then, Jiraiya raised his right hand, bringing his index finger and middle finger together, while the other fingers were bent.

The fingertips flashed red, and a crimson finger force flew out from the fingertips and flew towards Naruto.

Seeing this, Naruto held the blood moon and stabbed hard, and the tip of the halberd also flew out a red light.

The halberds, the finger forces collided in the air, canceled each other, and then dissipated in the air at the same time.

Seeing that his attacks were useless, Naruto muttered, and then held the halberd in his right hand and pinched a seal with his left hand.

As the seal changed, three golems appeared behind Naruto again.

This time, the three golems began to fuse as soon as they appeared, and the fused golems, their eyes flashed red, their muscles were like rocks, and many metal-like spikes grew at the joints around their bodies.

After the golem fused, Naruto let out a low "Melt!"

As the words fell, the golem once again merged into Naruto's body.

This time there were also some changes in Fusion Naruto's body.

The eyes also appeared exactly the same as the golem, and the height was also much higher.

At the same time, Naruto shouted in his heart, "Nine Lamas." The

Nine Lama, who was originally fighting with other tailed beasts, sensed Naruto's call and immediately disappeared in place.

Consciousness returned to the sealed space, and the Nine Lamas themselves stood up from the ground.

The current Nine Lamas can no longer see the fox appearance before, the mane at the neck has become longer, and the four canine teeth are interlaced up and down, thick and powerful, like two large scissors.

The limbs also became thicker, and under the fiery red fur were lean muscles.

The length of the nine tails has not changed, but it has become a lot slimmer.

After getting up, the Nine Lamas sensed that Naruto was fighting, and at this time, Naruto actually called him, presumably encountering some tricky enemy.

"What happened? Naruto! While asking Naruto, the Nine Lama's perception also quickly extended outward.

When he saw Jiraiya opposite Naruto, the Nine Lamas were stunned for a moment, and then asked Naruto, "Uh, what the hell are you masters and apprentices doing

," Naruto heard this, and laughed, "Ah, haha, sorry Jiu Lama, I practiced against Jiraiya teacher,"

"It's just that my strength is still too small now, so I have to borrow your power,"

the Nine Lamas sighed after hearing this, and then his eyes lit up and said, "Well, but later you have to let me grass dragon your body." After

a pause, the Nine Lamas continued, "Or let me come out and fight with Jiraiya," "

No problem, then, here we go, Nine Lamas!" Naruto said aloud.

When the words fell, the Nine Lamas roared up to the sky in the sealed space, and then fused his aura into Naruto's body.

With the infusion of the Nine Lama's aura, Naruto immediately began to change.

The pupils have become cross-shaped, and black stripes have appeared on the face where the beard originally grew.

The golden aura condensed a black outfit on Naruto's body.

The costume has many patterns of gouge jade on it, and there is a stand-up collar cloak on the outside of this costume.

The cape also has many black striped patterns on it, and several black balls printed on the back.

The clothes were condensed, and six black Dao Jade were attached to Naruto's back.

After entering the fairy fox mode, the various forces in Naruto's body fused together, forming a purple-black ball in his cyclone.

This orb is the source of Naruto's strength at this moment.

As soon as the orb took shape, Naruto erupted into a powerful impact that was much stronger than just now.

The sand under your feet was hit by the strong air current, spreading in all directions.

Seeing this, Zi Lai's face couldn't help but become solemn.

At this moment Naruto disappeared in his eyes, and then his ears caught a cracking sound, and at the same time he sensed danger.

As if instinctively, Jiraiya also hammered to the right-hand side.

Just listening to the sound of the bell, Naruto's figure appeared there.

At this time, the blood moon was colliding with the broken bones.

Naruto said with a slight surprise, "Hey, lecherous immortal, I didn't expect you to be able to keep up with

this speed," compared to Naruto Zilai was also more surprised, this blow basically used all his physical power, did not expect Naruto to block it

, "The eyes did not keep up, but the fighting instinct cultivated over the years has kept up, very good, although this is the use of the power of the Nine Lamas, but this speed is also extremely amazing," Jiraiya said seriously.

When Naruto heard this, he smiled and said, "Of course, and now my strength has also been strengthened, lecherous fairy, the next can be compared to

it," "Haha, come on, I haven't done it for a long time, if I don't practice, my bones will rust," Jiraiya said with a hearty smile.

The last time he fought with all his strength couldn't remember when.

Over the years, he has been scouting for intelligence, gathering materials, and completing his amazing works.

Therefore, he rarely encountered battles, and even if he did, he did not want to entangle with people, and most of the time he fled directly.

After Naruto found him, he had no chance to fight, and his strength was already the top powerhouse in the ninja world.

Now that he has practiced the exercises again, he has cultivated his battle body, and the heavenly fire in his body has also been ignited.

If he fights with all his strength now, he hopes that the only people in the city who can be his opponents are Watergate, Nagato, and Naruto.

However, after Nagato woke up, he became more and more respectful to Jiraiya, and would not practice with him at all.

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