When the energy-absorbing ball was activated, the valley poisonous insects began to riot and kept surging towards this side.

The gigantic Akaki nodded in response to Naruto while swallowing various poisonous insects.

Seeing this, Naruto didn't say anything more, and directly dodged in the direction of the cave.

After a while, Naruto followed the mountain wall to the entrance of the cave.

Naruto raised his foot and stepped inside, but felt the presence of the enchantment.

Naruto under the protective mask grinned and whispered, "Interesting," and

then began to carefully probe the formation of the enchantment with his perception.

Finally, he "saw" a loophole in the upper right corner of the enchantment.

A spiral pill the size of a human head condensed in his hand, and Naruto pressed towards the loophole.

As the spiral pill rotated, the cracks in the enchantment rapidly expanded, and finally with only a click, the enchantment shattered and dissipated in the air.

Increasing the output of aura, the spiral pill in his hand expanded again, and with the help of purple light, Naruto walked in and began to probe the situation in the cave.

The cave is not big, it looks less than a hundred square meters, and there are many things piled up in it.

Naruto saw a tea set, so he walked over to pick up the cup on it to see what was going on.

Who knew that as soon as the hand touched the cup, it turned into dust and fell on the table.

Seeing this, Naruto secretly said in his heart, "This cave has existed for hundreds of years, and the contents are no longer useful," and

then Naruto walked to the other side, where there were some scrolls scattered on the ground, which were also covered with dust.

Gently touching a scroll, I saw that the scroll did not turn into dust like a tea set, and Naruto, who put down his heart, picked it up and opened it.

The scrolls had two words at the beginning of the word "Shinobi", followed by some densely packed small words, and since the cave was so dark, Naruto did not study it too much, and all of these scrolls were collected in an empty storage ring.

Finally, Naruto came to the innermost part of the cave, where there was a tall stone throne near the cave wall.

On either side of the throne stood two stone platforms, one of which had two ninja swords on it, and the other with a scroll in front of it.

Naruto first walked towards the place where the scroll was, and saw that the scroll was wrapped in a small enchantment, and there was a line of small characters next to it, which was the text in the ninja world, and the above "To unlock the enchantment requires the bloodline of the descendants

, Asura Liu," Seeing the three words of Asura , Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then stunned, the first thing he thought of was the son of the Six Dao Immortals, the owner of the xenomorph aura he inherited.

Sensing the situation in the cave, seeing that the poisonous miasma did not spread here at this time, Naruto removed the protective equipment of his left hand, pierced his fingers, dripped on the enchantment, and then quickly put it on.

Naruto's blood dripped on the enchantment and was quickly absorbed, and as the blood fused, the enchantment emitted a burst of white, and then the enchantment shattered and dissipated, revealing the scroll inside.

At this time, Naruto whispered, "Is it really Asura?"

Naruto picked up the scroll and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see any useful information on it, and then he didn't bother much, put it away first.

The two ninja swords on the other side did not have enchantment protection, Naruto walked directly over, picked up one of them, held the handle and pulled it out.

With a "boom", the long knife was unsheathed, and the blade looked a little strange under the purple light of the spiral pill.

Naruto tried to swing it, but then found that the ninja sword had not decayed because it had been stored for too long.

At this time, the ninja knife was still shining cold, appearing extremely sharp, and Naruto was also sure that this ninja knife was not like an iron forge, it must be some kind of special metal, but he couldn't recognize which one it was.

However, Naruto didn't care much for the time being, and stuffed both ninja knives into the storage ring.

Then Naruto carefully probed the cave again, and put away all the unweathered items that could still be used.

Then Naruto walked out of the cave and came to the entrance of the cave, looked back at the cave, Naruto thought for a while, and then the Vajra chain behind his back poked out and rearranged an enchantment at the entrance of the cave.

After the enchantment was arranged, Naruto jumped directly towards the consumption, and after landing, he flashed back to Chiki's side.

At this time, Chiqi was still swallowing this poisonous insect, but from his satisfied expression, it could be seen that he had eaten enough at this moment.

Seeing this, Naruto pulled out the seal with both hands, and one rune after another quickly flew into the air, the Vajra chain behind him poked out, the runes quickly combined together, and the last one appeared in the enchantment in which he, Chiki, had shrouded the energy-absorbing ball.

At this time, Chiqi also swallowed the last bite of poisonous insects and patted his stomach with satisfaction.

The poisonous insects outside the enchantment kept attacking, wanting to break through the enchantment and enter the inside.

But this enchantment completely blocked them, and for a while all kinds of poisonous insects "hissed" around the enchantment.

Naruto's enchantment is only aimed at living objects, but it has no hindrance to poisonous miasma.

The energy-absorbing ball still sucks the poisonous miasma in the canyon.

Seeing this, Naruto nodded in satisfaction, and then took Chiki Flash to the outside of the valley.

Iwajuku also took Naruto back to Death Valley, and the equipment for cleaning up the poison gas was also moved inside.

Naruto cleaned up the poison gas on his equipment, and then cast a flying thunder god to return to Hope City with Akaki and Iwajuku.


In Jiraiya's office, Naruto told Jiraiya about the cave, and then took out the scroll in the enchantment and put it on the table.

"Lustful immortal, this is the scroll from that cave, and the owner of these things should have been left by Asura, the son of the Six Dao Immortals," Naruto said to Jiraiya.

Hearing this, Jiraiya asked Naruto, "Have you opened this scroll and read it?"

Naruto shook his head and said, "No, I'm afraid there is a problem, so I didn't open it rashly,"

"But I came back for this, I'll call the scroll later, lecherous fairy, you are ready, once there is a problem, immediately strike

," Jiraiya frowned after hearing this and said, "Change, I'll open it,"

Naruto said with a smile "Lustful immortal, don't worry, when opening that enchantment, it also wrote that you need the descendants of Asura." , I think there will be such restrictions on this scroll, so let me come.

Zi Lai also sighed and said, "Okay, but you must be careful, if something goes wrong, immediately retreat." "

Uh-huh, don't worry, if it's really Asura, there won't be any problems, then let's go," Naruto said with a smile towards Jiraiya.

After Jiraiya responded, Naruto cast a flying thunder god and took Jiraiya to an empty, secluded place.

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