A moment later, Jiraiya said again, "Okay, then now raise your hand to vote and agree to the raise of your hand to develop scientific ninja tools," Jiraiya's

voice fell, and everyone present raised their hands except for Orochimaru.

Seeing this, Zi Lai also pressed it, and then asked towards the big snake pill, "Director of the big snake pill, do you have any other opinions?"

Orochimaru was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head, the reason why he didn't raise his hand was because when he heard this suggestion, he knew that the task of scientific ninja must be given to him,

so he had been sketching the direction of scientific ninja in his mind.

Seeing this, Watergate smiled at him and said, "Then the task of developing

scientific ninja tools is entrusted to the senior of the big snake pill," "In the next period, please pause the other research projects in your hand and make every effort to develop scientific ninja tools," Since

the development of the anti-virus equipment, the big snake pill has begun to constantly trample the

flying segment, although he already knows the truth of the flying segment's immortality, but his head is still very valuable for research.

At this time, hearing Watergate's words, Orochimaru nodded, and then said flatly, "Okay, I took this task

," "Well, hard work, Orochimaru, if you need an assistant, I can go to the Land of Snow, the scientists there have already hunted for scientific ninja tools," Watergate said to him.

Hearing this, the big snake pill said, "If I can, I need the information, so that I can shorten some research and development time

," Ji Lai on the main throne nodded when he heard this, and then said: "Okay, then the second suggestion is also passed, the person in charge is the director of the Great Snake Pill

," after a pause, Zi Lai also turned his head sideways towards the water gate and said, "As for those materials, then you can go to the Snow Country,"

In addition, give Amado to the big snake pill, whether to let him assist, or extract his memory, this big snake pill is your own decision,"

Watergate and the big snake pill nodded after hearing this, indicating that they understood.

Then Jiraiya cleared his throat, and then said, "As for the third proposal, there is nothing to vote on, just pass it directly,"

"Tsunade, your medical department will make every effort to develop new drugs under the condition that it can be divided into manpower

," "As for the materials, as long as you can find them, you can propose them

," Tsunade next to him listened, and replied in a loud voice, "Understand, rest assured, I will finish it as soon as possible,"

Jiraiya nodded, Then he smiled and said, "So all three proposals made by Watergate have passed," "

What about the rest of you?" Have any other ideas?

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this, and when they saw this, they also spoke, "Okay, then I'll add one more point, next test the talents of all the current residents of the city

," "If there is a special talent, for example, if he has a talent for refining, then I will include him in the refining workshop and be trained by Shingo and Hikoichi," "If there is

a talent in medicine, it will also be handed over to the medical department, and so on, and I hope everyone will take action in the next two years, Contribute to the development of Hope City

," "Also, Jiu Xinnai, the logistics department is also ready to take a list of all resources to each department, as long as they can be used, and the use is no problem to grant them,"

"Okay, I see, Jiu Laiye teacher" Jiu Xinnai replied.

Zi Lai also nodded and then said, "Okay, then this meeting will be here, the specific plan I will draw up after I go back and issue

it," "If you need to hire people, you can go to various departments to second, but you must discuss it first, you must not hinder the operation of your own department, now the meeting is dismissed,"

Zi Laiye's voice fell, and everyone in the conference room answered "yes" in unison, and then began to get up to prepare their own affairs.

After the others left, Naruto handed the storage ring full of poisonous stones to Jiraiya, and then said to him, "fairy, dad, I'll go to the Land of Snow, just in time to see how their communication equipment is developed," Jiraiya

and Watergate nodded when they heard this, Naruto waved with the two and then disappeared directly into the office.

After Naruto left, Jiraiya and Watergate also walked out of the conference room together, Jiraiya returned to his office and began to formulate a specific implementation plan, Watergate returned to

the Fire Country and the others, leaving a shadow doppelganger, and let the nine lamas in the body connect with the shadow avatar, responsible for delivering aura.

Then Watergate cast the Flying Thunder God to shuttle through the ninja world, connecting the shadow doppelganger who followed behind all the squads with the Nine Lamas, and then flashed back to Hope City.


Naruto left Hope City and came directly to the Land of Snow.

When he left, he left a lot of Flying Thunder God marks in the capital of the Snow Country.

At this time, the place where he appeared was the daimyofu of the Snow Country.

After Naruto appeared, the guard next to him quickly stepped forward and gave him a military salute, and said, "Minister Naruto!"

Naruto returned a military salute and said, "Hard work,"

After the judgment of the Snow Country calmed down, Watergate left two squads here to help protect Kazeba Koyuki, and it was one of the two squads left behind at that time who greeted Naruto at that time.

"Where is Koyuki Daimyo now?" Naruto asked at him.

"Back to the minister, His Excellency the daimyo should be in the main hall at this time,"

Naruto nodded after hearing this, and then said, "Okay, then you continue to complete your own task, and I will go by myself."

After saying that, Naruto turned around and walked towards the main hall of the daimyofu, on

the way Naruto met the guards of the Snow Country, and these guards all knew Naruto, and the captain of the guard saw Naruto's arrival, quickly followed Naruto, and respectfully "escorted" Naruto to the hall.

At this time, there were also two guards standing guard at the entrance of the hall, and the guard who followed Naruto quickly came to the front, and said to one of them, "Then you go and report, Minister Naruto of Hope City is visiting," the guard

quickly nodded after hearing this, and then turned and walked in.

After a while, there was the hearty laughter of Asama Santaifu, "Haha, Minister Naruto, I just talked to Koyuki Daimyo about you, please come in," Naruto

raised his foot and walked inside, and then turned his head sideways and asked with a smile, "So, can I ask what you guys say about me?"

"Of course I mean Minister Naruto, you are too genius," Asama said with a flattering look

, this was not a good compliment to Naruto, he was indeed talking about Naruto with Kazehana Koyuki just now.

After Naruto and them left, Asama Santaifu had been searching for information on Watergate and the others.

After summarizing all the information, they learned Naruto's true age by calculation.

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