After listening to Kazehana Koyuki's introduction, Naruto nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's already very good, when I said that covering the entire ninja world was the goal of the later stage.

"You can develop this communication device in such a short time

, the country of snow is worthy of being a country with developed technology in the ninja world," Feng Hua Xiaoxue said with a smile when she heard this, "This is all the credit of those scientists, and the reason why the country of snow is so powerful in science and technology is also related to the conditions here," This

wind and snow is not wrong, a large part of the reason why the country of snow is so developed in science and technology is also related to the geographical location here.

Unlike other places, the specialty of the Snow Country is all kinds of ores, and driven by a large amount of ore, the Snow Country's scientific and technological capabilities are not developed.

In addition, the country of snow was covered in ice and snow all year round, so people from other countries did not think of conquering the country of snow.

This also makes the Snow Country rarely experience wars, so many people here spend their energy on learning, which makes the Snow Country have a large number of scientists.

"You're too modest, Snow Princess, by the way, I don't know how many of these headsets have you made now?" Naruto asked towards Kazehana Koyuki.

After hearing this, Fenghua Xiaoxue replied, "Because the performance of this headset is still being improved, so this headset covering a hundred miles has only produced more than five hundred pairs," "

Haha, it's already very good, I don't know what the price is?" Naruto asked with a smile.

Fenghua Xiaoxue thought for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "Because it has just been developed now, it needs to quickly return the funds consumed, so the price is 18,000 taels, and the subsequent level will be lowered

," "But if it is needed by Hope City, these five hundred sets can all be taken away at present, and if the money is paid, it will be enough to pay seven million taels,"

Naruto shook his head when he heard this, and then said, "I said okay, we hope that the city can bear some of the cost of research and development, So these five hundred pairs of headsets will be traded at the original price,"

Kazehana Xiaoyuki glanced at Naruto gratefully when she heard this, and then said, "Okay, then thank Minister Naruto," At this

time, the country of snow has just completed its transformation, the ice and snow have receded, the earth has returned to life, and there are many places where the country of snow needs money.

Although they will not lose money by trading these headsets to Hope City for seven million, they will not earn

much, although two million is not much, but they can also help the Snow Country complete part of the construction.

Naruto waved his hand when he heard this, and was about to speak when Asama Santaifu walked in with a middle-aged man wearing a white coat, glasses, and messy hair.

Kazehana Koyuki saw this person coming, and then got up and introduced, "Minister Naruto, this is Dr. Sasse, currently the most authoritative doctor in the Land of Snow on Chakra's armor

," Naruto also stood up when Kazehana Koyuki got up, and after hearing the introduction

, Naruto came to Dr. Sass and raised his right hand to greet him, "Dr. Sas, hello," and Dr. Sass also stretched out his hand and shook Naruto's hand, and then immediately separated, A staccato voice came from his mouth, "That, you, hello,"

and as he spoke, Naruto noticed a slight sign of redness on the tips of his ears.

At this time, the third wife of Asama on the side stepped forward and said, "Sorry, Minister Naruto, Dr. Sass usually rarely communicates with people, and then his personality may be a little introverted

," "But rest assured, he must be the best person to complete the ninja tools you need to develop,"

Naruto smiled when he heard this, "Of course, seeing Dr. Sass looks, I know that he must be an amazing scientist,"

Asama Santaifu also smiled when he heard this, and then handed the suitcase in his hand to

Naruto and said, "Minister Naruto, this is the information you need," Naruto took it and thanked him, and then said, "By the way, Santaifu-sama, I just made a deal with Little Snow Princess, or do you bother to run again and get me five hundred pairs of communication headsets?"

Hearing this, Mr. Asama smiled and said, "Of course this is no problem, Minister Naruto wait a bit, I will go and prepare now."

After Naruto nodded, Asama once again turned and left the hall.

The three of Naruto also sat down again, at this time Kazehana Koyuki said to Sass "Doctor, in the next period of time you may need to leave the Land of Snow for a while and go to Hope City, Minister Naruto They need to develop a new scientific ninja tool, and they need your help," Sass

was stunned when he heard this, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, and then nodded and said, "No problem,"

Compared to studying other things, scientific ninja is his favorite thing.

Perhaps it is related to his personality, he likes to study all kinds of scientific ninja tools to protect himself.

Naruto heard Sass agree, smiled and said to him, "Then it's hard work Dr. Sass from then on," and

the three chatted in the hall for a while, until Asama returned to the hall again.

After the third wife of Asama came in, he said to Naruto, "Minister Naruto, the things are ready, just outside, you can take them away at any time," Naruto

nodded with a smile after hearing this, and then took out the silver ticket of nine million taels and handed it to the third wife of Asama.

After the latter took the silver ticket, Naruto said to Kazehana Koyuki, "Koyuki Daimyo, then I'm ready to leave with Dr. Sasse,"

"By the way, since the communication headset has been developed, then the rest is continuous improvement, plus functionality

," "So I hope you can develop new projects, as for the type, it is mainly developed related to daily life," "

As for the function, whether it is a recording file, auxiliary office, Or improve work efficiency, these are fine

," Kazehana Xiaoyuki nodded when he heard this, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, Minister Naruto, half of the scientists will continue their previous research

," "You may not know that when my father was in power, the most projects developed by scientists in the Snow Country were all kinds of equipment for the benefit of the people," "

The geothermal generator is the result of dozens of scientists working together,"

Compared to other projects, these scientists prefer to study various equipment for the benefit of the people,"

Naruto smiled and nodded when he heard this, "Then it will trouble you," Naruto

got up to leave, and when Kaze Xiaoyuki saw this, he also got up to see Naruto.

After coming to the outside of the hall, Naruto saw two large wooden boxes, and his perception swept to see the neatly arranged communication headsets inside.

Smiling and putting it in the storage ring, he waved at Kazehana Koyuki and Asama Santaifu, and then Naruto cast the Flying Thunder God and took Dr. Sass back to Hope City.

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