After doing this, Naruto walked out of the cave with the lighting equipment.

At this time, the food they were baking was almost cooked, and Naruto walked over and sat down next to the two.

In this way, the three of them ended the meal around the campfire.

After eating, Naruto made a pot of tea, poured a cup for each person

, took the tea in Naruto's hand, and said to himself, "Then let's study it and see what to do next

," "First of all, the most important thing must not affect all the changes at this point in time

," "It's best to be able to completely hide our traces

," "Other than that, it's definitely to find a way to go back,"

"The ninja world says that big is not big, but it is not small either, and without a clear goal, it will be quite difficult to find." Watergate said.

After Watergate's words fell, the three of them fell into deep thought, and

after a while Naruto spoke, "Then go to the Land of Thunder first, where Otsuki Hakai lives," "

There are a lot of things he left behind in the territory of the Land

of Thunder," "Especially they have a small island called Paradise Island, which is not simple,"

Jiraiya nodded after hearing this, "Okay, then let's go to the Land of Thunder first."

Watergate also nodded in agreement at this time, indicating agreement.

Now that the route forward had been decided, the three of them naturally didn't say anything more, extinguished the bonfire, and then walked into the cave to start cultivating.

In order to prevent being disturbed to the water gate, an enchantment was also arranged at the entrance of the cave.

When they were all falling into cultivation, they did not rest until a new transparent seed appeared within each of their cyclones, and this seed was slowly growing larger with their cultivation.


was silent all night, and after packing up their things the next day, the three set off in the direction of the Land of Thunder.

The Land of Thunder borders the Land of Fire, and they are not too far from here.

In order not to let people find out, the routes that the three chose to walk were all inaccessible places

, and although they did not rush with all their strength, it only took the three of them three days to reach the border of the Land of Thunder.

From here, every time they walked through a place, the three people would open the perception and search carefully, so as not to miss any discovery

, but unfortunately, after looking for a whole day, until they were almost to Yunnin Village, the three did not find places similar to ruins, or treasure lands

, and opened the perception for a whole day, the three felt very tired mentally,

and had no choice but to find a place and practice well for a night to restore their mental and physical strength.

Early the next morning, the three left the place of cultivation early and continued to search.

Finally, at noon, they came to the vicinity of the Cloud Thunder Grand Canyon.

Here Naruto came once, the last time he came for the cat and the cow ghost

, the last time he left in a hurry, Naruto did not probe carefully, this time Naruto found something different in that huge gap in the canyon.

There was an enchantment near the ground that blocked Naruto's perception, and that enchantment also blocked Naruto's spiritual power.

Seeing this, Naruto turned his head to the side of the water gate and Jiraiya and said, "Lustful fairy, Dad, found something wrong," and

after the two looked over, Naruto told them what he had detected.

After speaking, the three discussed for a while, and finally decided to go down and investigate.

As he approached the Cloud Thunder Grand Canyon, Naruto probed again. The specific location

was determined, and then probed again and determined that there was no one in the Thunder Canyon, and then

the three people walked in directly and came to the front of the crack in the ground.

Then the three jumped and jumped directly

, the ground gap was very deep, about a depth of nearly 100 meters, and when they were about to land, the three of them burst out with spiritual energy to reduce the impact when they landed.

After landing safely on the ground, Naruto took out the lighting and walked towards the place where he found the enchantment with the water gate and Jiraiya.

Soon they came to an underground space, there was a

stone staircase, the three of them tried it, and then walked up the stone staircase, kept climbing up, and after a long time, the three came to the place shrouded by the enchantment.

But the road there is blocked, and the enchantment is shrouded on the other side of the blockage.

Handing the lighting to the water gate behind him, Naruto motioned for them to back off a bit.

The two retreated a little, and Naruto quickly activated his aura, raised his right hand, and condensed a magnetic spiral pill in the palm of his hand.

The spiral pellet is pressed to the blocked place, and soon the gravel falls off from above.

Seeing this, Naruto increased the output of aura, and soon he opened the channel, and

the spiral pill directly hit the enchantment, making a sound of iron rubbing.

"Heh, it seems that there is not only an enchantment that can be used to block perception, but also a protective enchantment

," seeing his spiral pill blocked, Naruto did not dare to directly break the enchantment

, in case the enchantment was destroyed

, it would be worth the loss, then he dispersed the spiral pill, turned to the water gate and said, "Dad, it's over to you,"

Watergate heard the words and stepped forward, Handing the lighting equipment to Naruto, he himself began to carefully investigate the situation of the enchantment.

After a while, the water gate began to make a seal, and when the last seal fell, the water gate raised its hand and pressed on the enchantment

, and with the movement of the water gate, a hole large enough to accommodate a person to pass through appeared on the enchantment.

Turned around and said, "Okay, let's go in, soon this hole will heal," said

the water gate, turned and walked inside, and the water gate and Zilai followed him and also entered the space inside the enchantment.

This side is still a passage, but at this time it is enough to see the exit

of the passage, the three of them continued to climb all the way up, and soon left the passage

, with the light emitted by the lighting equipment, Naruto They finally saw the situation inside

, here is a large underground cave, looking at the surrounding cave walls obviously someone has repaired it twice.

The three of them grabbed a lighting fixture and walked further inside, and

soon they came to a place similar to a square.

This place is very spacious, looking at the surrounding furnishings, as well as the style of construction, this is obviously a martial arts arena, used for ordinary cultivation.

At this time, there were still some huge wooden stakes standing around the martial arts arena.

Seeing this, Naruto walked over, and then raised his hand and clenched his fist to hit the stake.

With Naruto's blow, the stake actually returned several of his stakes.

Moreover, several of these parts directly drilled into his body along the fist, and produced special fluctuations, which constantly shook his muscles.

Naruto noticed this situation and chuckled, "Huh? "Oh,

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