This time, the three of

them stepped into the library building

carefully, and then began to look separately, for the scrolls on the wooden frame, the three of them were carefully touched

, but unfortunately, even if the action was careful, there were still some directly broken and turned into ash, and some even if

they were not broken, they were not intact, and only a few words could be seen inside

And most of the scrolls recorded on them were just useless information, which did not help Naruto at

all, and after a long time, the three of them looked at all the scrolls they could see, and after

meeting again, all three looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"No, these scrolls only record some miscellaneous things about

the Ninja Sect," Naruto began, "I don't have any useful information here, I haven't found any useful information

," "Similarly, these scrolls are basically of little value,"

Jiraiya echoed Mizumon

, and after Naruto listened, he clasped his hands around his chest and said in surprise, "No, if this place is really established by the Ninja Sect, then it can't be only these miscellaneous notes, here, There must be something else,"

the thought came to this, Naruto turned on perception and expanded the range to the maximum, and then the spiritual power also surged out of the sea of self-awareness, carefully probing the situation around

, and finally, Naruto found a secret room on the side, and then he was happy

, this secret room also has an enchantment, this enchantment blocked Naruto's

perception, after withdrawing his perception, Naruto smiled and pointed in that direction and opened his mouth towards the water gate and Jiraiya said" Hehe, there's a secret room over there,"

said Naruto and walked over there, there was a simple stone wall on the surface, there was no special place

, Naruto saw this and raised his hand and knocked on the stone wall, sure enough, the sound made proved that it was hollow inside

, looking at the bulge on the stone wall next to him, Naruto smiled, walked over, and pressed it in, as the bulge

was pressed, the stone wall made a clicking sound,

Then in the gaze of the three people, the stone wall slowly opened, revealing the door of the secret room inside

, looking at the transparent diaphragm outside, the water gate walked over, raised his hand and pressed on the enchantment, closed his eyes to explore

the operation law of the enchantment, and after knowing the operation law of the enchantment, the water gate was the same as before, and this enchantment was temporarily made out of a large hole that was enough for people to pass through

, and then the water gate took a few steps back and separated a shadow doppelganger, Let him open

the door of the secret room, after the shadow doppelganger pushed the door open, there was a pungent decay breath inside, and there was nothing abnormal in addition

, Naruto three saw this and waited outside for a while, and entered again after the smell inside dissipated a lot

, as for the shadow doppelganger water gate did not let it dissipate, but let him maintain this entrance of the enchantment at the door

, the three entered the secret room and found that it was not as spacious as outside, But there

are a lot of things piled inside, and the shelves inside are no longer wooden

, but made of metal, due to the protection of the enchantment, most of the things inside are well preserved, only a few wood products are decayed

, I think that the smell of decay just now is emitted by these rotten wood products

, looking at the things inside The three people are very happy, but at the moment they don't care about the others, but go directly to the scroll placed inside,

As a scroll was opened, some smiles appeared on the faces of the three

people, the scrolls here are no longer those chores, some are special cultivation methods, and some record the history of the Ninja Sect, as well as the special places that exist in the ninja world, after

a while of flipping, Naruto held up a scroll and said aloud "Haha, found it!!" When

Jiraiya and Watergate heard this, they quickly put down the scroll in their hands and came to Naruto's side

, and the three of them looked at the scroll at the same time, only to see that it said, "Dragon vein, ninja realm land vein, but the celestial phenomenon is not known to everyone,,,,"

The three of them carefully studied it, carefully wrote down every word, carefully analyzed, and

the specific meaning recorded on the scroll was that there was a power of the earth vein in the ninja world that had been known to everyone

But there

is also a celestial force people have not found, only know that every front

there will be a celestial outbreak, in the celestial outbreak will produce a peculiar

tidal force, this tidal force will cover the entire ninja world, under the impetus of this force, the dragon vein will also emit a geomagnetic force

, the two forces will complement each other, at this time, whether it is the power of the celestial phenomenon, or the power of the earth vein will be urged to the extreme

As for the specific role of the tidal power emitted by this celestial phenomenon, they have not studied this clearly.

The scroll also left

the time of the last celestial outbreak on it, Naruto calculated, it was only about a year from now

, handed the scroll to the water gate on the side, Naruto opened his mouth and said, "Hehe, not bad, a way has been found, as long as we wait for the time of the celestial outbreak, the ability of the earth vein is urged to the extreme, I think we can go back,"

although the power of the tides will not make the energy of the earth vein skyrocket, However, it can urge the ability of the earth pulse to the extreme

, so that it will not harm Loulan, and the three of them can return to the time node that belongs to them.

Watergate took the scroll and looked at it again, carefully pondering the meaning of a scroll, and then said, "This is just a possibility, so other ways also need to be found,"

Jiraiya nodded when he heard this, "Okay, then look at all these scrolls and see if you can find other ways,"

Jiraiya said Naruto and Watergate both nodded, and then the three began to read the other scrolls

It wasn't until he looked at

all the scrolls in the secret room that he stopped, and the three of them gathered together again, and Naruto spoke, "I haven't found any other way here, and there is no record of this supernatural power in the remaining

scrolls," Jiraiya nodded when he heard this, and said, "That's right, the scrolls I read here are all about cultivation, as well as some history of the Ninja Sect, and there have been major events, this kind of record,"

"There are new discoveries on my side." , "Watergate raised a scroll in his hand

," which records some peculiar places in the ninja world

, "such as the route to the island of paradise, and

the real waterfall on it," "There are also a lot of information about the change in strength after someone has used the real waterfall

," "In addition, there are strange places such as the Yellow Spring Marsh of the Land of Onii," "

By the way, the scroll also mentions other cultivation places, But this place is exactly where Yunnin Village is now established,"

"I think that it has been mastered by the people of Yunnin Village."

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