After Iso fell on Jiraiya's shoulder, Naruto looked at them, and then turned and ran towards

the island of paradise, when they were about to approach the island of paradise, Naruto they all turned on the perception exploration

, there were also many guards on the island at this time, at this time they were patrolling around

, in the center of the island of paradise, there was a huge enchantment, A large area of the place was shrouded in it

, in addition, some traps were also laid in some places

, after deliberating, Naruto and they quietly sneaked in, as for

the enchantment or handed over to the water gate, after the water gate dealt with the enchantment, the three people walked in through the hole in

the enchantment, and then the water gate restored the enchantment to its original state, and there were no guards inside the enchantment, not even traps

At this time, it was almost morning, and some nocturnal animals had also returned to their nests

, as for other daytime animals, they were sleeping at this time

, so the three of them moved very lightly, trying to suppress the sound to a minimum

, and followed the place where the real waterfall was located in the perception, and soon, their figures appeared in front of the

real waterfall, "This is the real waterfall?" On the surface, there really is nothing special at all," Jiraiya

said, Naruto spread his hands when he heard this, and then said, "No way, this real waterfall is useful for the illusion space inside, so from the outside, this is indeed an ordinary waterfall,"

At this time, the Nine Lamas also jumped off the bodies of the three and landed on the ground

, and the Nine Lamas led by them opened their mouths and said, "So, who starts first?"

Naruto shook his head when he heard this, and then said, "This is not in a hurry, we have to make some preparations first," "

Dad, let's arrange two formations first, one can make outsiders not come here, and the other can block the energy impact, just like Loulan there, so it's okay, right?"

The reason why two formations are needed is because there will be people here every day to patrol, if there is no such phantom array, then their whereabouts will be directly exposed

, as for blocking the energy impact is because once the dark side of their hearts is defeated

, then the strength will definitely be improved, if there is an energy fluctuation at that time, then it will definitely make the peripheral guards notice,

Watergate nodded when he heard this, At this time, Zilai also took out which piece of mutated Chakra conduction metal before and handed

it to Watergate, Watergate took it and pinched it with both hands, first laid down a phantom array, looked inside the periphantom array, you won't see the situation inside

, and then Watergate laid out the formation that was previously placed in the dragon vein to prevent energy impact

, after both formations were laid, Watergate nodded towards Naruto and them, Naruto

glanced around, and then said" I'll come first, you guys help me guard, don't care what you see,"

After they nodded at the water gate, Naruto jumped to the stone in the waterhole, and then sat down cross-kneeled

, after closing his eyes, Naruto let himself relax, soon he felt that he was in a chaotic space

, and when he felt a light in front of him, Naruto opened his eyes, and

then there was a strange laughter from the waterfall, Then a figure appeared, as the figure slowly solidified

, a red-eyed Naruto appeared in front of Naruto who was sitting cross-knee, but this is not over, behind this red-eyed Naruto, a figure walked out again, this figure is also Naruto's appearance, but the eyes are strange purple

, with the appearance of two negative energy Naruto, Naruto sitting cross-legged on the ground also stood up, and then looked at the two strange selves in front of him in surprise

The red-eyed

Naruto on the left grinned, with a nervous face, looking at Naruto with a strange smile, and the purple-eyed Naruto on the right was also cold, surrounded by two broken drums, looking at Naruto indifferently

, after getting up, Naruto walked over with a strange face, circled around the two avatars, and made a stained voice in his mouth: "Not bad, not bad, this real waterfall is really interesting, if it weren't for this weird eyes, then you would be exactly the same as me,"

What are you going to talk to me about,"

for these two incarnations Naruto has a number of how they came about

, the incarnation of red eyes is the dark side of his heart, as for the purple-eyed Naruto must be the hidden danger left when he sucked that remnant soul

, hearing Naruto's ridiculous words, a # word popped out of Naruto's forehead, and then a punch slammed into Naruto's head

, Naruto raised his hand and held his fist, Then said with a playful face, "Don't be so anxious, you usually don't have to talk about it first,"

just as Naruto spoke, the red-eyed Naruto on the side

splashed red light, a red light directly into the back of Naruto's head, as the red light entered the body, Naruto's eyes became confused, and at the same time some pictures appeared in his mind

, some pictures that he did not want to recall

, in a hospital room, As a baby, he was lying on the hospital bed, a hideous female nurse, just those long needles, kept stabbing

him, the picture turned, this time it was the picture of him drinking the hot milk powder

, ,,, looking at his own abused experiences in early childhood

, Naruto's heart rose a burst of anger, as the picture continued to flow, Naruto's anger became stronger and stronger, and his body began to exude a gloomy and cold aura

The water gate waiting next to the waterfall, at this time, saw a pale black flame rising around

Naruto, and the body began to tremble continuously

, at this time, in the fantasy space, Naruto's body has been constantly flashing the picture of his childhood abuse

, at this time the purple-eyed Naruto also began his movement, only to see him raise his hand a little, a purple light submerged into Naruto's body, at this time Naruto

noticed a cold, lonely, desolate

, There were pictures of continuous fighting, killing

, and injury in his mind, and for a while Naruto's mind kept flashing these two sets of pictures, Naruto's body also began to emit a tyrannical aura

, the two sets of pictures kept flashing, Naruto's brain at this moment seemed to explode

, just when the body trembled extremely fast, a figure appeared in Naruto's mind

It was a little girl with white eyes, in

the picture she was crouching on the ground crying at this time, and a little blond boy walked up to her with his hands in his pockets

, this was the scene where Naruto and Hinata met for the first time, that is, this fateful encounter, so that Hinata always accompanied Naruto

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