When the Nine Lamas flashed forward, the avatar

also reacted, but the speed of the Nine Lamas was very fast, and when he didn't react, he directly opened his mouth and bit the incarnation's neck

, and the avatar was in pain and let out a wail

, but the Nine Lamas ignored it, closed his upper and lower jaws hard, and wanted to bite off the incarnation's spine directly

However, this blow did not bite off the spine

of the avatar, but bit it into a cloud of smoke, the muscles on the face of the Nine Lamas trembled when he saw this, and secretly said "Uh, careless,"

just now he actually forgot that this avatar will turn into smoke when the attack exceeds its own strength, and then re-condense on the other side, at this

time, the place where the avatar re-condenses is directly behind the Nine Lamas, and

there are strong energy fluctuations behind him, So that

the nine lamas quickly turned their heads, at this time there was already a pitch-black

tailed beast jade in front of the incarnation, seeing this, the nine lamas quickly condensed a

tailed beast jade as large as the tailed beast jade in front of him, and when the avatar launched the tailed beast jade towards himself, the nine lamas aimed at the lower part of the tailed beast jade flying towards him, and then launched the tailed beast jade, and the incarnated tailed beast jade was hit by the tailed beast jade of

the nine lamas on the way to the flight,

So its flight trajectory deviated and flew directly upwards

, while the tailed beast jade of the

Nine Lamas continued to fly towards the avatar, and when it was about to approach the avatar, the Nine Lamas shouted lowly, "Boom!"

As the words fell, the tailed beast jade expanded rapidly, an extremely rich energy fluctuation emanated from the tailed beast jade

, and then a dazzling light flashed, the tailed beast jade exploded directly

, and the avatar in the explosion range was unable to dodge, and turned into smoke again under this explosion

, and the nine lamas had completely released their spiritual power at this time, so the avatar just prepared to condense him and rushed in that direction

To deal with this incarnation, you have to use soul attacks

, and at present, the soul attack mastered by the Nine Lamas is only the Flying Soul Claw, this set of claw methods that can hurt the soul,

so he plans to try another method

, at this time he called a

cat in the mind space, and the cat who had been preparing for a long time heard the words and immediately entered the sealed space in Naruto's body

, and came to the origin left by the Nine Lamas,

Injecting his power into the origin

, the Nine Lamas who were in the fantasy space also felt the power fluctuations coming from the Origin at this time

, so he immediately sucked this power over, and

the cat's power entered the body, and the Nine Lama's body also burned with blue flames, and the whole body looked even more fierce.

With the inhalation of the power of the cat, the speed of the nine lamas has increased a lot

, and when the avatar has not yet condensed completely, he directly flashed to his front

, opened his mouth and sucked

in, directly sucked part of the incarnation's still illusory body into the body

, and then immediately urged the beast king trick to start refining, with the beast

king trick running, The power of the incarnation that was inhaled into the body by the Nine Lamas was quickly refined and turned into his own nourishment

, the Nine Lamas felt this situation, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice "Sure enough, then continue,"

said the Nine Lamas rushed towards the avatar again

, the incarnation at this time has been condensed

, although the Nine Lamas have absorbed some of his power just now, but now it seems that the power still has no effect on the incarnation,

At this time, his condensation is still complete

, the Nine Lamas did not use other power when he rushed towards the incarnation

, he only planned to fight hand-to-hand, and then suck in as long as he caught the opportunity in the process of hand-to-hand combat

, he also wanted to see how long this avatar could withstand it

, grabbing the defensive gap of an avatar, the Nine Lamas directly bit his spine, and then sucked a large mouth

This time the huge fox face of the incarnation appeared a look of horror

, but even this is impossible for the nine lamas to stop, the nine lamas control their power, just hold down the avatar, and did not use too much power to make the avatar dissipate

, the mouth has been absorbing the power of the avatar, the beast king trick is constantly running, refining the power inhaled into the body, feeding back to the

nine lamas, but this did not last long, just after the nine lamas

sucked a big mouthful, The avatar thud turned into smoke

, and in the spiritual power perception of the Nine Lamas, the avatar began to condense on his right hand side

again, so he turned his head

to look in that direction, this time the Nine Lamas did not pounce first, but stood in place and waited, wanting to see the changes

in the incarnation at this time, and finally the incarnation condensed again, this look confirmed the thoughts in the heart of the Nine Lamas, and the

condensed avatar at this moment was obviously smaller than just now,

Seeing this, the Nine Lamas made an attack gesture towards him

, this action fell in the eyes of the avatar, making it like a frightened bird, flashing to the side

, looking at the action of the avatar, the Nine Lamas laughed loudly, "Sure enough!" "

At this time, the incarnation is not only the size of the durian speed is also much slower than before, then that is to say, his strength, these must have declined

, no nonsense, the nine lamas directly flashed over and started his absorption business again

, as the nine lamas continued to absorb, the avatar continued to dissipate and reorganize

, the body size of the incarnation became smaller and smaller, and it became easier and easier for the nine lamas to catch him

Just after absorbing the avatar to collapse, the Nine Lamas saw an avatar about the size of his claw condensed in front

of him, and the fierce appearance of the avatar at this time looked slightly cute

, shook his head, the Nine Lamas directly swallowed it, and then quickly refined, so

far, the dark side incarnation of the Nine Lamas was all absorbed by him

And he also found a way for Isofu to safely pass through the illusion space

, not long after, the nine lamas completely absorbed the avatar, and the beast king trick also stopped running

, unlike the three Naruto, the nine lamas did not break through immediately after absorbing the incarnation

, but this is not important, the nine lamas with keen perception sensed that one of their shackles was broken, their consciousness was clear, and they felt refreshed,

which was the one left by the big tube of wood feathers in the subconsciousThe feeling that the "program" has been broken

, which means that from now on, no matter what happens, the Nine Lamas and Naruto will not be able to stand on the opposite side

, although the Nine Lamas have always regarded

the Otsuki Yue as their father, but this does not mean that the

Otsuki Yue can use them as tools at will, since they know that the Otsuki Yue is still in the underworld at this moment, and they also know what he did

Then, with the temper of the Nine Lamas, he will definitely ask him in the future to understand what

he really thinks of the tailed beasts

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