In addition, it was within the range of perception at this time, Naruto

did not find a existence similar to a swamp

, and the place where he explored was nothing but mountains and rocks that were trees

, seeing this situation, Naruto retracted his perception, turned his head to look at Jiraiya and Watergate and said, "Lustful immortal, Dad, this alien space is very large, and with my perception range at the moment, I have not been able to completely cover it,"

And I didn't find that there are swamps, lakes

and the like," "If the Yellow Spring Swamp is really in this alien space, then it means that we are still quite far away from there at this time

," Zi Lai also heard Yan and thought for a while, and said as he said, "In that case, then let's explore this alien space,"

Watergate also nodded in agreement, "This is fine, in this case, then the three of us will set off together, After all, no one knows what is going on

in this alien space," "If you are together, there is also a care," "

Okay, then that's it, by the way, Dad, you choose a direction," Naruto looked at Watergate and said

, the reason why Watergate chose the direction was because he was very sensitive to

space, if there were other spatial fluctuations in this alien space, then Watergate would be more or less aware of it, Watergate

nodded when he heard this, Then closed his eyes and began to carefully search for spatial fluctuations, and

after a while, the water gate opened his eyes, and then pointed to the right hand side of the three people, "Then let's go over there, I feel that there should be something there,"

After the water gate finished speaking, the three began to set off in that direction, and

the three of them were all open to explore the surrounding situation when walking

, but they didn't know, whenever they walked through a place, Where they walked underfoot, an illusory figure would appear

, this figure did not do anything, just glanced

at the three people, and then merged into the earth again, disappeared, and after the three of them walked forward for an unknown amount of time, Naruto was pleasantly surprised to find that at this time, within his perception, something similar to a waterhole appeared

, so he quickly told Jiraiya and Watergate

, and then the three of them galloped towards that side,

Soon they came to a wood, towards the woods, soon they came to a small

waterhole, the water in this waterhole is also different from the outside water, the water in the entire waterhole looks extremely turbid, earthy yellow

, and on the edge of the waterhole, there are several stone pillars sticking out of the pool

, looking

around again, Naruto raised his hand and scratched the back of his head and said"It doesn't look like a swamp here

," Jiraiya on the side laughed when he heard this, and then said, "What is this, it's just a name, just like the paradise island we went to, there is no paradise there

," "The teacher is right, I don't know if you have found it, this waterhole can completely block the exploration, even the spiritual power can not enter the waterhole to probe," Watergate said with a frown and staring at the pool, Naruto

and Jiraiya were stunned when they heard this, Then they all turned on

the spiritual power exploration, extending towards the water, but when the spiritual power touched the surface of the water, it was as if it hit a transparent diaphragm, and it was impossible to penetrate the inside

of the waterhole, carefully probing the surface of the water, Naruto frowned and said, "There is no enchantment, formation, and nothing special around," "

But the spiritual power is blocked, which also shows that the water in this waterhole has the effect of blocking the perception of spiritual power,"

The water gate next to him nodded, and then said, "That's right, there is no spatial fluctuation around, as if everything is static

," Zi Lai Ye frowned when he heard this, "It's a little weird here, if according to who said, then these things here seem to be out of touch with this strange space,"

Just after Jiraiya finished speaking, Naruto wrapped his arms around and stared at the stone pillars next to the waterhole for a long time

Then he turned his head to Zi Lai Ye and Watergate and said, "Lustful immortal, Dad, you lift your spirits, pay attention to the surroundings, I'll go and see what is on this stone pillar," Zi Lai Ye

and Watergate heard this and said to him, "Be careful, pay attention to safety!" Smiled

and nodded at the two of them

, Naruto jumped to a stone pillar, the diameter of the top of the stone pillar is more than three meters, Naruto standing on it is completely fine

, with the fall on the top of the stone pillar, Naruto squatted down, his hand touched the pattern on

the stone pillar, wanted to see what the stone pillar did, fumbled for a while, Naruto did not find anything unusual, the stone pillar seemed to be an ordinary stone

It's just that some patterns and patterns are carved on it, and when

I get this conclusion, Naruto is not satisfied, everything here is extremely ordinary

, but they are completely out of touch with this space, this is the biggest abnormality

, the thought came to this, Naruto released spiritual power towards the inside of the stone pillar, as the spiritual power penetrated, Naruto "saw" that there was a stone core inside

the stone pillar

So he manipulated his

spiritual power to probe towards the stone core, but when Naruto's spiritual power pierced into the stone core, the entire stone pillar began to emit a dazzling light

, and the originally calm and waveless pool also became choppy at this time

, and there were undercurrents surging around the pool, as if something was going to rush out of it, and

the water gate on the shore was startled by these changes, and they all exclaimed "Naruto!" Then

he rushed towards the stone pillar, at this time Naruto seemed to enter another space

, there was nothing around, it was dark, it was very quiet, so quiet that Naruto could hear his heartbeat, breathing, and the sound of his pulse

, the outside world, at this time, as Jiraiya and Watergate pounced on the stone pillar, a black shadow was quickly selected in the pool, and the black shadow

appeared in human form, But this figure is slender, with a gloomy face, and is wrapped with blue and yellow qi

, as soon as this figure appeared, it rushed towards Naruto who was stunned

, and he was about to touch Naruto, and at this moment a sound of shouting sounded in this area, "Seven Tribulation Fingers!!" As

the sound of the calendar fell, a fiery red, exuding color aura of fingers flew towards

the black shadow, which was exactly the attack sent by Zi Laiye, but this blow did not work, directly penetrated the black shadow

, Zi Lai also saw this and quickly said to the water gate on the side: "Ordinary attack can't work, try the spiritual power attack!" After

Jiraiya's words fell

, the Horror Thorn in Watergate's hand stabbed directly forward, and the Horror Thorn directly pierced into the two small whirlpools

, and at the same time two vortexes appeared behind Naruto, and the Horror Thorn stabbed out from the vortex, just stabbing

the black shadow

that pounced on Naruto

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