"Dad, what's going on?" Naruto asked him suspiciously

, Watergate raised his head, and said in a strange tone, "I can't absorb the

soul origin, as if there is no soul origin in this space," Jiraiya also frowned when he heard this, and then said, "No, if there is no soul origin, how did Naruto absorb it just now?" Hearing

Jiraiya talk about Naruto's cultivation just now, those pictures quickly flashed in Watergate's mind

, and finally he showed a look of sudden realization

, and said to the two, "I see," said Watergate, jumped to another stone pillar

, Jiraiya and Naruto also jumped after him

, after coming, Watergate said to the two, "I'll try it first," said

to the two Saying that the water gate squatted down, let go

of the spiritual power and leaned towards the inside of the stone pillar, soon he and Naruto also saw the stone core inside the stone pillar, extending the spiritual power over

, the water gate quickly entered the dark space that

Naruto said, at the same time, a monster came out of the outside waterhole

, Naruto saw this situation, laughed and said, "Sure enough, it's still dad smart," Naruto saw this

Saying that Naruto's backhand is a soul killing needle, the monster turned into a black bead after being pierced, and Zilai also stretched his hair to wrap

the black bead back, pinched it in the palm of his hand, and kept turning it up and down, for this black bead, Zi Lai Ye did not encounter relevant information in his mind

, but at this moment it was not the time to probe carefully, so after a few upside downs, he threw it into the storage ring, and

at this time the water gate squatting on the ground also regained consciousness, After he got up, he smiled at the two and said, "Teacher, Naruto, I'm going to start cultivating,"

Jiraiya heard this and said to him, "Don't worry, leave it to us,"

With Naruto's previous experience when cultivating, Jiraiya and Naruto naturally knew what would happen next, and Jiraiya turned to Naruto and

asked, "Do you want me to lay two enchantments?"

Naruto was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "Hehe, I don't need it for the time being, I want to try how many times my current spiritual power can cast soul extinguishing needles,"

As the water gate began to cultivate, the waterhole once again began to transmit the power containing an extremely rich soul origin outward

, and the monster also followed, breaking through the water surface and flying into the air

, and Naruto was already ready, with long purple needles suspended in front of him

As the spiritual power swept locked the monsters that broke out of the water, and then Naruto waved his hand, those long needles flew towards

the monsters, constantly flying up and down, as the long needles entered the body, one by one the monsters turned into round

black beads, and the self on the side was also rare and relaxed, cast the art of chaotic lions to collect all the black beads

, with the cultivation of the water gate, there are more and more monsters in the distance in the waterhole, and as time goes by, the strength of these monsters is getting stronger and stronger,

Gradually, there are some monsters that Naruto's soul killing needle can

not kill with one hit, but this is not a big problem for Naruto who has plenty of soul power at the moment

, one blow does not work, two blows do not work, three blows

, until the monster is defeated

, as time passes, Watergate's cultivation is also nearing the end, and after Watergate finishes cultivation,

Waterhole returns to calm

When Naruto defeated the last monster, Watergate also stood up from the stone pillar

, and after exhaling a turbid breath, Watergate checked his current situation, the

soul power consumed by the previous battle has been completely replenished, and at this moment, his soul power has also increased a lot

, the range of perception that spiritual power can attach has become larger, the perception of spatial nodes

is clearer, and the mind is clearer, At this time, Watergate can be said to be refreshed

, and after laughing, Watergate came to Naruto and Jiraiya

, raised his hand and patted Naruto's shoulder, Watergate smiled at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

Naruto smiled and replied, "Of course

it's okay, I just feel some fatigue now," Watergate nodded, then turned to Jiraiya and said, "Sensei, it's hard,"

Jiraiya smiled and waved his hand, and then said, "I'm just responsible for collecting black beads, but it's nothing hard," "

How do you feel?" The harvest is okay, right? Watergate

nodded with a smile when he heard this, "Very good, then the teacher will come next, Naruto and I will guard you,"

Jiraiya nodded with a smile

, and then jumped to another stone pillar, Naruto and Watergate also followed, jumped to the edge of the stone pillar, and took an attack posture, Naruto and Watergate

have already practiced, combined with the previous experience of the two, the three of them have fully understood how to cultivate on the stone pillar at this time,

The stone pillar can only provide cultivation for one person at a time, and the cultivator

must first activate the stone pillar with spiritual power

, and after the stone pillar is activated, the consciousness will go to a pitch-black space

, and then a monster will appear in the pool, and the

role of this monster is like a key, killing this monster is

equivalent to opening a lock

At this time, the consciousness that enters another space will return

to the body, and more monsters will appear in the waterhole at this time, after killing these monsters

, the origin power of the monster itself combined with the special power in the waterhole will form a pure soul origin

, so as to enhance the soul power of the cultivator

, of course, the reason why Naruto needs someone to watch over is because they have all practiced the

Soul Gathering Technique, in fact, even if they do not operate the Soul Gathering Technique, Fighting and killing monsters by themselves will also absorb some

soul origins, but this will waste too much soul origins, far less than having someone to help on the side, and their own operation of soul gathering techniques has improved a lot

, the three of them have learned a little about the basic ability of the Yellow Spring Swamp at this

time, and under the protection of Naruto and Watergate, they also quickly entered the state of cultivation

, and after ,,,a long time, they

also ended their cultivation, Standing up in good spirits

, Zi Laiye's harvest is also great, not only the soul power consumed is supplemented, but also greatly improved

, after Zi Lai Ye finished cultivation

, the three returned to the shore, it has been a long time since they came into this alien space, they all felt hungry, came

to the shore, continued to walk towards the distance, the three stopped, and then the tailed beasts "walked" out of the three people one after

another After the tailed beasts all came out, Naruto went out from the storage ring to drink food and water, stacked it in the middle, what he wanted to eat, what to drink, just take it himself

, drank a sip of water, Naruto looked at the nine lamas and asked them, "How is it?" Have you seen how we cultivate in the sealed space? After eating, it's your turn to try, so it's probably no problem, right? "

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