If even the water gate is gone, then he Naruto is not to mention, so for the ghost, it is better to be injured, and threw the large spiral wheel Yu towards one of the snake heads of the ghost, Naruto

laughed, and then flapped his wings to turn the direction and went around to the other side of the ghost

, although the large spiral wheel

Yu condensed by Naruto

just now is small, But its power is not small at all

, the snake head that was hit by the charm directly turned into rubble

, plus Naruto injected a lot of spiritual power into this hit

, so this head of the charm directly turned into nothing

, feeling the pain from the depths of the soul, the charm could not help but roar up to the sky, and

after the roar was over, he launched a more intensive attack towards Naruto

I saw that one of the heads was pounced

on Naruto, and after he dodged it, it quickly opened its mouth, and dozens of fangs condensed by spiritual power spewed out from its mouth

, Naruto who had already dodged the attack of the fangs, perhaps because of the boldness of the artist, he smiled, turned around again and flew towards

the fangs, and when he was about to hit the fangs, Naruto raised his right hand, and two layers of shields condensed on the palm, the aura shield was outside, and the spirit shield was inside


to the right, Naruto came to the side, raised his hand and grabbed a fang, squeezed it hard, the fang dissipated

in Naruto's hand, and then Naruto's body trembled

, not because of anything else, because when he crushed

the fangs, the spiritual impact inside the fangs vented in his hand

, directly penetrating the aura shield and piercing the spirit shield

, "Oh, something," Just as Naruto was chanting in his heart

, the ghost's head attacked him again

, this time it was no longer a simple bite

, impact, but also added some soul attacks

, one after another spiritual impact surrounded Naruto in the middle

, Naruto under the double blessing of wings and spirit-absorbing battle body, the speed increased by more than one notch, easily

dodged all the spiritual impact

Constantly flickering and shifting in the spirit surrounding

, with the attack of the ghost, Naruto found that the ghost at this time has weakened a lot in terms of attack frequency and the strength of the attack, and the gloomy and cold aura emitted by his body at this time has also dropped a lot

, seeing this situation, Naruto whispered, "It seems that this ghost will weaken its own power with the attack,"

Or it can be said that these attacks of his consume the power of those monsters he just inhaled

, "Just as Naruto was thinking, a batch of monsters flew in the distance, and once again integrated into

the body of the monster, as the monsters merged, the momentum of the charm strengthened again, returning to the appearance just now

, seeing this situation, Naruto secretly said, "Sure enough, the power of the charm is obtained by the fusion of these monsters."

"It's just that looking at its appearance, there is a limit to the monsters that can be fused every time, otherwise if the monsters directly fuse all the monsters at once, then its strength does not know how much it will increase

," "Forget it, the temptation is almost over

," thinking of this, Naruto launched an attack towards the monster, and at the same time shouted loudly towards the water gate, "Dad, you go find the source of the monster

," "Find a way to seal it,"

The water gate in the distance heard Naruto say this, and directly flashed in the direction where the monsters flew just now

, seeing this, Wei Mei let out a long roar, and wanted to go over to block

it, but Naruto did not give him a chance

, and a large spiral wheel appeared in his left and right hands, and

the two large spiral wheels were thrown towards the head of the water gate

, feeling the energy fluctuations behind him, Wei Mei quickly flashed to the side, wanting to avoid the big spiral wheel

, but this can not help it, just when the big spiral wheel Yu crossed the side of its head, Naruto directly detonated

it, and at this time the ghost was within the explosion range

of the two large spiral wheels, booming two loud noises, the attack formed by the aura inside the large spiral wheel Yu shattered the body composed of the outer stone statue of the ghost, and

the spiritual impact also poured into it, attacking the body of the ghost

, under the pain, Wei Mei couldn't help but swing his body indiscriminately

, and the water gate also rushed directly towards the distance

at this time, at this time, many monsters flew out of the distant forest again, and the water gate didn't care much when he saw this, he flashed directly from the side, rushing in the direction where the monsters flew from

, ,,,

plain, the explosion caused by the large spiral wheel Yu has ended, and

Wei Mei shattered two snake heads again,

Several other heads were also injured of different sizes, and there were some cracks

, and at this time, the monster in the distance also flew

to the side of the ghost and integrated into its body again, and this time the ghost was not directly attacking Naruto

, but turned and crawled towards the direction where

the stone statue army was, and when he came to the side of the stone statue army, a pitch-black formation appeared in the entire body of the ghost, and

the formation looked very strange

As a pillar

of energy light rose from the ground, the army of stone statues was shrouded inside

, and at the same time, the stone statues began to disintegrate, reorganize, and quickly fuse together

, of course, this also includes the body of the hydra at this time, but also went to quickly disintegrate, fusion, the

energy light pillar did not last long, the stone statues quickly completed the reorganization

, when the energy light pillar dispersed, A huge stone statue about fifty meters high appeared in front of Naruto's eyes

, this time the stone statue was humanoid in appearance

, but from his back, there were several snake heads sticking out, at this time it was growing a mouth, roaring silently towards

Naruto, looking at this huge stone statue, Naruto thought of the complete Susano

, at this time the appearance of the stone statue is similar to Susano

, the difference is that one is composed of a large number of chakras, And the one in front of him was formed by the condensation

of stone, and at this time, the charm was completely fused with the huge stone

statue, and the stone statue's eyes flashed

with black light, at the same time, the right hand of the stone statue holding the long knife raised and swung the long knife towards the location where Naruto was, and the long knife was attached to a layer of pitch-black energy, and slashed towards Naruto flying in the air with a destructive momentum

Seeing this, Naruto also quickly flared his wings and flew towards a very high place to avoid

this blow, the stone statue at this time was too huge, and the long knife it swung with all its strength, how strong it was, no one knew

, but Naruto knew that at this time, he wanted to go head-to-head with this huge stone statue, it was still somewhat unlikely

, coupled with the cold aura emitted by the black energy attached to the long knife, needless to say, he also knew that this blow would definitely be able to directly attack the soul

Looking at Naruto who flew into the air, Wei Mei snorted coldly and waved his other hand, the

weapon in this hand was a long sword

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