However, what it did was only in vain

, not to mention that its repair speed at this time was completely incomparable to the speed at which Susanoo was destroyed

, in this case, it should immediately abandon this Susanoo and escape

, instead of wasting the energy in this body

, as the explosion slowly ended, various energy attacks gradually stopped

The water gate waved a huge wind, blowing away the smoke and dust in front

, at this time the ghost was standing on the ground full of holes in the center of the explosion because it consumed too much power

, because Susanoo was directly shattered, so at this time it can no longer condense it out for the time being

, the water gate after exploring the location of the eel, it teleported directly to its side, and

the seal in the palm of the hand has long been prepared

A sealing technique flew out directly from between Watergate's hands and fell

on the body of the eel, completely sealing its strength and consciousness

, the eel's eyes also seemed to lose their expression, and the whole body collapsed limply to the

ground, seeing this, Watergate condensed a big aura hand, lifted it several times

, flashed back to Naruto and Jiraiya, Watergate threw the eel on the ground, Naruto

squatted down, The hand pressed on the head of the eel to probe

, as he probed, he found that the monsters that had just been integrated into the eel's body were completely sealed at this time, and there was no movement

, after being relieved, Naruto got up and said to the two next to him, "Hehe, it's okay, the seal is very stable

," Jiraiya and Watergate nodded when they heard this

, and then the three returned to the ghost, at this time Naruto opened his mouth and said, "The memory of the ghost is not finished, now continue,"

After Naruto's words fell, the tailed beasts also came out of the three people's bodies, condensing their avatars in the outside world

, seeing this situation, Naruto squatted down and repeated the action just now

, one hand pressed on the head of the ghost to read the memory, and the other hand cast an imaging technique,


after having the same clan as the emerald, the evildoer was more attentive to the matter of conversion

Usually when it is fine, it lets the eel stay in the Yellow Spring swamp to cultivate spiritual power

, and when the entrance and exit are reopened, it will let the eel out of the gate

, and go to the ninja world with it to select the right humans

, this time they went out and found that the ninja world has undergone some changes

, not only the number of ninjas,

but also a variety of strange attack methods have appeared

Among them, there is also the existence of ninjutsu who has practiced the soul

, because when the entrance and exit were opened before, the ghosts went to the ninja world to grab humans

, so it was still noticed

, and that time they were not long after they went out and were discovered

, followed by a big roundup

, although the existence of ghosts and evils is very strange, ordinary ninjutsu can not hurt them at all

But at that time, the ninja world already had ninjas who could use

spiritual power to attack, plus there were many people who rounded up

Wei Mei and Wei Wei, so this time they controlled, not many humans were captured

, and at the last moment, the Evil used spiritual power to attack, injuring one of the many ninjas who rounded them

up, and Wei Mei also took this opportunity to control it, and

then returned to the Yellow Spring Realm with all the manipulated humans

After coming back, Wei Mei and Wei Wei couldn't wait to throw everyone into

the Yellow Spring Swamp, and this time there was a conscious existence in the monster transformed by the Yellow Spring Swamp again

, that is, the person who was finally defeated by

the Wei Wei and controlled by the Wei Mei, and that person is a ninja who can use spiritual power attacks,

but this time the monster consciousness converted is not as good as the Evil

Seeing this, Naruto secretly said in his heart, "Sure enough, only humans with outstanding soul power and spiritual power attack methods can transform into conscious monsters,"

that Uchiha Qina, as a person of the Uchiha clan, is to open a kaleidoscopic

existence, the illusion of the Uchiha clan is originally a form of spiritual attack

, coupled with the natural emotional fluctuations of the Uchiha clan, the

soul power is strong, so it has transformed into an existence like a eel,

Thinking of this, Naruto continued to concentrate on probing the memory of the dead ghost.


, After the transformation ended, Wei Mei gave a name to the newly transformed conscious monster -

Yu, and this Yu and Wei Wei can be cultivated in the Yellow Spring Swamp like

the Evil, which naturally makes Wei Mei and

the Eel extremely happy, so Yu followed the Evil, usually staying in the Huangquan swamp to cultivate

, ,,,

with the entrance and exit opening again and again, The ghost takes the evils and the ghosts constantly going out, looking for suitable human transformation monsters

, and the ninja world is also developing rapidly over time

, and there are many times that the ghosts only control some ordinary people after they go out, and do not find the opportunity to attack the ninjas

, as the ghosts appear every ten years

, its name is gradually understood, and the ghosts have slowly become legends,


Over time, the army of

monsters is increasing, and the conscious monsters are gradually increasing

, especially when they go out to encounter

war, this is their favorite moment

, in the event of war, they can more or less catch some ninjas,

although not every ninja can be transformed into conscious monsters

But the monsters converted by ninjas are more powerful than ordinary people

, so they are not discouraged by this ghost, anyway, ordinary monsters can also enhance his strength

, with the passage of time, there are many more conscious monsters in the Yellow Spring world, in

addition to ghosts, evils, ghosts, there are, frost, tide, claws, rat tails, pillars, spotted wolves, dying flames, and so on, etc

It's just that as the ninja world developed, most things were recorded and passed down.

Their grasping trip is gradually known

, and the country of ghosts has slowly generated over

time, because the ghosts have been surrounded many times, and each time they disappear within the scope

of the country of ghosts, so people at that time also know that this area of the country of ghosts should be where the ghosts are hiding

, and through so many years of fighting, they also have an understanding of the ability of the ghosts

In this way

, slowly the witch came into being, at that time

, the witch, regardless of gender, as long as you can practice the secret art

of the soul, with the birth of the witch, the country of ghosts here also slowly gathered a lot of humans

, and Wei Mei wants to grab human beings to transform monsters is becoming more and more difficult, Wei

Mei also tried to take the army of monsters to the ninja world

, but with the action it found, There are not many monsters that can go to the ninja world through the entrance, which seems to be a strong restriction, which

also makes it not much strength that can be improved after coming to the ninja world

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