At this time, Naruto is almost seven years old, but his height has grown to one meter three, so he also plans to refine a one-meter-five halberd for him first, too long for him to use, too short to take long to refine, so the length of one meter five halberd can be used by Naruto for a while.

After ,,,

, a halberd lurked in front of Zi Laiye, and after cooling, Zi Lai carried him to the forging platform, and then put the halberd on it, lifted the smaller hammer that had just been forged, injected spiritual energy and knocked on the halberd.

The halberd he forged for Naruto was connected to the tip of the halberd, and two crescent-like arc blades extended outward in the middle.

At this time, he struck these two arc blades, and the most edge of the lone blade slowly became ultra-thin after a few strokes, and after a certain extent, he stopped and began to polish the halberd body.

The last halberd, also bright silver, appeared in front of Naruto's eyes, and unlike Jiraiya's hammer, Naruto's halberd still had some patterns on it, wrapped around the halberd.

Then Naruto lifted the halberd happily, waved it a few times and said happily, "Haha, thank you lecherous fairy"

His most magic scripture is equipped with a set of halberd methods, because there is no halberd, so Naruto has always only practiced its aura operation method, never cast.

Now with this halberd, he can finally truly cultivate that set of halberds.

Seeing Naruto gesturing with his halberd on the side, Jiraiya continued to forge again, and finally, the Chakra conductive metals that moved in were trained into various weapons.

When the last weapon was forged, he also stopped, although there were still many Chakra conduction metals, but he couldn't eat it, and the continuous forging made the aura in his body almost exhausted.

So he sat down cross-kneeled in place and began to cultivate, Naruto did not disturb him when he saw this, walked out, and when he came to the altar, he found that Hinata was already in a state of cultivation, while Onitomomaru and Ichiro still did not come out in the passage they dug.

When Naruto came to the entrance, he found that the sky was almost dawn, and then muttered, "Eh, I've been looking at the lecherous immortal refining, and I haven't noticed the time, so to speak, the lecherous immortals have worked hard all night, no wonder they are so tired." Seeing

this, Naruto didn't plan to cultivate anymore, he planned to go out, after all, he hadn't visited this island yet.

After walking out, I saw that the ground was already full of various materials, which were moved by the big snake pill, these materials were all used by the previous Uchiha to stop the water they cleaned up, and this pile of materials was not pushed into the sea, but remained.

At this time, Orochimaru was drawing something there with a lamp, and Naruto didn't go over to disturb him, just walked straight out.

It didn't take much to go Naruto sat on the ground, looking at the sun slowly rising in the distance, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"When Junmaro and they come back, they can prepare to unblock the ghouls, at this time they can prepare to go to the Yu Shinobi Village, hoping that the lecherous immortals can convince Nagato, otherwise I don't know if other Tenjin will be of use to

him" "In addition, when everything stabilizes, it is time to go to Myoki Mountain to cultivate properly,,,,,

Naruto thought a lot, thinking about him and falling asleep until Hinata's call sounded in his ears.

When he opened his eyes, it turned out that it was already noon, and Hinata was crouching next to him, telling him to open his eyes and said, "Naruto-kun, why are you asleep here?" What if I encounter danger?

Naruto sat up after hearing this, scratched his head and said, "Aha, then I will be thinking about things, I don't know how to do it, and then I fell asleep

" "Pay attention next time oh, let's go, you can go back to eat" After saying that, Hinata pulled Naruto up and walked towards the entrance.

Upon returning, Naruto found that Orochimaru had already laid a foundation near the entrance, and it would take less than two days to build this fight.

After entering the altar, everyone was already sitting there, then Naruto stepped forward and said, "Sorry ha, I fell asleep outside, let you wait for a long time

" Then everyone shook their heads to indicate that it didn't matter, after eating, Naruto asked Orochimaru, "How is the passage you two dug?"

"At your request, you've dug five meters underground, then more than a dozen meters forward, and you've dug three holes needed to build the cell," Orochimaru said.

Naruto nodded and said with a smile, "Then today you guys don't dig the tunnel for the time being, there are other tasks

" "Hey, really?" He spoke for a while, and since he arrived, he has either cleaned up the ruins or dug the earth every day, which makes him desperate to perform some other tasks.

Naruto nodded seriously and said, "That's right, today I will give you a new task."

In the expectant gaze of the two, Naruto continued, "Look, the water we use now is all brought from other places, this is too troublesome, I probed when I went out in the morning, there is a water vein underground not far away, so your task today is to dig a well and solve our current water problem"

After Naruto finished speaking, the previous expectations of the two were all in vain, it was a different task, but this is still digging, and then the two answered yes with a little loss.

Seeing that the two were depressed, Naruto smiled and said, "Don't worry, after digging the well, you don't have to dig anymore, and then I will send you out"

The two listened and rekindled their hopes, and then asked Naruto to take them to find the water vein.

Seeing that they were so impatient, Naruto did not stop them, and then took the Kang Shang tool to a place not far from the entrance.

After drawing a mark, Naruto left, and Orochimaru and Ichiro began the task of digging a well.

Onitomaru is responsible for digging down the well, while Ichiro is responsible for carrying the materials for the walls of the well.

In this way, the two of them worked hotly.

After Naruto returned to the altar, he called Jiraiya to take their weapons and cast the Flying Thunder God to the top of the nameless mountain where the thief had been eliminated.

Since Hinata's task now was only to be in charge of food, and it was enough to go back before the meal, Naruto brought her with him.

Naruto said to Hinata, "Just practice martial arts here, lecherous immortals can also try your hammering technique, Hinata's words, you can practice heart crushing"

Since Naruto gave him martial arts, he has been cultivating, but because the Osu hammer does not have a suitable weapon, he has always been the same as Naruto, just familiar with the required aura operation route.

Now that there is a hammer, I can't wait to try it. Then he nodded and came to the other side, ready to start cultivating.

Hinata also nodded and walked in the other direction, while Naruto himself stood in place with his halberd in his hand.

Naruto and Jiraiya also know that martial arts are powerful, and if they practice together, they are easy to get hurt by mistake, so it is the right thing to do to find a place for each other and distance them from each other.

Naruto's set of halberd methods is called "Barren Halberd", and there are only seven styles in total, corresponding to the seven attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang, and each of which is linked to the cultivation of the exercise.

Naruto had already written down the route of the seven-style halberd method. Then he used the first form, and saw that the aura quickly operated in his body, and then injected into the halberd.

At this time, the halberd in Naruto's hand emitted strong fluctuations, swallowing bursts of looming aura, and then Naruto swung it hard, and the halberd body with a heavy aura smashed to the ground.

With a dull sound, the earth splashed everywhere, and spiderweb-like cracks began to appear on the ground, spreading out along the distance.

The rift covered the twenty-meter area around Naruto, and the place where the rift was followed was all turned into rubble under the suppression of the earth-attribute aura coming from the halberd's body.

As the aura continued to emanate from the halberd, all those rubble turned into powder.

Seeing this, Naruto put away the aura, looked at the powder on the ground and nodded, although he did not use much aura, but he was still very satisfied with the damage caused.

Then he jumped to another place and started trying other styles.

Since the technique had not yet broken through to the second level of perfection, Naruto did not summon a second golem. Although the other forms are also very powerful, they do not have other effects.

Hinata, on the other hand, stopped in front of a large tree, and then she operated the aura in her body in the manner recorded in the Heart Destroying Palm.

There is no move to destroy the heart, so you can use the palm as you want, and after the aura forms a cycle, Hinata takes a horse stride, and then slaps a palm on the tree.

After the palm touched the tree, the dark energy blessed by the aura entered the tree, and then the entire tree began to tremble.

Finally, the bang turned into pieces and scattered. Seeing this, Hinata raised her hands and looked at them carefully.

She couldn't believe it was the result of the attack she launched.

Shaking her head to dispel other thoughts, she came to another large tree, and although the damage caused was high, Hinata knew it wasn't enough.

The cultivation recorded on the palm of the heart can turn the target into powder in the body, but there is no abnormality on the body surface.

The heart-destroying palm she cast just now only turned the inside of the tree into fragments, and due to the poor control of dark energy, the entire tree exploded, so she still needed to work hard to cultivate.

On the other hand, Naruto went to Jiraiya's side after trying a few other styles, and he wanted to see how strong Jiraiya was now using the Osu Hammer.

After passing, he saw Jiraiya standing there with his eyes closed, and then he didn't bother him, but just found a tree and jumped up and sat down against the tree.

At this time, Jiraiya, who had his eyes closed, was thinking of the cultivation method of the Great Sumi Hammer.

Unlike Naruto's Barren Halberd, casting the Osu Hammer does not have an attribute effect attached, which means that using the Osu Hammer will not be accompanied by the heat of his fire attribute aura.

However, there are a total of thirty-six styles, the first thirty styles, each of which increases the attack power by one percent, and the last six increases by double, and this can be stacked, which means that if he also cultivates all thirty-six styles, his attack power will increase by nine times.

Jiraiya's Heavenly Fire Battle Body was originally an aggressive spirit body, and the increase in his attack power was already exaggerated, plus the Osu Hammer,,, Naruto was eager to see the damage he caused ,,,

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