After Zi Lai also finished speaking, whether it was Naruto, Watergate or the Nine Lamas and the group, they all nodded

, and then Watergate used the Flying Thunder God to bring everyone back to the Listening Wind Valley

, because it was late at this time, so they didn't say much this night, ate something at random, and then began their respective cultivation

, ,,,

all night without words, early the next morning, Naruto opened his eyes after finishing his cultivation

, at this time the lighting equipment hung in the cave last night was emitting a soft light, making the dark cave also become much brighter

at this time, and the water gate on the side was missing

, got up and moved his hands and feet

, Naruto put away the lighting equipment and walked out

of the cave, stretched, Naruto saw that the sun was about to rise at this time, The morning glow in the distance is thick, it looks good-looking

, and Jiraiya and Watergate are preparing breakfast in the distance

, these foods are the materials that Naruto prepared to send to Hoshinin Village before

, but they haven't had time to hand over to the people in charge of logistics

, Jiraiya and Watergate also saw Naruto finish his cultivation at this time, and beckoned to him, after Naruto

walked over, Jiraiya also said to him, "Go wash up, Let's get ready for breakfast,"

Naruto smiled and nodded, then came to the side and took out the toiletries from the storage ring, and began to wash

, after washing, Naruto returned to Jiraiya and asked, "Lustful fairy, Dad, why did you end your cultivation so early?" "

Because it hasn't been long since I broke through, so now I'm gradually focusing on the stable realm, cultivation, it's too late," Zi Lai also spoke

, and the water gate on the side nodded and agreed, "That's right, you still have to be relaxed

," "It's just that Naruto, your most magical scripture is very special, so these problems may not exist, but it's better to care

," Naruto nodded after hearing this and said, "Well, okay, I see, Dad,"

Watergate smiled and handed

Naruto a plate, there were several slices of bread in the plate, the bread was already baked at this time, and it was exuding heat

, and Jiraiya poured a cup of hot milk from the kettle on the side and handed

it to Naruto, after Naruto took it, he smiled, and he was not polite, and sat directly on the chair to eat, and after

eating breakfast, Naruto cleaned up the "endgame"

Washed the dishes and put them back in the storage ring

, then boiled another pot of water, made a pot of tea, and poured a cup for Jiraiya and Suimon, then Naruto sat down and poured himself a cup

of boiled water

, Naruto asked the two, "So, where do we go next?"

Jiraiya tapped his fingers on the table and spoke, "Among the scrolls that the Ninja Sect obtained, there are no other places other than Paradise Island, Yellow Spring Swamp, and Dragon Vein, where these special powers are available

," "So I don't think there's any need to search around anymore,"

"And according to the timeline, it won't take long for the Ninja World War to happen,"

"Although the war hasn't broken out at this time, But the ninjas belonging to each ninja village have already become active in

the ninja world," "If we travel around, it will increase the risk of our exposure,"

Watergate nodded and said, "I agree with Sensei, and I also have some interest in this Ninja World War, I think we can completely act as a bystander

," "Look at the beginning, end, and problems of this war,"

Plus if I'm not mistaken, in this big battle, Uchiha Mirror, as well as Uchiha Fire String, will

die," "And these two are the grandfathers who stop water and bring soil, and they also opened the existence of kaleidoscope writing

wheel eyes," "Swapping writing wheel eyes within three generations can open the eternal kaleidoscope, although these two people cannot complete pupil power storage, but it is better than nothing," "

Just after they die, we can take out their eyes and bring them back."

"Of course, you can also collect some of their blood and go back and reincarnate them first

," "If they intend to stay in the ninja world, Nagato will be able to resurrect them at that time

," "If they don't want to, leave their eyes behind, and then replace them with their grandfather's eyes after stopping water and bringing soil to complete the pupil power storage,"

Naruto nodded after listening, and then said, "Okay, In that case, let's use Listening Wind Valley as a place to rest on weekdays

," "Lay down a few more enchantments to prevent someone from detecting our whereabouts,"

"I think with our current strength, even if we go to the battlefield, as long as there is a Heart Shadow Hide, no one should be able to find us

," Jiraiya and Watergate nodded when they heard this, and the former said, "Okay, then it's so decided,"

The task of arranging the enchantment will be handed over

to you," "Naruto will sort out the materials with me later, after all, we still have to live here for a year

," "You must keep the supplies sufficient

," "After getting these, you can start strengthening the broken bones,"

Naruto and Watergate both nodded, and

the latter flashed directly to the entrance and exit of the valley and began to arrange the enchantment

And Naruto and Jiraiya came to the open area

in the center of the valley, and took out all the materials in the storage ring

, one by one, including their income in the Grand Canyon, and the Yellow Spring Realm

, the statistics are as follows

: meat: 1,950

catties, this is the ones left over from eating during this time

, rice: 5,200 catties

of bread and isokinetic food: 400 packs,

Milk: a jar, weighing two thousand

catties of all kinds of vegetables: 1,400

catties of wine: ten altars, each altar fifty catties

of other daily necessities

, clean up, after the statistics, I will also clean up and put these materials

away, the storage ring has the effect of preservation, after putting it inside, there is no need to worry about these foods will deteriorate

, those quilts, clothes, covers, etc. Don't say it's just the three of them. is that thirty people can't use it up in a year

, after cleaning up these, the two began to count other materials

, the huge wooden stakes obtained in the underground space were also split by Naruto, and the thunder stones inside were taken out

, and the soul beads were all taken out by Zilai and piled on the ground

, in addition to them, there are also various special metals

, such as which piece of Chakra conduction metal that has mutated before the water gate arranged the enchantment to block the explosion of dragon vein energy,

This is an important material for the next three people to upgrade their weapons

, after leaving the required ore and metal, they put other things into another storage ring

, this time they killed a lot of monsters in the Yellow Spring Realm

, and the soul beads they obtained, in addition to their consumption of refining soul soldiers, there are 7,600 left

, these soul beads are enough to refine a soul soldier for each of the battle departments of Hope City at this time,

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