"Big toad fairy, please see, everything is in the ball of light,,, Naruto saluted

the big toad fairy, and then said, some things recorded in

the ball of light can be told to the big toad fairy at this time, reading this memory fragment is better than dictating it

, the big toad fairy nodded, and then shattered the ball of light, at this time, Those memory pictures poured into the mind

of the big toad immortal like a tide, and a moment later, the big toad immortal opened his eyes, exhaled a turbid breath, looked at the three people in front of him, there were some more appreciative

looks in his eyes, looking at Zi Laiye, the big toad immortal opened his mouth and said, "At this point in time, you should be only seven years old," "

I will let people wait in the ninja world, and wait until you perform psychic arts at this point in time, I will drag you to Miaomu Mountain,"

Ji Lai Ye heard the words and saluted the big toad immortal and said, "Trouble you, big toad immortal," the big toad immortal waved his hand and said, "Don't be so polite, after all, you are all descendants of Miaomu Mountain, and you are all doing well

," "In addition, you remember that the past cannot be changed, but the future can

," Zi Lai also nodded and said, "Don't worry, we know,"

"By the way, Big Toad Immortal, I want to ask, do you know any way to bring us back to the future?"

The big toad immortal shook his head, and then said, "This can only wait, in addition, whether your return to the past this time is inevitable or accidental, who knows?"

"Some of the things you think you can do, you can do directly, don't worry

," "As a person who comes at a point in the future, it's not so easy to change the past,"

"Just pay attention to hiding your whereabouts and try not to let people know your existence

," Naruto nodded when he heard this, and said to

the big toad fairy, "Thank you big toad fairy," the big toad fairy waved his hand, and then said, "Okay, Then I'll send you out next,"

After the three nodded, the big toad fairy waved his hand, and a vortex appeared in front

of the three people again, and the three of them saluted the big toad immortal again, and then jumped into the vortex and left Miaomu Mountain, after the three left

, the big toad immortal stared at the top of the palace for a while, and muttered a sentence in his mouth, "The future?"

Then he closed his eyes and entered a state of false sleep

, ,,,

the existence of Konoha, before Naruto they jumped into the place of the whirlpool

, at this time, the three appeared here again

, sitting cross-kneeled on the ground, Naruto scratched his head, and then said, "I can understand what the big toad fairy said, but let's go back to this point in time, it seems that there is nothing that can be changed,"

Zi Lai also heard this and thought for a while, and then said, "Let it be, there is still a year to go, maybe you will meet it later?"

"In addition, I have always felt that it is very strange that I can become the descendant of Miaomu Mountain," "Now that I think about it, maybe it is because I have traveled through time nodes and returned to the past, the Great Toad Immortal detected my existence, so when I first performed psychic arts, he specially led me to Miaomu Mountain,"

As I grew older, I felt more and more strange that I could become the existence of Miaomu Mountain

Because no one had ever performed psychic before him without a contract

psychic beast, and he, as the first person to do so, went to Myoki Mountain

, now thinking about the vortex that fell when he first performed psychic, that traction force, he became more and more firm in his heart's guess

, even according to the kind of development of the ninja world in Naruto's memory,

maybe one day he will travel back to the past through the time node

And this time through the time node he is not sure whether it is inevitable or accidental

, Watergate listened to the words of the two, frowned and said, "According to the memories we saw in Naruto's mind

," "Even at our time node, we have changed many things in the future," "

So, it may be an inevitable thing for us to travel to this time node, and this may be because of the impact of changing the future."

Naruto and Jiraiya both nodded when they heard this, and the former opened his mouth and said, "Hehe, this should be the reason

," "It's just that in this case, the records of the future in my mind may not be of much use

," "After all, the future has changed, and we can't be sure of those changes at this time

," Watergate nodded after hearing this, "Yes, but this is fine,"

"Just be careful, Don't care too much,"

Naruto and Jiraiya both nodded

, and then the three did not continue to talk about this topic

, Naruto turned on his perception to probe Konoha's situation

, and found that there was nothing particularly to care about, and then the three returned to Listening to the Wind Valley

, ,,,

Just like that, time passed day by day, during the day, Naruto and they would go to Konoha to probe intelligence, Then he returned to the Valley of the Wind and practiced at night

, and a week later, Naruto received a message from the shadow doppelganger

, this shadow avatar was the one who had separated from Naruto before, let him follow behind

Uchiha Night String, and the avatar had been following Uchiha Night String to the Land of Grass, and the aura he consumed was provided remotely by the Nine Lamas

, and on this day, Uchiha Night String They entered the scope of the Land of Rain

The Land of Rain, the Land of Grass, these two countries are located in the center of several great ninja villages

, so the location of each Ninja World War is basically within this range

, so these two places are also the main places for each village to explore before the war

, and it is here, when the doppelganger follows Uchiha Yakushi, he finds that there is another existence that is also watching him.

And that was Naruto's old acquaintance,

no, no, this existence he could not be considered a human being, because it was exactly - Kurojue

, in the exploration of the doppelganger, this Kuroji only began to follow when Uchiha Yazuki entered the Land of Rain, and

after these discoveries, the doppelganger immediately informed Naruto of the news.

After Naruto got the news, he knew that Uchiha Yashi was not far from death.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Nightstring was the left and right arm of

Uchiha when he was still in Konoha, but when Uchiha Madara broke away from Konoha, Uchiha Nightstring chose to be in Konoha and betrayed Uchiha Madara.

And at this point in time, Uchiha Ba became extremely unstable due to his defeat to the Thousand Hand Pillar

, coupled with the demagoguery of Hei Jue

, in other words, at this time, Uchiha Ba had lost his previous calm, calmly, and became extremely crazy, and Uchiha

Yexuan, who betrayed him and used to be his right and left hands, naturally entered his kill list

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