Naruto said to Watergate again, "Dad, you take them to find a place, let them build their own residence first"

Watergate smiled and nodded, then walked towards the group of workers, and then talked to the foreman.

After a while, the foreman turned to the workers and waved and said, "Don't rush to unload things first, follow this boss", and

then a group of people followed the water gate towards the distance.

Seeing this, Naruto turned to look at

Jiu Xinnai and said, "Mom, how is the research?" "I showed me the formation catalog you gave me, the formation in it is very magical, but the time is too short, I only learned one defensive formation," Jiu Xinnai said.

Naruto smiled after hearing this, "It's already very good, then mom, can you use this defensive formation for this construction?"

"Of course this is no problem, the drawing is already in my mind, I will draw it later" Jiu Xinnai said with a slight smugness.

Naruto nodded and said, "That's hard for you, Mom"

Jiu Shinna didn't speak after hearing this, and after nodding to Naruto, he went to the council chamber.

After a while, the water gate came back, walked over and said to Naruto "I have brought them to a place where they have not been planned to build this time, today they can build their residence, tomorrow should be able to start construction" Naruto

nodded after hearing this and said, "This is not urgent, wait until Mom draws the drawings before letting them start"

Then we may have to prepare some stones first, your mother and I discussed it last night, if you want to integrate that defensive formation into the entire complex, you can't use wood alone," Watergate said.

After hearing this, Naruto asked

, "Dad, is the stone better in the Land of Earth or the Land of the Wind?" Watergate thought a little after hearing this and said, "I have been to both countries, and the stones of the Land of Wind are not very convenient to mine because they are affected by wind and sand all year round, so it is better to go to

the Land of Earth," Naruto asked again, "Then Dad should have left the mark of the Flying Thunder God in the Land of Earth, right?"


Then let's go to the Land of Earth, call the lecherous fairy and Brother Shuizu and let's go," Naruto said.

Then the two father and son entered the council chamber and came to the altar, at this time Jiraiya and Hinata also finished their cultivation, Hinata was preparing breakfast, and Jiraiya and Uchiha Shisui were standing next to Kushina staring at the drawings that were being drawn by Kushinnai.

Seeing this, Naruto waved to the two, and the two came over after seeing it, and Naruto told them about the need to go to the Land of Earth, and the two also nodded in agreement. Several people changed their clothes, put on masks, and were led by Watergate to the Land of Earth.

Unlike the Land of Fire, there are few forests here, and the land is covered with stone mountains.

After a few people chose a place, they quickly rushed over, and after a while, they selected some stones with a relatively hard texture and prepared to mine.

After identifying the stones that needed to be mined, several people began to act. A moment later, one stone after another was hit by them and put into the clearing.

It wasn't until noon that several people heard a sharp shout in their ears, "Who are you, why are you destroying the territory of the Land of Earth here?" and several people

turned to see that the person was looking at them with a katana in his hand with a gauna in his hand.

Seeing this, Naruto immediately flashed up, protruded a chain behind his back, tied the man tightly, and then asked the man, "Why did you come here?

The place where they mined the stones was not too far from Iwa Shinobi Village, a ninja who patrolled the vicinity of Iwa Ninja Village and quickly rushed towards this side when he noticed a strong Chakra fluctuation on this side.

Originally, he thought that it was Deidara, a disciple of Iwakage, who had returned, after all, Deidara used to like to blast near the village, and he thought of coming to investigate it and go back to report to Onoki.

I didn't expect to see a few strangely dressed people destroying the territory of their country as soon as I got closer, so I didn't have time to think about it and immediately stopped it.

Speaking of which, Naruto, their current appearance is indeed quite weird. All four were dressed in black robes and had masks on their faces.

In particular, Uchiha Shuishui on the right-hand side, and a black eye patch on his right eye, looks like a bandit from a distance.

Naruto didn't care about this, just turned on his perception and continued to mine, and at the same time thought in his heart, "Since I officially came out of Konoha, I have been a little floating, and this time I didn't even think of turning on my perception, fortunately, it was just an ordinary ninja." Until

the afternoon, several people who had not eaten stopped, they all felt hungry, and after looking back at the mined stone, Naruto nodded and said, "It should be almost, you can go back, if it's not enough, come back later"

Then Watergate cast Flying Thunder God and returned to the country of whirlpool with a part of the stone, Naruto wrapped all the remaining stones with his aura and took back the Vajra chain, and then took Jiraiya, Uchiha stopped the water and the large pile of stones disappeared in place.

The ninja who was let go by Naruto was already stunned when he saw this situation, and looked in the direction where several people disappeared with his mouth wide open.

After a moment's reaction, he quickly ran towards Iwa Shinobi Village and came to the Tokage Building.

After explaining his intentions, one of the guards at the door immediately took him to the Tokage office.

There was a knock on the door, and after coming in, the two walked in.

At this time, a small old man with a big nose in Tsuchikage's office was having a meeting, and when the guard came in with the ninja, he stopped and asked, "Is there something wrong?" At this

time, the guard replied, "Tsuchikage-sama, the ninja in charge of inspecting the village today has something to report" "This little man looks at the Tsuchikage of

Iwa Ninja Village.

Hearing the guard's report, Onoki looked towards the ninja behind him, and then said, "I remember your name is Miike, right, what is the matter" Miike behind the guard

said quickly" Yes, Tsuchikage-sama, I was in charge of inspecting the situation in the village today, and after reaching the east of the village, I noticed a strong Chakra fluctuation in the distance, so I rushed over, and when I got there, I found four people destroying our territory, I opened my mouth to stop it, and then one of them tied me up with a chain, and not long ago several people disappeared with a large pile of stones

" Onoki listened and asked, "What are the characteristics of those four people?"

All wearing masks, one with white hair, one with black hair, and the remaining adult and the child with golden hair

" "How did they disappear?" asked Onoki quickly after hearing this.

Miike replied, "I didn't see any movement from them, so I disappeared out of thin air"

Onoki's pupils shrank after hearing this, and he couldn't help but think of the man who was like a nightmare during the Three World Wars in his mind.

"In which direction?" asked Onoki again.

After Miike pointed to Naruto where they mined the stone, Onoki pushed open the window of his office and flew out.

Soon he came there, and after looking at the hollowed-out hill in front of him and the potholed ground, Onoki flew down with a gloomy face.

After probing, Onoki did not find any useful clues, so he returned to the Tsuchikage office with a stomach full of questions.

"The man is confirmed dead, maybe I'm thinking too much," Onoki muttered. Then he fell into memories. Nothing was said for a long time.

On the other side, Naruto returned to the altar after they returned to the ruins of the Vortex Country.

At this time, Jiu Xinnai's drawings were also nearing the end, and several people sat next to them after eating something casually, quietly looking at Jiu Xinnai.

After a long time, Jiu Xinnai dropped the pen in his hand, picked up the drawing and looked up, "Hahaha, I am really a genius"

Several people behind him immediately came to Jiu Xinnai's side after hearing this.

Seeing this, Jiu Xinnai also stopped laughing, put the drawing in his hand on the table, and then introduced everyone to everyone.

"I integrated that defensive formation into this, because there are no special materials, so the place where I need to use them has been changed to a small formation that can gather aura"

Everyone looked at it, and saw that the drawings were already full of drawings.

With the council chamber as the central point, a large area of building is extended. The slightly larger building in the upper left corner has the word school written on it. The building in the lower right corner reads the hospital.

The perimeter of the three buildings was empty, as if leaving a wide passage that appeared to form a circle enveloping the three buildings.

Beyond the circle is a large complex of buildings, which are too dense, and Jiu Xinnai does not have a name marked one by one. It can be seen that these buildings are separated by eight roads that extend from the top of the circle.

The buildings in each area, and the passages in different places, leave a sufficient road for these houses.

After connecting all the routes, everyone found that the entire complex formed a huge gossip.

Jousinnai indicated all the details in the drawing, such as the proportions of the drawing, which pattern he drew on it represented which kind of building.

Also around the complex is a circle, this Jousinnai is marked with a wall, and there is a watchpost at every distance.

Jiu Xinnai pointed to the sentinel and said, "These local sentinels are the places used to arrange the Spirit Gathering Array, because the materials used for cultivation are ordinary wood and stone, so they do not have the effect of gathering Spiritual Qi, so after arranging many Spirit Gathering Arrays around, they can pull Spiritual Qi to gather"

The Gathering Spirit Array can not only pull the Spiritual Qi, but also gather the Wood Spirit Qi, which means that once the entire formation is arranged, the entire village will be richer than other places except for the Spiritual Qi, and the Wood Spirit Qi will continue to gather.

Even ordinary people, living in the village, will become strong and less likely to get sick.

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