So this blow Uchiha also left his hand, and did not do his best

, in this way, these ninjas of the fog can still escape some

, on the boat, the fog ninjas look at the mudslide falling from the sky, and they all know that this is no longer something they can stop

Therefore, they began to flee this area, at this time, for them, those materials are no longer important, the most important thing is to be able to save their lives

, of course, there are also slow runners, or those injured and incapacitated, at this time has been completely

covered by the mudslide, those fog ninja who fled out of this area, gritted their teeth and looked at the ships covered by mudslides and boulders, everyone turned livid, clenched their fists,

and ,,,

At this time, Ghost Lantern Yudou's assistant quickly ran

to him, squatted down, probed his nose, and found that Ghost Lantern Yudou only fainted at this time, and did not die, only then

breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and shouted to the Mist Ninja who followed behind him, "Medical ninja! Is there a ninja who can heal ninjutsu in the team!!" As his words fell, a ninja walked out of the crowd of Mist Ninja

Quickly came to him, did not squat down and began to check the situation of the ghost lamp Yudou

, there are already medical ninjas in the ninja world at this time, but the ninja villages are not so heavy

, just like these five hundred fog ninja troops, there is only this medical ninja, this

ninja took out a bottle from the ninja bag, and there were several pills in the bottle

Poured out one and stuffed it into the mouth

of Ghost Lantern Yodou, and then performed a healing technique, slowly Ghost Lantern Yodou recovered somewhat, his eyelids trembled

, and then opened his eyes, looked at the assistant in front of him, Ghost Lantern Yodou slowly asked, "Love, the situation, how?" The assistant

saw that he was angry like gossamer, and hesitated to tell him something for a while

, and Ghost Lantern Yudou

also saw something from his hesitation, and asked tremblingly" Casualties, how many?" The

assistant raised his head, swept around, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Only more than a hundred people survived, and the others, along with the supplies, were buried,,,

" Hearing these words, Ghost Lantern Yudou couldn't help but tremble even more

, and at the same time a violent cough sounded

, and after barely taking a breath, Ghost Lantern Youdou gritted his teeth and said with red eyes" Pass this matter back to the village and inform Mizukage-sama

," after a pause, he continued, "Help me up," the

assistant heard that together with the medical ninja, he helped the ghost lantern Yudou

up, and when he saw the scene on the coast, he quickly said, "Let everyone do it, dig up those stones and mudslides, maybe below,"

The assistant nodded quickly, then got up and asked

the communication ninja to deliver the message, and then he took the remaining mist ninja and began to clean up the stones, and the communication ninja also used the psychic beast to teleport what happened here back to the fog ninja village

, and in less than two days, the second generation of water shadows will receive information about what happened on the coast

, and our initiator did not return to the place where he was before after leaving here

, but walked straight towards the territory of the country of earth,

There is no problem on the side of the fog ninja, and then come to do something on the side of Iwain, then it will be difficult for the two ninja villages to have a sudden

occurrence, in the distance, Naruto raised his head towards Jiraiya and asked, "Lustful immortal, what do you think of this earth escape in Uchiha spots?"

Watergate on the side also said at this time, "According to Konoha's information, Uchiha has all the attributes of Chakra nature changes, and the strongest is Fire Escape

," "This kind of strength is also worthy of the title of the only two existences under his six realms,"

Naruto smiled after hearing this, and then said, "Seeing his operation, I have a bit of an urge to fight him,"

Jiraiya looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't worry, there will be a chance in the future."

"Maybe his strength will increase by then

," Naruto nodded and said, "Also, this is not urgent," said Naruto

focused his perception on the other

side, the border of the Fire Country, the location of the Uchiha Mirror, the purpose of letting Senjuma guard here is to prevent the Mist Hidden Village from raiding from this side,

but they didn't expect that the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village did not choose to log in from the border of the Fire Country

Since coming here and since, Uchiha Kagami has arranged a large number of ninjas to patrol along the coastline non-stop

, and he himself has also patrolled the places where the village of Kirihide may be registered every day, just in case

, at this time, Uchiha Kagami's heart is not as calm as he seems

, as a clan member of the Uchiha clan, and a disciple of Senju,

he naturally knows the contradiction between Konoha and the family

Although he wanted to resolve this contradiction, but at the moment he did not know what to do

, with this contradictory mood, Uchiha Kagami inspected all the places that should be inspected, and then returned

to the camp, ,,,

in the past few days, the ninja world began to slowly become chaotic,

especially the Land of Rain

As the main battlefield

of Konoha and Yunnin, at this time, under the leadership of Sarutobi Hinata and Yogetsuzo, the two sides continue to fight in the Land of Rain, these battles basically end in Konoha's narrow victory

, every action, Sarutobi Hinata signaled his ninjas

, to leave a line, at this time the specific situation in the Land of Rain Konoha has been explored, and

he also sent a large number of ninjas to set up ambushes in places suitable for ambushes

in the Land of Rain Of course, these narrow victories are also related to the fact that Sarutobi has a lot of information about Yunnin

, and the gap between the two sides is decreasing little by little, and at this time, Night Moon Zo has also roughly guessed the situation on Konoha's side through the performance of Konoha in the past few days

, so he asked for reinforcements

, similar to the situation expected before

, as long as they fight with Konoha here, other ninja villages will not just watch the play

After all

, Konoha, as the head of the ninja village, has suppressed other ninja villages for a long time, and this kind of performance of Konoha at this time shows that the number of troops here in the Land of Rain at this time is definitely not much

, thinking of this, Night Moon Zo immediately sorted these into documents, sent them back to the Cloud Ninja Village

, and then dragged the Konoha ninja on the current side of the Land of Rain, waiting for reinforcements to come over, annihilating it in one fell swoop, and then attacking the Land of Fire

For this kind of urgent document, Yunnin Village does not teleport through psychic beasts and so on like other ninja villages

, but directly uses the Heavenly Sending Technique, which

only takes a moment to transmit the information back to Yunnin Village, and after the second-generation Thunder Shadow receives the information, it only takes a few days

to mobilize the ninja troops

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