Those civilians who hid have been destroyed, and the food they carry with them is almost consumed

, in order to survive, they have to come outside, looking for food

, in the process of searching, some people do gain

, but more directly for various reasons, close their eyes forever

For example, poisoning, falling into a trap, being affected by the battle, being extinguished, and other reasons

, for ordinary people, such a day is enough to call despair

, however, at this time, several major ninja villages, whether it is the shadows of each village or ninjas, all have only one goal, that is, to defeat the opponent, and

the ninjas of each village also put the killing of hostile ninjas in the first place at

this time, ,,,

On the battlefield of the Land of Rain, as more and more ninjas are invested by both sides, fights become more and more frequent, the entire Country of Rain looks like a broken wall at

this time, at this time, there are basically no people from the native country in the territory

of the Land of Rain, those who can run out have left the Land of Rain, and those who can't walk have basically become corpses at this moment

Those civilians who fled from the scope of the Land of Rain are not having a good time at this time, no matter which country they flee to, they will be strictly investigated

, especially several warring powers

, the Land of Fire, the Country of Wind, the Country of Earth, the Land of Thunder, the four countries

, as long as those who flee from the Land of Rain enter the territory of their territory, they will be arrested

Check whether there is a chakra, the existence of special blood succession, if there is, it will be killed on the spot

, and those who do not are also placed in a unified area, must work every day, and eat only food that can barely fill the stomach

, this time the war is dominated by ninjas, but there are several shadows of big countries behind

, after all, the strength of the ninja village also affects the strength and interests of the country where it is located

The picture of the doppelganger flashed in his mind, Naruto couldn't help but clench his fists and sigh

, ,,,

At this time, the conflict between Iwa Shinobu and Kiri Shinobu also became more and more intense

, the two sides constantly sent troops to fight, those elite squads were assassinating those commanders on the battlefield

, since the last battle, Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon and Wu are recuperating

, neither of them have played in the past few days, just commanding in the ground

At this time, the relationship between the two also changed from a feud to a national hatred

, time flew fast, and soon three months passed

, and the opportunity for the end of this ninja war also quietly came

, on this day, Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon listened to Ghost Lantern Yudou as usual to report yesterday's battle situation

, and the materials collected, and the battlefield of Konoha and Yunnin Village,

the battle location of their two ninja villages was in the country of earth

As long as Mist Yin wins and advances towards the territory of the Land of Earth, they will collect all the materials in that area

, and after listening to the report, Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon opened his mouth and said, "Yudou, today you lead the team, continue to advance, as long as it is Iwa Shinobu, don't let any of them go if you can kill,"

Ghost Lantern Yudou replied when he heard the words and deeds, "Please rest assured, Lord Mizukage, and promise to complete the mission!" After waving his hand, Ghost Lantern Yuto

left the tent and began to count the troops

After the troops were assembled, Ghost Lantern Yudou directly led them towards the territory of the Land of Earth, because it was not their territory, even if they captured the defense line, they just took the materials away

, and then returned

to the station, ,,,

after entering the territory of the Land of Earth, the Ghost Lantern Yudou directly led the troops all the way and

soon came to a mountain col

This is the only way to go deep into

the territory of the country of earth in this route, the previous attacks several times, they all encountered the ambush of the Iwa Shinobu here

, if they capture this col, they can directly enter the territory of the country of earth, although it is a mountain col, but it is not small

, the territory of the country of earth is mostly desolate

rock walls, these rock walls are like natural protection, blocking the enemy who enters the territory of the country of earth


This is also why

the fog ninja do not detour, after arriving here, the ghost lamp yudou raised his hand and made a stop gesture

, the fog ninja behind him saw this, they stopped one after another

, waiting for the ghost lantern yudou to give instructions

, this col they have attacked many times,

and they are extremely familiar with the geographical environment inside

And after each attack, they will change the environment inside

, such as using the detonation charm to clear some stone walls that must be cleaned

, and after glancing at the quiet col

, Ghost Lantern Yuto turned to the ninjas behind him and said, "This time it's the same, the squad that is good at stealth enters first, opens a gap, and then immediately transmits a signal."

The leader of the stealth team heard this and replied yes, and then took his team members and began to sneak towards the col

, although here Iwa Shinobu sends heavy troops every day, but Iwa Shinobu's side will not press all the troops here

, after the stealth team entered, it quickly hid its figure, and then began to carefully look for weak points on the defensive line of Iwa Shinobu Village

, and after a period of searching, they chose a location

Then, under the leadership

of the leader, they began to sneak towards there, and after the ban was lifted, they quickly solved the defensive ninja there

, and then rushed towards

the territory of the Land of Earth, and when they entered the territory of the Land of Earth, they fired signal flares, at

this time, the ghost lamp Yudou waiting outside the col also began to lead the troops to attack inside, and

the stealth team broke through the col

At this time

, they attacked from the outside, and then the stealth team was killing from the inside, just like that, the inside was caught and broke through the defensive line

of the col, this is how they attacked inside several times before

, but this time was different

, what they didn't know was that when the stealth team entered the col, the second generation of Tokage, Wu, also appeared in the col

, and beside him was followed by a large number of elite ninjas of the Iwa Ninja Village,

After the stealth team entered, they did not intercept, but continued to wait in place

, knowing that the outside ghost lamp Yudou entered with a large army, Wucai turned to the ninjas next to him and said, "Let's do it, just leave a few live mouths," the ninjas

behind them heard this, and then they all flashed away

from the place, some went to block the entrance and exit of the col, and

the others directly met the fog ninja from the front

For a while, the sound of chaos in the mountain col was everywhere

, shouting and killing, the sound of blades entering the flesh, screaming

, screaming, endlessly, all recognized him when he saw the ghost lamp Yodou, after

a cold snort, he directly flashed forward to join the battle

, one by one, the fog ninja, in his hands are like lambs to be slaughtered,

and the neck is twisted without any resistance

Ghost Lantern Yudou also saw nothing at this time, and at this time, in addition to fear, there was an unbelievable emotion in his heart

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