When the Night Moon Polar Star disappeared, Thousand Hands Pole Star quickly pulled out the ninja knife behind him to block in front of him, at this time the figure of Night Moon Pole Star

also appeared in front of him

, Thousand Hands saw this, secretly said "So fast!" Just

now Night Moon Pole Star fiercely cast ninja techniques, and activated the cells of the whole body with thunder


and then launched an attack towards Thousand Hands,

Thousand hands also because of the development of the Flying Thunder God is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations

of space, in the moment when the night moon polar star disappeared, he sensed the ripples of space, and directly intervened under the instinctive reaction

, the night moon pole star missed a hit, immediately retreated

, looking at the guarded thousand hands between them, the night moon pole star directly entered the thunder chakra mode

, B-level secret art, known as the "armor of thunder".

By concentrating the thunder chakra on the whole body, so that the whole body is covered with chakra

and lightning, the flesh can be activated and the thunder instantaneous body can be used, and the defense ability will be greatly improved, and the lightning bursting in the body can increase the nerve conduction speed.

As the number of Thunder Chakras increases, so does defense and speed.

After entering this mode, the hair of the Night Moon Polar Star stood up

directly, and the blue lightning on his body became denser

, and he didn't see any movement, so he disappeared directly in place

, and then he appeared that he had come to

the Thousand Hands Chestnut, and his left hand directly stabbed at the Thousand Hands Chestnut,

Hell Spur - Through-hand,

The unique secret technique of Yunnin Village, a large number of thunder and lightning converged into the hand, and then quickly stabbed the enemy

, this technique is extremely penetrating, and will increase the strength with the decrease of the number of fingers

, at this time the night moon polar star is using the whole hand, so at this moment this secret technique is called

the hand, when the hand is approaching, the thousand hands

open the mouth sharply, several thorns flashing white in the mouth, flying to the night moon polar star

, water escape - heavenly cry,

This technique is like a rain falling violently in the cloudless air

, extremely fast, abrupt, most suitable for sneak attacks

, the needle is formed by water, under the guidance of the special chakra between the thousand hands, it sprays out at high speed

, piercing the eyes of the night moon polar star

, and at the same time, the ninja knife between the thousand hands is also covered with a layer of water flow,

water escape - water blade chop

The chakra of the water attribute condensed on the ninja knife, flowing at high speed, forming a sharp water blade, improving the cutting ability of the ninja knife

, the water blade slashed and touched together

, both sides stopped, the eyes of the sky crying piercing the night moon polar star were also bounced off by the thunder armor on the surface of the night moon polar star under his closed eyes

, this time the collision ended in a tie between the two sides

, both pushed hard, and retreated backwards with the force

Without much pause, the two continued to attack

, only to see the Night Moon Polar Star rushing towards the Thousand Hands again, and his thumb was also bent on the inside of the palm at this time

, four hands through, the air blade formed above the fingers became sharper, and the penetration became stronger

, coupled with the speed of the instantaneous technique, in an instant, the Night Moon Pole Star came to

the Thousand Hands Gate, and saw that the right hand was about to stab the Thousand Hands

A huge stream of water suddenly appeared in front

of the latter, and the water flow knocked the Night Moon Pole Star back a little

, and at this time, a column of water erupted from the mouth

of the Thousand Hands again, Water Escape - Water Breaking Wave, this is a high-grade Water Escape

Ninjutsu developed by the Thousand Hands Gate

From the mouth quickly spit out ultra-high pressure straight water column to continue to cut off the target, the technique is like a sharp blade, extremely high destructive power, can easily tear and chop the target, the power is amazing, can be long-range shooting

, the water flow that just appeared is water ninjutsu

, water rush wave, these two ninjutsu cooperate, one attack and one defense

, the water rush wave changes the direction of the attack of the night moon polar star, and the water break wave is directly pierced to the chest of the night moon polar star

Just listening

to the click, a crack appeared in the thunder armor on the chest of the Night Moon Polar Star, forcibly suppressing the horror in his heart

, the Night Moon Polar Star quickly flashed back, and quickly mobilized Chakra to repair the cracked Thunder Armor and

stabilize his figure, Night Moon Polar Star said with admiration: "It is worthy of being the second generation of Hokage, the power of your water dun ninjutsu is the first in the ninja world."

Before this, in the impression of all ninjas, many of

the water ninjutsu are large-scale to have lethality, and that kind of large-scale water ninjutsu only looks extremely violent

, and it is easier to crack and dodge,

but at this moment, these few water ninjutsu performed between the thousand hands, whether it is a heavenly cry or a water break, the volume is not large, but the

destructive power is extremely strong

And because of the skillful relationship, there is no seal at all between the thousand hands, these ninjutsu can be said to be instantaneous

, the thousand hands put the ninja knife in front of him, and said "Your thunder

ninjutsu is also very good," "Whether it is ninjutsu or your kind of sudden ninjutsu, it should also be the apex of the ninja world at this moment,"

the sentence between the thousand hands did not have an exaggerated meaning,

but told the truth

His water break, the cutting force is so strong that he knows best

, if it was other ninjas who were hit just now, I'm afraid it would have already become two sections

, but he didn't expect that in the case of hitting the Night Moon Polar Star head-on, it just made his thunder armor crack some, Night

Moon Polar Star did not answer after hearing this, but reminded "The next hand will be more and more difficult to control, you have to be ready," said the Night Moon Polar Star's

body thunder

Then the whole person turned into a cloud of thunder and rushed to

the Thousand Hands, this time his speed was not as fast as before, but the momentum of the body exceeded a lot

, since the beginning of the three hands, if you use the Instantaneous Technique Spurt, then the Night Moon Pole Star can not perfectly control

this attack, at this time he and the Thousand Hands are not a death match,

so there is no need to directly attack the death

Thousand Hands is also ready at this time, as a master of forbidden arts, he has mastered a lot of forbidden arts

, although these techniques have been entered into the sealing scroll by his eldest brother, forbidding others to practice

, but this does not include him

, the reason why he is not allowed to practice is because these techniques are too powerful and difficult to control, and he is not

afraid of this,

Shuidao-hard vortex water blade

Make a water vortex in the hand and condense the form into a water javelin, layered non-directional rapid rotation

, the javelin is formed, the thousand hands hold it, meet the night moon polar star, the water javelin stabbed out violently, hit the right hand of the night moon polar star

, as soon as it touches the target, the javelin forms a huge waterspout

, this attack is not only powerful, but also extremely gorgeous

, and on which javelin the thousand hands

also left a flying thunder god mark,

At this time, the mark also transferred to the arm of the Night Moon Polar Star with the water vortex

, and under the huge waterspout, the direction of the attack of the Night Moon Polar Star shifted again, and

in desperation, he had to dodge back again

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