only listened to Golden Horn say with a tone of disbelief, "Impossible! How is it possible?!"

"Lord Thundershadow, what's going on?"

Night Moon Polar Star coughed, and then said, "If you continue to fight, it will only be a scene of both defeats, so after discussing with Naruto-sama, I decided to end this war," "

The ninjas of Yunnin Village are the same, retreat today,"

When Ape Fei Ri and the others heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief

, but the golden horn was different, only to see that his eyes were red, and the tendons on his neck bulged one by one, and he said sharply, "No, never, is it just like that

?" "Nothing is not said, how can it be counted when so many ninjas have died?" Looking

at his out-of-control look, Night Moon Polar Star shouted angrily, "Shut up for me!

Hearing these words, the golden horn gradually put away his furious appearance

, but his eyes were still staring at the ninja on Konoha's side

, Night Moon Polar Star turned to look at Senjukuma and said

, "Sorry, Naruto-sama, made you laugh," Senjukuma waved his hand and replied, "It's okay

," Seeing that Senjuma didn't care, Night Moon Polestar continued, "Then we'll go back first, Naruto-sama don't forget the agreement,"

Thousand hands nodded, and then said, "Don't worry, I will definitely arrive,"

After speaking, the Night Moon Polar Star directly turned around and left here

, after the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn glanced at each other, they glanced at the Thousand Hands and the others with resentment, and then followed behind the Night Moon Polar Star, walking towards the station of Yunnin Village

, the atmosphere was very depressed along the way, the Night Moon Polar Star did not say a word, the Golden Horn, and the Silver Horn also suppressed the anger full of chests and followed behind them

All the way back to the camp, the Night Moon Polar Star opened his mouth and said, "Zang, you go and invite several patriarchs and the person in charge,"

Night Moon Zoroaster replied "Yes" when he heard this, and then turned around and left, went to the camp to invite someone

, the Night Moon Polar Star was directly with the golden horn, the silver horn, came to the tent where the meeting was held, and after coming in, the Night Moon Polar Star directly drove to the main seat and sat down

Looking at the unkind face of the golden horn, silver horn, Night Moon Polar Star sighed, and then said, "Sit down first, the detailed things will be done later, I will say together,"

the two heard this, and sat down without saying a word

, after a while, the people invited by the night moon hidden came to the tent one after another, until after the people were together, the night moon pole star got up

, only to

see him bow to the people in front, and then said, "This time has been hard for you,"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this, and then quickly said, "This is as it should be, for the sake of the

village," "Yes, it's not hard, as long as you can overthrow Konoha, it doesn't matter if you are tired

," "That's right, it's all for the village,"

Night Moon Polar Star sighed when he saw this, and then raised his hand to stop them from continuing to speak, and

after everyone stopped, Night Moon Polar Star continued, "Sorry guys, this war, is over."

As soon as the words fell, the tent became silent, and everyone seemed to have stopped breathing

, only to see a cloud ninja named Samui, stood up, and asked

the Night Moon Polar Star, "Why? I need a reason, Lord Thunder Shadow," although the others did not speak, they all stared at the Night Moon Polar Star, waiting for him to give an answer, the Night Moon

Polar Star looked around, and then said, "Because there is no need to fight anymore,"

Everyone knows about Iwahide and Kirito

," "Originally, this war was launched, and the first expectation was that the four major ninja villages would besiege Konoha,"

"But now, Iwa Shinobu and Kiri Shinobu fought

," "The shadows of both sides died on the battlefield, and the ninja suffered thousands of casualties

," "This also makes both sides have already withdrawn to their villages," "

And what about the Sand Hidden Village?" Since the beginning of the war, only sending a squad to harass Konoha, it has never been like sending a large force to participate in the war

," "After learning about the matter on the Tsuchinoku side, all the sand ninja withdrew back,"

"Now only we and Konoha are still fighting," "

Without the help of other ninja villages, how much chance do you think we have left to overthrow Konoha?"

Even if we do our best and make a desperate bet to leave all the Konoha ninjas here in the Land of Rain, so what

?" "With the resources, can we hold it?"

After the Night Moon Polar Star finished speaking, there was silence in the tent, except for the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, at this time they were all seriously thinking about what the Night Moon

Polar Star said, after a moment of silence, another person stood up

, only listening to him say "But retreat like this, will it be ,,??

" Night Moon Polar Star sighed when he heard this, and then said, "Try to calm everyone's emotions, I will give him an explanation over there,"

In addition, I have already discussed with Hokage to sign a peace treaty in the Land of Thunder in seven days to officially end this war,"

"At that time, I hope you can go with me

," before the others could speak, Golden Horn and Silver Horn laughed, only to see Golden Horn laughing while saying, "Hahaha, ridiculous, even if the war is over, you have to sign the treaty,"

"I don't agree!" Konoha must be made to pay some price, such as a few more people dying or something,"

Night Moon Polar Star heard this, and immediately became angry, only to see him smash his fist on the table in front of him, and then got up and shouted angrily, "You shut up for me! Isn't there enough people who died in Yunnin Village?" "Didn't

you two see the battle loss ratio as commanders on the battlefield?"

Golden Horn, Silver Horn was stunned when he heard

this, the former screamed and said, "This, but," Before he finished speaking, Night Moon Polar Star raised his hand and interrupted him, "Okay, don't say it, now I'm still Thunder Shadow

, for this, you don't need to speak, just carry out the task," "Hide, notify down, pack up your things, dismantle the camp, and start retreating today

," "As for signing a contract, Golden Horn, Silver Horn, you don't have to go," "

Go back to the village directly,"

Hearing the tough words of the Night Moon Polar Star, everyone was not saying more, but the golden horn, the silver horn, the eyes at this time became extremely tyrannical

, although the Night Moon Polar Star saw it, but did not say much, but walked directly out

of the tent, now he is going to treat the place where the thousand hands were injured before


although he stopped the bleeding, but the wound is still there, if not treated, maybe the wound will worsen,

After the Night Moon Polar Star left for a long time, the talents in the tent got up one after another and began to carry out the retreat mission

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