At this time, Yun Ren, who came with the Night Moon Polar Star, also

quickly approached this side, and Thousand Hands saw this and also retreated to the ape flying sun chop and others, and

the golden horn, the silver horn, those Yun Ren who came together, at this moment, seeing the Night Moon Polar Star out of trouble, most of their faces showed an unnatural look


but at this moment they had no choice, even if they stopped now, If Night Moon Polar Star and the others return to Yunnin Village, then they will eventually be liquidated

, thinking of this, they did not wait for Golden Horn to speak and divided into two teams

, one team surrounded Senju Jima and others, one team surrounded Night Moon Polar Star

and others, Konoha's side, because of the scattered out of some encirclers

, so the pressure of Senjuma and others is also much less, because they have been getting along for a long time, Senjuma and others

are extremely familiar with each other, After exchanging glances, they began to act

, only to see that Uchiha Mirror directly opened the three-hook jade chakra eye

, and then cast an illusion to control

the cloud ninja who was looking at him, controlling this ninja, and attacking the cloud ninja beside him, before

the person could react, he felt a cold waist, and looked down to see that a ninja knife had stabbed through his left waist

The ninja who was controlled by

the Uchiha mirror had already pulled out the ninja knife at this time and began to attack another person, and at this time, those cloud ninja also reacted, quickly responded, and

knocked the ninja unconscious in a few strokes, the strength of this ninja is only the level of middle ninja, so the Uchiha mirror can control it when he has no resistance at all

, in exchange for a ninja of the

upper ninja

level, Although the Uchiha mirror can drag it into the fantasy space, but if you want to control it so simply, it is also difficult to do

, just when the Uchiha mirror moved, the others next to him also followed, and began

to attack, for a time the field of ninjutsu soared

, because this time, several people were basically aiming at one place to attack

, so soon the encirclement was opened a gap

, Thousand Hands saw this, quickly shouted "Withdraw!" Saying

that, he took the lead and broke out towards the outside, at this time, those Yun Ren wanted to form an encirclement but it was too late

, Thousand Hands Blade directly took the ape flying sun chop and others to break out, running towards the distance, Seeing this, Golden Horn quickly said to Silver Horn on the side, "You go and solve them, leave it to me here,"

Silver Horn answered, and then followed behind Thousand Hands and the others in a few flashes

And he also took away the ninja in the middle of the scene at

this time, after the thousand-handed Asuka and others broke away, there was no unnecessary action, just rushed forward

, in order to be able to catch up with them, Silver Horn directly ordered the use of ninja jutsu, and thunder to stimulate cells, so as to increase the speed to the extreme

, sensing the cloud ninja that was getting closer and closer behind him, Thousand Hands quickly thought about countermeasures

, if it was just him at this time, he would be able to get out without much trouble,

But behind him is also followed by his disciples

, these people are the future of Konoha, can't let them break here

, just when thinking between a thousand hands, the silver horn has already led people to chase up

, and, dozens of combined forces to cast thunder - the ground walked

, only to see blue thunder light running wildly on the ground, gathered together, attacked Shimura Danzo and others who were running wildly in front

, although the power of the ground walking was not great, But so many people cast together, the thunder light fused together, the quantity caused a qualitative change

, ape flying sun chop and others were also defenseless at this time, when they stepped on the ground again

, they felt numbness, muscle spasms, and then stumbled towards a few times

, it was this pause, so that they fell into the encirclement of Yun Shinobu again

, and before the silver horn spoke, the Yun Ninja took out the food pill and swallowed it

Silver Horn looked at the Thousand Hands and the others who were surrounded in the middle, and said in an icy tone, "Run, keep running, I see where you can run,"

Thousand Hands did not speak, just looked at him flatly

, looked around, and the Thousand Hands said to the ape flying sun beside him and the others, "Attack!" The

words fell, he took the lead in attacking

towards the silver horn, and the ape flying sun chop and the others also launched an attack towards those cloud ninja next

to him, looking at the thousand hands that pounced on him, the silver horn grinned, and then retreated

, he was also trying to try, this Hokage of Konoha, how strong the strength is

, and after putting some distance away from the large army, the silver horn stopped

And at this time

, he felt a breaking sound behind him, too late to check, too late to think more, he directly dodged to the side, dodged

this attack, he turned around and looked at

the thousand hands, the sound of breaking the air just

now is the thousand hands thrown by the bitter nothing, now is not the time for a one-on-one duel

, the reason why the thousand hands followed him is also to solve him as soon as possible, as long as he dies, The grasp of all of them breaking through is even more sufficient

, looking at the kunai stabbed on the ground, the eyes of the silver horn gradually became tyrannical

, only to see that he instantly opened the ninja technique, and cast

the thunder armor, the cells in the body were also activated by the thunder chakra

, the blue arc flashed around the body, constantly making a crackling sound

, after being ready, the silver horn was not talking nonsense, holding the seven-star sword in his hand, Launched an attack

towards the Thousand Hands Gate, in the case of full speed, even if he did not use the teleportation technique, he only attacked

the Thousand Hands Chestnut in the blink of an eye, the same thunder light on the Seven Star Sword flashed, the silver horn went directly up and down, slashing towards the head

of the Thousand Hands Gate, and the highly concentrated Thousand Hands naturally captured his movements,

and saw a layer of water attribute Chakra attached to the ninja knife in his right hand

At the same time that he swung

the ninja knife upward, the ninja knife was surrounded by a layer of high-speed flowing water, and the water dunge - water blade chop

, ninja knife, seven-star sword collided together, making a sound of gold and iron intersecting

, and this blow of the silver horn was also blocked

, when the two swords collided, the left hand took out a detonation talisman from the ninja bag, and

when he retreated, the thousand-handed detonator threw the detonation charm towards the silver horn, And made a seal

, multiply the detonation charm by each other

, the A-level infinite blasting technique developed between

the thousand hands, this move was originally to stick the detonation charm on the enemy's body to exert the maximum power

, but at this moment the silver horn is wrapped in thunder armor, and the detonation charm cannot be attached at all

, so the thousand hands can only retreat,

as long as the silver horn is still within the explosion range

Although the power of the explosion is not as great as the one directly attached to the body

, but it should not be underestimated

, as the seal between the thousand hands fell, the detonation charm directly exploded, and this is not over, this one just exploded, and a detonation talisman

appeared in the air again

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