After vomiting for a while, the three stopped, and before Jirai could speak, Naruto said to Fukasaku Immortal, "I'm really sorry, we didn't mean it" Fukasaku Immortal shook

his head after hearing this, and said, "I can't blame you for this, after all, we have different eating habits from humans

" At this time, Jiraiya said, "Boss, I still can't accept this taste"

After hearing this, the Fukasaku Immortal sighed and did not speak.

Naruto thought for a moment and asked

, "Fukasaku Immortal, can I bring some ingredients over?" Fukasaku Immortal nodded after hearing this and said, "It's no problem, it's just the wife's side," Naruto immediately said after hearing this, "I'll solve it on Shima Sento's side, in the future, as long as I am in Myoki Mountain, dinner will be prepared by me"

Fukasaku Immortal

agreed after hearing this, as long as Naruto can convince the wife.

"Fukasaku Immortal, can I leave the Flying Thunder God Mark on Mount Myoki?" asked Naruto again.

Hearing the flying thunder accompanying the god, Fukasaku Immortal asked in surprise, "Little Naruto can also fly the Thunder God Technique? Of course you can keep it

" At this time, Jiraiya stepped forward and said, "Boss, I told you before

, Naruto is a child of Watergate" Fukasaku Immortal showed a sudden look after hearing this, and said, "Sorry, I didn't think about it for a while,"

and then looked at Naruto and sighed and said, "Little Watergate, ,,,"

Seeing this, Zi Lai also hurriedly said, "Boss, I'll give you a surprise in a while"

As for what kind of surprise, even if Shen Zuo Immortal asked repeatedly, Zi Lai didn't say anything, just told him that he would know later.

The three then followed Fukasaku back to their residence, and after leaving a Flying Thunder God mark here, Naruto disappeared with Jiraiya and Hinata.

After they left, the Shensaku Immortal quickly came to the palace of the Great Toad Immortal, and after walking in, he woke up the Great Toad Immortal.

He then taught the exercises to the big toad immortal, and stated his thoughts, and after the big toad immortal nodded his head in agreement, the deep immortal left the palace.

Then he used the frog song to gather the people of Miaomu Mountain who had now fully grown into toads, and all gathered at the training ground.

After a while, the training ground was full of all kinds of toads.

Led by the three brothers of Toad Bunta, behind the three of them are members of Myoki Mountain who often appear in the ninja world.

Toad Zhong, Toad Yin, Iron Arm Toad, See Toad, Toad Power, etc., etc., behind these toads, there is also a toad that is too large.

He is the largest surviving toad in Myoki Mountain, the Iwasu Big Toad.

Seeing that all the toads that had grown limbs had arrived, Shen Zuo Immortal said in a loud voice: "The purpose of summoning everyone here is to teach everyone a cultivation method, which allows you to cultivate natural energy without petrification, which means that you can all become immortals in the future."

This method of cultivation is called exercises, I will teach you the exercises later, I studied this exercise book and found that if we run it at the same time, we can speed up the cultivation speed of many of you, so I decided to gather here tomorrow morning and practice the exercises together"

After the immortal Shensaku finished speaking, the toads below could not wait to roar. They all aspire to become stronger, but many of them are deterred by the risks of cultivating natural energy.

Now hearing that there were practice exercises without side effects, they all ignited their fighting spirit.

Seeing this, the Fukasaku Immortals did not stop them, but just squatted there with a smile.

After all the toads stopped roaring, the deep immortals used special immortal techniques to transmit the exercises into their brains.

Then he said, "Go back tonight and study the exercises in your minds, but you must not practice privately, now disband"

After he said that he would disband, the toads under him jumped and left, and the Fukasaku Immortal also returned to his residence.

Naruto and the three reappeared and returned to the altar, and then Hinata quickly went to the kitchen to prepare food.

Naruto and Jiraiya, on the other hand, went to prepare supplies to bring back to Mount Myoki.

After eating the food prepared by Hinata, the two sat there satisfied, patting their stomachs.

Then Naruto called Zuo Shin and Tayuya, and the two returned from the Land of Waves with Watergate in the morning, and they had not yet been arranged, so Naruto planned to leave the task of cooking to them.

After all, Hinata still has to go to Myoku Mountain with himself to cultivate, and he can't cook for others during this time.

After explaining the matter, Naruto returned to Myoki Mountain with the prepared supplies, as well as Hinata, and after moving all the materials into the hut prepared by Fukasaku Sento for the three, the three began to sort it out.

After sorting the materials and putting them away, Zi Lai also took the two to the Shenzuo Immortal's house.

After entering the house of the Fukasaku immortal, Naruto walked straight

to the Shima immortal and said to her, "Shima immortal, you don't need to prepare food for us in the future, you can concentrate on cultivation" Shima immortal said with a little loss after hearing this, "Is it because the food I made is not delicious" Naruto quickly waved his hand and said, "No, the food made by Shima immortal tastes very good, but it is too time-consuming to do this, so the task of cooking in the future will be handed over to me, and Shima immortal is

responsible for cultivating well."

After hearing this, Shima Sento asked again, "Isn't it the same to let you cook and delay your cultivation?" "

I don't use the body, I can use the shadow avatar, just let the avatar do it," Naruto said.

Shima Immortal said with a little reluctance after hearing this, "Well, the task of cooking will be left to you in the future"

Naruto immediately nodded frantically, and then the three of them sat down, and also chatted with the two immortals, telling interesting things he had experienced in the ninja world over the years.

Naruto and Hinata, on the other hand, sat next to each other and listened carefully, and immediately added new tea after seeing that everyone's teacups were empty.

After a long time, Jiraiya returned with Naruto and Hinata, and tomorrow Myoki Mountain will begin to cultivate out of the body, so let the two immortals rest well.

After the three returned to their respective rooms, they did not practice, but entered the land of sleep rarely.

The next day, Naruto opened his eyes amid a sharp knock on the door, dressed and walked out of the room, while Jiraiya and Hinata also rubbed their eyes and walked out of their respective rooms.

After opening the door, Toad Zhong's figure appeared in the eyes of the three.

Seeing the door open, Toad Zhongchao said to Jiraiya, "Jiraiya-sama, Lord Fukasaku asked me to come and invite you over, saying that I am ready to start."

After hearing this, Zi Lai also nodded and said, "Got it, then let's go over together," and then

the three followed Toad Zhong to the training ground.

Naruto and Hinata were stunned by the sight in front of them, and saw that all kinds of toads gathered on the training ground at this time. The toad he is familiar with, Toad Zhong, Toad Yin are all among them, in addition to some toads that he has never seen before.

And Jiraiya had already stepped forward to talk to these toads.

"Wen Tai, it's been a long time, I still like smoking so much," Ji Lai also patted Toad Wen Tai and said.

Toad Wen Tai snorted coldly and replied, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time, have you forgotten me?" Toad

Wen Tai was the first friend he made after coming to Miaomu Mountain, so he and Toad Wen Tai had a deep friendship.

After hearing this, Zi Lai also said embarrassedly: "Then how can it, it's just that I have been too busy over the years, and I haven't experienced some difficult battles, so I haven't channeled you out."

Toad Wen Tai snorted coldly and stopped talking, while Jiraiya turned to talk to the various toads.

A moment later, I saw four sturdy toads, carrying a huge throne and slowly walking, Ji Lai also saw this, quickly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Big

toad immortal, you are also here" The other toads squatting below saw that the big toad immortal had arrived, and stopped talking, quietly squatting in place and waiting.

The big toad immortal heard someone see him, raised his eyelids and found that it was Zilaiye, and then said, "Little Zilaiye, I haven't seen it for a long time, you have become a real

immortal" As soon as he saw Zilaiye, the big toad immortal felt the energy fluctuations coming out of his body, and the violent energy fluctuations were familiar to him. This is the energy fluctuation that will only be generated after the immortal body is completely turned on.

After hearing this, he said, "No, it's still far away

" "Xiao Shensaku asked me to come and cultivate with them, so that they can speed up their cultivation speed," the big toad immortal said with a change of topic.

After hearing this, Zi Lai also said with a slight surprise: "If you join together, then how fast will their cultivation speed be,"

the big toad immortal replied a little lazily, "It shouldn't speed up much, I read the exercises, the more difficult it is to the back, and many of the current people have not practiced"

Zi Lai also thought about it, this is indeed the case, nodded and retreated to the side.

Seeing that the people had arrived, the Fukasaku Immortal jumped next to the big toad immortal and said downward, "It's all already here, then it's time to start"

After hearing this, Jiraiya quickly took Naruto and Hinata back into the distance, watching the toads cultivate.

I saw a strange fluctuation emanating from the body of the big toad immortal, and this fluctuation slowly spread until all the toads were shrouded in it.

Then these toads also began to emit such fluctuations, and these fluctuations quickly merged into one in the air.

At this time, the aura began to converge towards each toad, and as the exercises in their bodies operated, the speed of gathering the aura became faster and faster, and the amount increased.

In Naruto's perception, these auras formed a funnel on the surface of each toad's body, and then poured into each toad's body.

Among them, the Great Toad Immortal had the most spiritual energy there, and Naruto, who looked at the richness, was shocked.

The second is the Shensaku Immortal and the Shima Immortal, although the aura around them is not as good as the Big Toad Immortal, but it is not known how many times richer than other toads.

Naruto found that among the other toads, there was actually a Aura next to him who was about to catch up with the two immortals.

Then his perception probed in that direction, and he saw an incredibly large toad squatting there.

Because of his huge size, Naruto thought of him as a mountain when he arrived just now.

At this time, after perceiving the past, I finally saw his full picture.

Compared to him, the toad Hiro Naruto had seen before looked so skinny. Muscles similar to rocks rose up and down his body, and at this time, he was constantly beating with the swallowing of spiritual energy.

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