Naruto, who had been practicing for a day, dragged his tired body back home, just after washing up and lying on the bed, gradually his consciousness began to blur, all the way down, Naruto opened his eyes and found himself in a dark sewer with a roar in the distance.

"Roar, over here, little ghost, come here"

Hearing this Naruto grin, he had been looking for a way to enter here, but he never found it, he didn't expect to be able to get here today, so he walked towards the place where the roar came from.

Soon Naruto came to a slightly more spacious place, and the first thing he saw was a huge iron gate, behind which was a huge beast shadow, and two blood-red eyes were staring at him.

"Little ghost, come here, uncover this sealing talisman, I will give you invincible power"

Hearing this, Naruto did not speak, but just snapped his fingers and the sealing space lit up, no longer as dim as just now, at this time Naruto saw the beast shadow behind the iron gate, as in memory, it was a red fox with nine tails.

"Nine Lama, don't worry, I want to talk to you first" said Naruto with a smile as he looked at the Nine Tails.

The Nine Tails behind the iron gate were stunned when they heard Naruto call their name, and then came back to their senses and yelled at Naruto: "Little ghost, how did you know the old man's name?"

"I'll tell you about this later, I want to talk to you about other things first." Naruto.

"What do you want to talk about?" Looking at Naruto with a smile on his face, the Nine Tails also calmed down at this time.

"Tell me what I think of the Tailed Beast," Naruto said, sitting cross-knee and looking at the Nine-Tails.

Seeing Naruto sit down, the Nine-Tails asked him, "Then tell me what you think of our tailed beast." "

Tailed beasts are creatures with life, consciousness, and thoughts of their own, you all have some of your own way of life, you should not be called beasts

" "Between the thousand hand pillars, Uchiha Madara sees that you are powerful, one controls, the other seals you."

"Uchiha Madara controlled you to call you a beast, Senjukuma for the so-called peace of the ninja world, distributed you as items to the major ninja villages, sealed in this small, dark place for decades, humans because of fear of your powerful power to treat you as the embodiment of disaster, I am very angry about this" Looking at the Nine Tails, Naruto sincerely told his thoughts.

The Nine-Tails looked at Naruto and saw that his eyes were sincere, and as a collection of natural energy, the Nine-Tails had the ability to perceive good and evil, and he did not sense a little malice towards himself in Naruto, so he lay down.

"So what do you think should be done?"

"I will release you and make you the patron saints of the ninja world, not sealed as items." Naruto said his thoughts.

"Oh, go on" Hearing Naruto say that he was going to wait for the tailed beast to become the guardian god of the Nine Tails came to interest.

"The reason why the ninja world is not peaceful is because there are too many forces, the interests are unbalanced, and the erosion of various ideas has led to mutual distrust between people, and wars have always broken out between countries. And ninjas, nobles, and commoners have too big a gap in status

" "I think true peace should be when everyone understands each other, treats each other honestly, helps each other, and

there is no more war in the ninja world," "The most important thing is that I don't want anyone to be bullied like me in the future,"

"Of course, the first step to do these is definitely to unify the ninja world first, and then through the transformation of ideas, there will be no more differences between people, which will take a long time."

"Our lives have been linked since you were sealed in my body, so I need your help, whether it is your power or anything else." Naruto told the Nine Tails all his thoughts.

After listening to this, the Nine Tails thought of the prophecy that the six immortals gave them before leaving, and grinned: "It really made me wait for a long time, I am willing to help you, what should I do next?" Hearing

the Nine-Tails say that he was willing to make himself laugh even more happily, "Then let's bump a fist first," he said, walking to the iron gate and extending his right hand.

Seeing this, the Nine-Tails raised his paw and bumped into Naruto (this is not the Kaixian Fox mode, but just shares memories with the Nine-Tails).

After reading all Naruto's memories for a long time, the Nine Tails said, "So it is, no wonder you know so much, and you know the name of the old man, what do you want to do now?" And about Konoha? "

I'm going to find a way to get out of the village first so I can unlock your seal, as for Konoha, Sarutobi Hinata, Shimura Danzo, and those who have abused me must die, and the others who insult me and bully me will see, if they keep being so ignorant,,, the rest of Naruto didn't say any more.

"Okay, I support you no matter what you do

" "Thank you, Nine Lama" Naruto said gratefully when he heard the words of the Nine Tails.

"Naruto, like you said, our lives have been connected since I was sealed in your body, so there is no need to say thanks, but I should say sorry to you, after all, your parents died because of me" Speaking of this, the Nine Lamas were full of apologies to

Naruto and heard the Nine Lamas say about his parents Naruto snorted coldly: "It's okay, the Nine Lamas, they will be resurrected sooner or later, it should be their punishment"

Then a person and a fox chatted in the sealed space like this, perhaps because they had both been suppressed for too long, and they were both people who confided in them for the first time, so they chatted for a long time, talking about the past, talking about the future, and cheerful laughter sounded from time to time in the sealed space.

"Uh-huh, the Nine Lamas will talk about this today, do other things first" said Naruto used to modify the appearance of the sealed space, the place where the Nine Lamas were became a small island, but the big iron gate still existed, the surrounding area turned into seawater, a sun appeared overhead, and the entire space became full of life and vitality, much better than the oppressive and dim sewers.

"Hehe, I haven't seen the sun for a long time, thank me and I won't say it" Watching the environment change, the Nine Lamas were also very happy, after all, no one wants to stay in that oppressive environment all the time.

After changing the environment of the sealing space, Naruto walked inside the gate, came to the Nine Lamas and stretched out his hand to put on the eyebrows of the Nine Tails, and when Naruto released his hand, the Nine Lamas had an additional exercise in his mind.

"Nine Lamas, I picked this exercise for you, you can try to see if you can cultivate." After instilling the exercises, Naruto said to the Nine Lamas.

The Nine Lamas answered and began to try, this attempt startled Naruto, he clearly felt that as the Nine Lamas ran the exercises, the natural energy outside the world rushed madly towards the sealed space in the body like a tide, and some of them converged to his cyclone and spread to all parts of his body, quenching his flesh, and the most demonic sutra he cultivated also began to operate.

This was something Naruto didn't expect, the original idea was just to let the Nine Lamas cultivate and make the Nine Lamas stronger, so that they could exert stronger power when they were together in the future.

Watching the Ninth Lama Naruto, who was immersed in cultivation, withdrew from the sealing space and began to cultivate as well.

One night without words

, the next day Naruto and the Nine Lamas both woke up from the state of cultivation, the aura in Naruto's cyclone has begun to have signs of condensation into water, this is the first layer of the practice of fast consummation, originally the cultivation of the most magic scripture is difficult, cultivation will be very slow, according to his usual cultivation speed may take half a year to break through to a layer of perfection, did not expect that just with the Nine Lamas cultivated for one night, immediately can be a layer of perfection.

Although this is only the effect of the first cultivation talent, it will definitely be faster to cultivate together in the future than to cultivate alone.

Thinking of this, Naruto silently said in his heart, "Nine Lamas, how do you feel?" "

Good, I feel like I've gotten a lot stronger, and I've gotten bigger," Naruto replied with a slight excitement from the Nine Lama's mind.

"Hehe, then continue to work hard and let's get stronger and stronger together."

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