The materials received in the logistics department include: two sets of clothes for the

mission, armor, two sets of training clothes during training

, a storage ring

, a contact toad

, as for weapons, this is not received now

, the weapons in the logistics department are standard weapons, only spears and ninja knives

And Xiao Li they like

, the right weapons are different, so it is useless to take it back, after returning to the base, Naruto let everyone change into training clothes

, ,,,

not long before they returned to the training ground

one after another, in front of Naruto lined up, from left to right are Ghost Fish, Xiao Li, Ninji, Sasuke, I Ai Luo, Fu

, Naruto looked at it, although the height is different, the body is different,

But after putting on the uniform costume, standing together also looked extremely spiritual

, looking at the few people with serious expressions, Naruto gave them a military salute, and then said, "Since today, the warhead has officially started operating

," "Next, we will train every day, I hope everyone is ready,"

and several people replied in unison, "Yes!" After that, Naruto continued, "Okay, then I'll assign the tasks when the team fights

," "First of all, Fu, whether it is peacetime or mission, you are mainly responsible for intelligence work," "

The intelligence required by the warhead, the intelligence collected, is handed over by you to other departments," The

reason why Fuya was recruited into the warhead was because as a human pillar, it was not suitable to go anywhere else

But Naruto didn't think about asking her to take

on a combat mission, Fu was stunned when he heard this, although he didn't understand, he still nodded

, and then Naruto looked at Oni and said to him, "Oni mackerel, your ability is very suitable for containing opponents, so you are responsible for this when the team is on a mission," Oni Mackerel

he will have a lot of large-scale attack

techniques, and now with the blessing of Reiki, the power of those techniques is much stronger than that used by Chakra

Coupled with the special ability of the oni mackerel, the huge amount of aura, it is just right to do this work

, after the oni nodded, Naruto looked at Ninji and Sasuke, and said to them "You both have a special bloodline

," "Hitomi is also very strong, mainly responsible for controlling the opponent when fighting, controlling the opponent, collecting the opponent's information, and summarizing intelligence,"

The illusion of the chakra eye, the ability to perceive details, the perspective of the white eye, and the three-hundred-and-sixty-degree perspective, are all used to check the opponent's

ability, if not well developed it is too wasteful

, after the two said that there is no problem, Naruto looked at me Airo and said, "I love Luo, you are responsible for the team's defense tasks, the candidate is only you, I believe you will definitely be able to do it," Although I Airo

also has large-scale attack techniques, his defense ability is the strongest of several people

, plus the strength of Shouzuru, his absolute defense, Absolutely deserved

, I Ai Luo heard his task, and also nodded firmly, and muttered in his heart, "Guard?" Sure!

"Next, it was Xiao Li's turn, and Naruto said to him, "Li, cultivate the extreme body well, I will find you another book of exercises in the next two days,"

"When you cultivate to the point where you can offset the side effects of the Eight Gates Dun Jia to the greatest extent, the main attacker position of the team is yours,"

Xiao Li was a little moved when he heard this, and then he asked Naruto, "This, can I?"

Naruto smiled at him and said, "Of course, don't you forget, don't you think you don't have the confidence to take this position?" When

Xiao Li heard this, he immediately straightened up and said with a firm face, "Please don't worry!" I must work harder to cultivate and strive to be qualified for this position as soon as possible,"

Naruto nodded when he heard this and said, "Well, I believe you will be able to do this, there is still a lot of time before the real battle, so it is enough for you to grow, you just have to remember to work hard,"

for this Naruto is not worried at all, with this, Xiao Li will only work harder

, let him be the main attacker during the team mission, this Naruto also thought for a long time

Xiao Li is a cultivator who practices physical flow

, although this path is hard, very tired, and it is not easy to reach the peak

, but once successful, the combat power is also first-class strong

, the same level of spiritual cultivation, if not the ability is special, in the face of physical cultivation is basically only the ability to passively escape, physical cultivation

, while training the body, will only cultivate the means of attack

, especially with the assistance of the eight doors of dunjia, Once Xiao Li can cultivate to avoid the side effects of opening the eight gates of mortality, his attack ability will be directly full, and

after assigning the others, it will be his turn, only to hear Naruto say, "If I go on a mission with everyone, I will mainly be in charge of controlling the field

," "I will take you to Konoha in two days, and there is another person to be determined at this time, if he is recruited, then the position of the team commander is his,"

Next, report the type of weapon you want, I will prepare it for you in the next few days, "

Now the special metal resources of Hope City are no problem

, although it is still impossible to create a weapon by hand, but it is supplied to the warhead, and some strong people are completely fine

, of course, the weapons Naruto refers to naturally include soul soldiers,

although the ghost mackerel and others have not practiced soul skills

But this does not mean that they cannot use soul soldiers

, several people have fallen into a state of thought after listening to Naruto's description

, after a long time, several people have determined the weapon they want

, for the main weapon, the oni mackerel has gone to the mackerel, and after he feeds it with his own aura, the strength of the mackerel muscle has increased a lot

, so there is no need to replace it, just say that an attack-shaped soul soldier is needed

Ninji and Sasuke and Fu, the three of them chose the ninja knife

to attack the soul soldier, what I Ai Luo wants is a spear that can carry aura

, so that with the use of the spear of the crane, his single attack ability will be greatly improved

, as for the soul soldier, he chose to be defensive, as the guardian of the team, naturally he has to block all aspects of the attack, as for

Xiao Li, the weapon he wants is a pair of fists

In the choice of soul soldiers, he accepted Naruto's contact and chose defensive soul soldiers

, and after summarizing all the needs, Naruto said to them, "Okay, the time is about the same, then you will go to eat first, and then return to the base to get acquainted with each other," "

I'm going to a meeting in the afternoon, and after the meeting, I will come back to arrange the next training tasks,"

several people responded in unison, saluting Naruto, and

after returning the salute, Naruto led them out of the base again,

and then Naruto walked

towards the location of the office building

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