After Jiraiya straightened

Hotaru, he said, "I told you a long time ago, relax, don't be so formal" Hotaru quickly smiled after hearing this, "No, no, no, if it weren't for Jiraiya-sama, Hotaru and I would have died a long time ago, by the way, this is my son Aung with Hotaru" Hotaru pointed to the boy who followed behind and said.

Then Ang stepped forward and bowed to Jiraiya, and then called "Hello Jiraiya-sama" Jiraiya

smiled after hearing this, and then pointed to the two behind him and said, "They are my disciples, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hinata, now I am taking them around to practice" Naruto

and Hinata heard this, and also stepped forward and said hello to Hotaru's father and son.

Then Hotaru beckoned Jiraiya to sit down and asked about the things over the years, such as whether Jiraiya-sama was married, how old the children were, why he hadn't come to Star Shinobi Village again in all these years, and so on.

Naruto next to him didn't notice what they were chatting about, as he noticed that there was a slight special aura on Hotaru and Ang.

After careful identification, Naruto determined the component of this breath - poison.

But Naruto didn't ask much, just planning to go to the place that was obstructing his perception at night.

After a while, Natsume's voice came from the kitchen, "Hotaru, it's time to open the meal, prepare some wine for Jiraiya-sama" Hotaru

quickly greeted Jiraiya and came to the dining table and sat down, and then poured a glass of wine for Jiraiya.

After the last dish was served by Natsume, everyone began to eat.

I saw that Hotaru also poured himself and Summer a glass of wine, took the wine glass, he said to Jiraiya, "Jiraiya-sama, if you hadn't saved me and Summer, we wouldn't have been alive until now, this glass of wine I and Summer honor you

" Jiraiya heard this, picked up the wine glass and said to the two, "It's just a little thing, don't be so solemn"

Then the three drank the wine in the glass, Hotaru saw the doubts on the face next to him, so he told a few people about the year.

At that time, he and Natsuhi were not married, and they were poisoned while outside the village, but fortunately they met Jiraiya and solved their poison and saved their lives.

This explanation made Naruto even more puzzled, because there are many poisonous valleys distributed in the country of bears, and if you live here since childhood, you will not be so easily poisoned, and the two are not ordinary people.

And he felt the poisonous breath on all three members of the Hotaru family, this breath was not like poisoning, but more like they were born with poison in their bodies.

With a mind full of doubts, Naruto finished the meal, Hinata next to him noticed Naruto's strangeness, and then whispered to him, "Naruto, what's wrong with you?"

Then he struggled to recall the information about the Star Shinobi Village.

Since there are so many memories in his head, he is only impressed by some big things, or important people.

After a moment, Naruto finally found the information in his mind about Hoshinin Village.

There is a secret treasure in Star Ninja Village, this secret treasure is called Star, which is also the origin of the name of their Ninja Village.

The ninjas in the Star Ninja Village all use this star to cultivate, but they don't know that this star takes away the poison, and if the cultivation is excessive, or reaches a certain level, people will be poisoned and die.

After thinking of this, Naruto took a deep look at the family of three in front of him, and then lowered his head.

After eating, Natsuhi took the three of Jiraiya to the prepared guest room, Naruto and Jiraiya lived in one room, and Hinata lived next door to the two.

After Natsuhi left, Naruto poked two chains out of his back, and then laid a soundproof enchantment.

Seeing this, Jiraiya asked him suspiciously

, "What happened?" Naruto shook his head after hearing this, and said to him, "Lustful immortal, do you know which secret treasure of Hoshinin Village

?" After hearing this, Jiraiya looked at Naruto seriously and asked him

, "What do you want to do?" Seeing this, Naruto quickly said, "Don't worry, I didn't want to hit the idea of that secret treasure, but I suddenly remembered the information about this secret treasure"

The serious expression on Jiraiya's face disappeared after hearing this, just now he thought that Naruto was trying to seize the secret treasure.

Then he asked Naruto, "What information?" "

That secret treasure is called Star, it is a meteorite that fell from the sky, and the people of Star Shinobi Village are cultivating with the help of this meteorite, but they don't know that this meteorite is highly toxic, and after a long time, cultivators will be poisoned," Naruto said quickly.

Zi Lai also showed a stunned expression after hearing this, he didn't know these things, he just knew that there was a secret treasure in Star Ninja Village, but he didn't know what it was.

Seeing this, Naruto continued, "I feel the presence of poisonous gas in all three members of the Hotaru family, especially Hotaru and Ang, they have a very strong poisonous gas

" Jiraiya fell into deep thought after hearing this, and then he asked Naruto "So what are you going to do?"

Naruto thought for a moment and said, "I was going to tell them directly, but I didn't think it was appropriate. After

hearing this, he also felt that it was indeed inappropriate to say it directly, so he said

to Naruto, "We will do this tomorrow,,,,," Naruto quickly nodded after hearing this and said, "Then leave it to you, lecherous fairy" Then

the two lay on their respective beds and prepared to rest, they did not plan to practice tonight.

After a night of silence, the two were woken up by a knock on the door early the next morning, and Naruto got out of bed and rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

Seeing that the person knocking on the door was Hinata, Naruto smiled at her and said

, "Early, Hinata," Hinata said after hearing this, "It's not early, the sun has already risen."

Naruto was stunned for a moment, then turned back into the room and opened the curtains, when sunlight poured into the room.

"Maybe it's because I haven't slept in a long time since I practiced, but I slept until now," Naruto muttered.

Then Naruto scratched the back of his head and walked to the door and said to Hinata, "Sorry, wait a minute, I'll wake up Jiraiya-sensei, change my clothes and come out."

After Hinata nodded, Naruto closed the door and woke up Jiraiya, who was still sleeping, and the two quickly changed their clothes, took toiletries from the storage ring, and went to the bathroom to wash.

After washing, the two opened the door and walked out, Hinata was still waiting at the door.

Seeing Naruto and Jiraiya come out, she quickly said to

Jiraiya, "Jiraiya-sensei, early" Jiraiya said embarrassedly after hearing this, "Ahaha, Hinata is really early"

Then the three masters came downstairs, and the three of the Hotaru family were all up at this time, summer was in the kitchen, and the two father and son were in the living room.

Seeing the three of Jiraiya coming down, Hotaru got up and said to them, "Jiraiya-sama, you are up, please sit down" Jiraiya

heard the words and sat next to him, and then said, "Sorry, Hotaru, I haven't had a good rest for a long time, it's a little late to get up."

After hearing this, Hotaru quickly said, "It's okay, it's okay, rest is the most important

" and then Zilai also stared at Hotaru, and then said seriously, "Hotaru, I found something when I saw you guys yesterday."

Hotaru saw that Jiraiya also looked serious, and then quickly asked, "I wonder what Jiraiya-sama found?"

Hotaru was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then hurriedly continued to ask

, "What did Jiraiya-sama say?" Jiraiya looked at the father and son in front of him, and then said, "You, Summer, and Ang, yesterday I sensed a very special fluctuation on your body, and after careful identification, I found that it turned out to be poison!" Jiraiya-sama

did not suppress her voice, and Natsume in the kitchen also heard it, only to see her quickly run to Jiraiya-sama and anxiously asked, "Jiraiya-sama, what's going on?"

After hearing this, Zi Lai also shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on for the time being, I just feel the poisonous aura you exude" After

a pause, Zi Lai also said: "If you trust me, I will give you a probe about the situation in your body"

Summer and Hotaru quickly nodded, indicating that there was no problem, after all, Zi Lai also saved the two of them.

Zi Lai also pointed to Hotaru and Ang and said, "Since you agreed, then I will first probe the situation of your father and son, after all, you exude the strongest poisonous aura"

After the two father and son nodded, Zi Lai also stepped forward and held their wrists, and then turned on perception, probing along the meridians inch by inch.

All the way to the place where Chakra is located, I saw that as long as Chakra flowed, there was a certain degree of damage, especially the location of the dantian where Chakra was located, which was most seriously eroded by poisonous gas.

A moment later, Zi Lai Ye opened his eyes, looked at the three with a heavy face and said, "The situation in your body is very bad, it is seriously eroded by poison, this should be caused by your

cultivation!" The three were all shocked after hearing this, and then Hotaru asked bitterly, "Master Zi Laiye, are you sure it is all caused by cultivation?"

Zi Lai also nodded and replied, "It can be determined that it is caused by cultivation, because the most eroded in the body is the meridians where Chakra usually flows, especially the lower abdomen where Chakra is usually stored.

After hearing this, Xia Ri quickly asked, "Is there any way to detoxify

it?" After hearing this, he replied, "Don't practice first, wait for me to think about it, after all, this is a bit complicated, by the way, can you tell me the process of your cultivation?"

After listening to it, Hotaru thought for a while, and then nodded and said: "Our Star Ninja Village cultivation is all with a secret treasure called Star, and cultivating with it can not only speed up the speed, but it is also a must for cultivating the Peacock Mystic Method"

Zi Lai also nodded after hearing this, he knew the peacock magic method of Star Ninja Village, and he had also fought with the shadow of Star Ninja Village.

"I already felt some problems when I was rescued by Jiraiya-sama that time, but if I want to improve my strength, I have to do this," Hotaru continued.

Hearing him say this, Zi Lai also shook his head and said, "This poison is slowly eroding your body, which will shorten your lifespan, and at some special moments, it will immediately poison.

After hearing this, Xia Ri quickly said to Jiraiya, "Please Jiraiya-sama help us."

"I want to help you with this problem, but I need time, after all, this is a medical problem, but the priority is for you to stop practicing first." "

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