After hearing this, Hotaru shook his head and said, "I only hope that no one will use stars to cultivate

in the future, and the strength exchanged for life is too false" Zi Lai also nodded and said: "Don't worry, I can promise you that stars will not be used for cultivation in the future."

After saying this, Jiraiya paused, and then said, "Hotaru, there are many things that happened to your family like today, there are many more in the ninja world, some are even more excessive than this, I have always wanted to reform the current ninja world, but there are still some partners missing, I wonder if you are willing to help me?"

Hotaru raised his head and looked at Jiraiya in surprise, and then said, "Jiraiya-sama means to invite us to join Konoha!?" "

Although he has never voluntarily said that he is a ninja of Konoha, his name as a three-ninja is so loud in the ninja world that others can know where he comes from when they hear his name.

Jiraiya waved his hand when he heard this and said, "No, it's not to join Konoha, but the strength we created it, it's called Hope City, and now it's ,,,,,。 So would you like to? "

Jiraiya told Hotaru about the current situation of the ninja world, as well as the development direction of Hope City, and what they wanted to achieve. Then he looked at Hotaru seriously, waiting for him to answer.

Seeing this, Hotaru thought for a while and said, "Thank you Jiraiya-sama for your favor, I am willing to take them to join Hope City in the summer, and I also want to see what the scene will be like after the real peace in the ninja world

" Jiraiya laughed after listening to his words, and said to him, "Don't worry, you will see that day with your own eyes, you are welcome to join Hope City, then take a break here tonight, you guys pack up your things, and tomorrow we will go back to Hope City together!"

Hotaru nodded after hearing this.

At this time, Tsunade's voice came from the dining room, and I only heard her say, "Jiraiya, don't talk, let's all come and eat, and talk after eating." After

hearing this, several people in the living room got up and went to the dining room.

After eating, Hotaru's family of three drove everyone out of the dining room, saying that the next thing was left to them, and Hokuto, because he was not familiar with Naruto, helped them clean up.

Naruto had no choice but to come to the living room and sit down, at this time Naruto said to Tsunade, "Tsunade mother-in-law, when you treated them just now, did you look at the poison in them?" Tsunade

heard this and said, "Look, don't worry, it won't be poisoned for the time being, and when I return to Hope City, I will start dispensing the antidote

" Naruto listened and said to her again, "Well, I don't know what medicine I need?" Do you want me to buy them all first?"

Tsunade shook his head and replied, "Not for now, let's go back to Hope City to see the equipment in the hospital now, there are a lot of things that need to be used, let's buy them together when the time comes!" "

Hehe, that's fine, anyway, there is my dad, he has left the Flying Thunder God mark in every country in the ninja world, even if there are a lot of things, it won't take long to buy them all" Naruto said with a smile.

Tsunade heard Naruto mention Watergate, and then asked him, "Naruto, your father knows everything about you, does he have any ideas?"

Naruto thought for a moment and said, "Before we came out to look for you this time, we said that we would go back to Konoha when you returned to Hope City!" "

Back to Konoha?" Tsunade asked suspiciously.

Naruto recognized the doubt in her tone, and then explained, "Fight back Konoha!" Hearing

this, Tsunade quickly asked, "Really? Watergate also supports fighting back

Konoha," Naruto gave her a strange look after hearing this, and then said, "Of course I supported, some of their souls stayed in my body before their resurrection, and they all know what happened to me, if it weren't for my father and mother asking to go back together after they were resurrected, I would have brought the lecherous fairy back to Konoha!"

After listening to Naruto's words, Tsunade immediately said, "Take me with you when you go back, I want to go back too!"

Naruto spread his hands, and then said, "Of course, and there may be a little too many people going to Konoha at that time, after all, there are not two people in the city who have a feud with Konoha."

Tsunade nodded after hearing this, and then asked Naruto, "Can you tell me about your previous life in Konoha?" When

Naruto heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then a large ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand, and then said to them, "These balls of light are all memory pictures of my childhood experience, you can all take a look" Naruto

said that you are not only Tsunade, Shizune, but also Hinata, Fuko Hotaru, the Summer family, and Hokuto.

Hotaru and the four of them also came to the living room at this time, and seeing Naruto say this, there was no excuse, and then everyone except Naruto and Jiraiya gathered around the ball of light.

This ball of light, as long as it touches, can read the memory picture inside, so everyone just stretches out a finger to point at the ball of light.

Naruto put a lot of memories inside, starting with the abuse he received a few days after he was taken to Konoha Hospital, until Naruto and Jiraiya left Konoha.

Including the plan made by Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, etc., are recorded in this ball of light.

After reading it, Hinata threw herself next to Naruto, took his hand, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Then she said to Naruto "Woo-woo, I'm sorry, I should have appeared by your side earlier, I really didn't expect them to treat you like this

" Seeing Hinata crying so sadly, Naruto quickly comforted in a soft voice, "It's okay, it's all gone, and I'm alive, don't cry, well"

Although listening to Naruto's words were so plain, Hinata couldn't believe that he thought the same in his heart, but she still stopped crying, just took Naruto's hand and tightened it.

Although the other people did not shed tears like Hinata after reading it, they could see their mood at the moment from their livid faces.

Ang stared at Naruto seriously, and then showed an extremely admiring gaze, he could survive in this situation, and he had grown to the point where he was now,,, if it had been him, he might have been unable to hold on to understanding his life.

Beidou next to him kept muttering after reading it, "How can they do this?" "

Hotaru and Natsuki, both of them are parents and after watching what happened to Naruto, they dare not imagine what they would do if this happened to Aang.

After Tsunade read it, he clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the table, and a shattering sound sounded, and the table directly turned into pieces.

Then she gritted her teeth and said, "They all deserve to die, I really didn't think that the original Shinobi would become like this!" "

Konoha was created by his grandfather Senjukuma, and although she doesn't have much sense of belonging to Konoha now, seeing that Sarutobi Flying Sun cut several people to treat a child like this for the benefit of the village, and they completely misinterpreted the true meaning of the Will of Fire.

This couldn't help but make Tsunade angry to the extreme.

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